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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.43 - 77votes)


Alt Names: alt ネクロ;クロニクル ,alt Cronica de la Muertealt Necro Chronicle
Author: Suzuki Kyoutarou
Artist: Suzuki Kyoutarou
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Sakuragi Kazuma is just a normal boy who believes in the status quo, to his girlfriend's chagrin. But his life changes after he is reanimated by a necromancer who wants to conquer Japan. What will happen next...?
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>Magical Rape-worm pit


Okay, this has happened far to often for it to be a coincidence, is there any messed up Japanese/Chineese Lore which dictates magical rape-worm Yokai?


If not, methinks Nasu really did open a can of worms with that idea.

not sure about imhotep if the author sticks with death gods and i think imhotep is a high priest or something.

Technically, he was a polymath in the employ of Djoser as a chancellor of state (something he was very good at) with the commonly included positions of doctor, high priest, etc. Imhotep's biggest claim to fame is being one of the earliest great thinker of humanity as well as being the first recorded architect/engineer in history (he designed the Pyramid of Djoser, which if you know anything about architectural history, is pretty amazing). While Imhotep was a high priest, he was a high priest of Ra (sun god) not Osiris (death god). His association with death magic is actually modern and comes from the Mummy movies (where the main antagonist shares the same name, but a completely different backstory/character setting; the real Imhotep was apparently quite a loyal fellow and there is no evidence of him ever coveting any of the Pharaoh's wives, let alone murdering the Pharaoh). To be blunt, in true Egyptian mythology he is not really associated with death (of course this does not mean he won't show up here as neither lancelot of jeanne are known for their associations with death).

no i mean, all the historical icons that associates with the dead realm , will all appears in this manga

Ironic given your name.

"He showed me how to masturbate on the king of toilets."

I died, I held a strait face though this entire manga (as i am at work right now), but when i read that I died

what's with the betting lol. i meant as a summoner instead of a minion. izanami is a japanese deity. morrigan is an irish one. imhotep is a highpriest. a minion? sure. a leader? a little less likely. he probably will be anubis' minion.


Abe no Seimei is pretty equal to Imhotep. So it's still possible.

no i mean, all the historical icons that associates with the dead realm , will all appears in this manga

what's with the betting lol. i meant as a summoner instead of a minion. izanami is a japanese deity. morrigan is an irish one. imhotep is a highpriest. a minion? sure. a leader? a little less likely. he probably will be anubis' minion.

Abe no Seimei is pretty equal to Imhotep. So it's still possible.


The moment those two were introduced, I knew, that they would end up sexually assaulted... I expected Emma's side to be doing that, but still... Those two were screaming rape-fodder...

jeanne is a flipping knight, so why wont an egyptian high priest of the undead and underworld wont be there?


wanna bet some more? 


Hades, and greek and roman mythology gods will be in here

what's with the betting lol. i meant as a summoner instead of a minion. izanami is a japanese deity. morrigan is an irish one. imhotep is a highpriest. a minion? sure. a leader? a little less likely. he probably will be anubis' minion.

not sure about imhotep if the author sticks with death gods and i think imhotep is a high priest or something.

jeanne is a flipping knight, so why wont an egyptian high priest of the undead and underworld wont be there?


wanna bet some more? 


Hades, and greek and roman mythology gods will be in here

All that I could remember was: "Stand down, virgins!" LMAO!

I love the fact that the one yelling it is Jeanne who... was most likely a virgin herself when she died...

I bet there will be a church.

wanna bet something?

since its all about the undead, supernatural power and dark magic,

there's gonna be imhotep, and the book of the dead, egypt style

not sure about imhotep if the author sticks with death gods and i think imhotep is a high priest or something.

anubis is another likely addition along with baron samedi and mictlantecuhtli.

wanna bet something?

since its all about the undead, supernatural power and dark magic,

there's gonna be imhotep, and the book of the dead, egypt style

Wow this manga is dangerous in some way





I guess there will be someone as Hades or Thanatos later huh

anubis is another likely addition along with baron samedi and mictlantecuhtli.

Tentacles. Why did it have to be tentacles?

they were eels

but yeah, he's the japanese necromancer, what will you expect xD

Tentacles. Why did it have to be tentacles?

All that I could remember was: "Stand down, virgins!" LMAO!

Oh, Lancelot is certainly worthy of attention.

Why are magical dick worms even a thing

Wow this manga is dangerous in some way





I guess there will be someone as Hades or Thanatos later huh

I like how Lancelot has basically considered Kazuma as a "pro". I mean then again he did have his badass moment with no hesitation so you have to give proper respect to someone willing to throw in without doubt or regret. Obviously though Emma is going to take Kazuma and Maiko as "hers" after all she already has Kazuma and well... Emma is also an Otaku so the impulse to "collect the whole set" would demand her to take Maiko as well.

The shapes of those thing at the end...well I know enough to see where this will be coming to

i always thought Morrigan is a Goddess of War and Battle not of Death lolz......

She's both.

Love the mix of comedy, fanservice, and seriousness in this chapter.

Okay, Lancelot is the best character. What an ikemen.

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