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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.51 - 156votes)

Ore ga Akuma de, Aitsu ga Yome de

Alt Names: alt Aku♥yomealt Akuyomealt オレが悪魔で、アイツが嫁で。alt I'm a demon, and she's my bride.alt I'm a Devil, and That's My Bridealt Ore ga Akuma de, Aitsu ga Yome de.alt 我是恶魔,她是妻
Author: Aruma Rumi
Artist: Aruma Rumi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Demons will grant any human wishes in exchange for their soul. Anzamnia, an ambitious demon, has fallen to the bottom of the chart, having collected zero souls. After being kicked out to earth by the police, he found himself in Japan, in search of a human contractor in order to get back home. Then he crosses his way with a lonely little girl, who is convinced he is an angel sent from Heaven and insists that he grant her wish and form a contract with her, knowing it will take away her life? Anzamnia's first contract is formed, and her wish is... for them to get married?! So starts the blissful married life of this adorable and idiotic couple.
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No, he literally means the manga called MY BALLS or Oretama - Ore ga chikyu o sukutte!?
@Attis. Not sure if troll or just really . . . yeah.

@Attis: Y'know, this is Japan we're talking about: http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=5161
@ comody

You lost me there... your balls are not manga man. They're those things that are contained in your sac under your...er, rod and the entire package is behind your pants. Posting pictures would get me banned so that's the best explanation I can give you buddy.
uhhh yes i was referring to the manga.....anyways .. good chapter clean artwork
@ Attis you know that MYBALLS is a manga right?
Lightning as a defibrillator... this could be a medical revolution right here...
@ Gregorie Gardner

Now you get me interested in finding out what your balls look like....
this is a refreshing manga ^^
Hahaa, isn't the priest's house and Anzam's uhh magic tricks amazing? Though our typesetter disagrees with page 25 and said...
"More amazing than Tokyo? My ass."
(Is arse going to be censored? ...)

@bs000sb WAHHHH. Yeah, something like that.
-smacks self-
How could I have missed it >;U
But I'm currently busy translating the next few chapters so I'm going to have to leave it in there T__T"
@S.C. Oh you're right lol my bad didn't realize this wasn't shoujo either.

I was thinking more along the lines of just the romance genre.

Anyways I think this also fits under shoujo though.
Violent, sadistic nature.
Possible pedophile.
Booze everywhere in his house.
I- Is that a statue of Mother Mary shoved into the washing machine? @A@


Do you mean using the word besides instead of beside on page 5 chapter 3.
I couldn't stop laughing, when I saw the priest's house
Awwh Anzam. This story is appealing so much to me.
Looks can be deceiving, who would have thought the priest was an actual slob
well it could end up like MYBALLS and the guy turns into a normal person.
Im.. Amazed. Very good art, original and captivating story, funny.. And I love the characters. And the plot development and character development have so much potential.

MOAR *roar*
It would be cool if like every 10-20 chapters there's gonna be a time skip so by the end of the manga we'll see if she's gonna be hot :))
Oh gosh. I swear I read this over like 10 times but I still feel like there's a mistake somewhere...
If there actually is one, POINT IT OUT PLEASE.
And what a surprise; they're all shoujo...
I thought it was demons who went for bondage... catholic priests grow more terrifying every manga.
Uika is the one saying it.
there is a line that I don't understand on page 8 on two last column " and also if i make a wish it'll cause me to die faster...!" who is saying this? Anzam? or Uika-chan?
Good chapter, The father was the best, I wonder if he got his skills training under a Belmont.... Still the torture part was funny

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