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Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

Alt Names: alt 神さまのいない日曜日alt 神不在的星期天alt Kamisamano Inai Nichiyoubialt The Sunday without Godalt 没有神的星期天
Author: Irie Kimihito
Artist: Abara Heiki
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaFantasy FantasyMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalShounen ShounenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: God abandoned the world on Sunday. As a result, nobody in the world can die or reproduce. A little girl, Ai, is the gravekeeper for a village. She has prepared 47 graves for the eventual deaths of every member of the village. Later, a boy who identifies himself as "Hampnie Hambart, the 'Man-eating Toy'," which is coincidentally the name that Ai's mother left behind as the name of her father, arrives in the village and slaughters everybody. Just what is going on?
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Whew, what a short yet annoying chapter~

This series can be confusing to jump into but overall it's rather interesting.

Pretty much you can't die by any normal means in this series, even if you get your brains blown out, your body will still 'live'. Only gravekeepers are able to truly kill the dead. That being said once you die once, your body slowly becomes an undead, which I assume we all know what undead are like zombie-like creatures, void of humanity.


The village Ai came from must have died at some point. Which is why they insisted on getting buried. Youki must have died while no one noticed, which is why Anna insisted he travel with Ai, assuming he was still alive. Which was why he apologized to Ai when he thought she was asleep.

I can only hope that the inconsistency coming from the village was the fact a gravekeeper was buried. Which would be weird. Although who is it? Youki? Or Ai's mother?


'Father' was probably kidnapped for medical purposes. I bet they'll find him opened up with guts everywhere. Perhaps they'll try eating his heart to obtain immortality.


At any rate it's a neat spin on the apocalypse.


Y'know... that medical comment got me wondering if "God" didn't prepare a reset switch for the apocalypse.


We already know that all the dead people retain their strongest emotions and continue "living" around that single premise (Hampnie calls this having "crocodile brain". It's not just pure instinct either. In cases like Anna and Youki where the final remaining emotion is "love", they managed quite well to retain their sentience and sanity to the end. In that sense the "curse" upon humanity isn't entirely unforgiving. While most humans degrade into loathsome, extremely selfish beings (because, let's face it, the strongest emotion is usually me, myself, mine), there are redeemed ones for whom death was a beautiful thing - at least until Hampnie pops up in town. In that sense, if the "curse" of immortality is actually intended as a gift, then the "God" of this series may have also prepared a way to rebuild the world in the form of Hampnie Hambart (assuming he actually is the only one of his kind) and the Gravekeepers. That is to say, if Hampnie had kids with a Gravekeeper, the children (like Ai) would be born as normal human beings with the bonus power of being able to provide finality to the lost souls of old humanity. 


In other words, to reset the world all Hampnie Hambart needs to do is find as many Gravekeepers as he could and boink every single one of them until they're all pregnant with his kids - and given his immortality he'll have plenty of time to get this done. Given that Gravekeepers are also all docile, beautiful women, Hampnie's anger towards "God" is misplaced. "God" actually made him the immortal Adam of an endless harem of hot Eves! How's that something to complain about?


Hampnie, you're a dolt!

Such a short chapter....D:

I'm impressed, killing himself with a  stab to the heart!

This series can be confusing to jump into but overall it's rather interesting.

Pretty much you can't die by any normal means in this series, even if you get your brains blown out, your body will still 'live'. Only gravekeepers are able to truly kill the dead. That being said once you die once, your body slowly becomes an undead, which I assume we all know what undead are like zombie-like creatures, void of humanity.


The village Ai came from must have died at some point. Which is why they insisted on getting buried. Youki must have died while no one noticed, which is why Anna insisted he travel with Ai, assuming he was still alive. Which was why he apologized to Ai when he thought she was asleep.

I can only hope that the inconsistency coming from the village was the fact a gravekeeper was buried. Which would be weird. Although who is it? Youki? Or Ai's mother?


'Father' was probably kidnapped for medical purposes. I bet they'll find him opened up with guts everywhere. Perhaps they'll try eating his heart to obtain immortality.


At any rate it's a neat spin on the apocalypse.



Dat face!


Oh my....that kick.

wow...why I always start reading when it is at a really good part :(

So it seems he actually is her father!

Oh, okay. 

Damn, I can't wait for this to be animated this Summer season. Beautiful.

yes... Yes...!! YES....!!! More Chapters!!! Hurray! Thank you!

Oh my god, she's too freaking adorable


Also, are we to expect any more updates?
EDIT: The post from the group is current, so maybe they've picked it up again: http://stubbornone.blogspot.ca/2013/05/kamisama-no-inai-nichiyoubi.html

@Mirugo and Rizky: I think people can "die", but they need a gravekeeper to make it permanent. Until then, it's kind of like they're zombies: their bodies and brains can rot, but they'll still be "alive". It's likely that living while being dead can cause unintended consequences for the "living" people, though those effects haven't been necessarily revealed yet. I think it's related to how their brains rot and the effects it has on their minds.


By the way, I reread the manga to refresh my memory since it's been so long, and that one gravekeeper they met—Scar—mentioned that there were 57 dead people and one "irregularity" that could be ignored. Irregularity worries me. Do you think it might be referring to Ai's mom? Or something else? It might also refer to someone else.

Well it was confusing for me a the start but whith later chapters the story is making more sense do you remember when  touki tell ai "sorry" i think it is  because they are deceiving her so she doesnt do her job as a gravekeeper,  they are already dead maybe they died from the disease but i think that touki was still alive or is the same as hampnie because of what scar said that there was one that was abnormal.

was this actually picked up again or is that an old chapter that was missed?

It seems we're getting an anime adaptation! http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-10-19/kamisama-no-inai-nichiyobi-light-novels-gets-anime

I can already imagine rikiya koyama as Julie and nobuhiko okamoto as Hampnie

I'm confused.  I stopped at ch 10 because it's not making sense to me.  Maybe I missed something but why was everyone in the village killed in the first place?  No one can reproduce or die, yet he claims that people are dying of illness and the like and that he kills them.  But they are alive then if they weren't dead...so it's just murder.  And the little girl chooses to follow the man who killed all her friends and family?

Either my logic or the story's logic is confusing me.

so do i... will there be someone kind enough to explain it to me? 

I'm confused.  I stopped at ch 10 because it's not making sense to me.  Maybe I missed something but why was everyone in the village killed in the first place?  No one can reproduce or die, yet he claims that people are dying of illness and the like and that he kills them.  But they are alive then if they weren't dead...so it's just murder.  And the little girl chooses to follow the man who killed all her friends and family?

Either my logic or the story's logic is confusing me.

Wow, really, an update? Thank you!

An update on this manga? Well, that was unexpected.

@Ragion Layward and others
I didn't see anywhere that it followed any specific allegorical elements, and from reading it I would say that it is not supposed to make sense, yet.
Dunno about you guys, but Hampnie is fucking awesome.

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