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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.66 - 182votes)


Alt Names: alt Black Butleralt El Mayordomo Negroalt 검은 집사alt 黒執事alt Kara Kahyaalt Piru Hovimestariksialt خادم سیاه
Author: Toboso Yana
Artist: Toboso Yana
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalShounen ShounenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Among the noble families of Victorian England exists Sebastian Michaelis, butler to the Phantomhives. He has unquestionably impeccable knowledge of all subjects, including etiquette, martial arts and cooking, as well as talents in every other area imaginable.

However, though Sebastian is undeniably perfect, he is forever destined to meet the needs of his 12 year old master, Ciel. Wearing a black tailcoat whilst gracefully brewing the world's strongest red tea, why is it that such a high class butler chooses never to leave the side of such a frustrating master? And what is the truth behind his perfection? The secrets of Sebastian and the tragedies of his cunning young master slowly unfold as the duo goes up against many terrible and unexpected foes.
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-_- Seriously? Come on. No developments except that we know the werewolves were real............

OH GOD, THE WEREWOLVES ARE ACTUALLY REAL. I thought it was just a metaphor!

In a world full of demons and shinigamis and whatever else, I'd be quite surprised if the werewolves was actually a lie.

OH GOD, THE WEREWOLVES ARE ACTUALLY REAL. I thought it was just a metaphor!


The Kuroshitsuji anime's third season will begin in July. This is going to adapt the arc "Noah's Ark Circus" (Volume 6-8). The arc Phantomhive Manor Murder Case (Volume 9-11) will be OVA and it's planned for this fall (in theaters).




The Kuroshitsuji anime's third season will begin in July. This is going to adapt the arc "Noah's Ark Circus" (Volume 6-8). The arc Phantomhive Manor Murder Case (Volume 9-11) will be OVA and it's planned for this fall (in theaters).



I was blown away by the ending of this chapter. surprised by the raw emotion in that instant--felt the grief. 

There have been so much sadness in the last chapters, but somehow I really liked it.

It was somewhat of a reminder of how this story is not just about supernatural beings, gorgeous characters and investigations, but also the story of a traumatized boy, with a big trauma at that.

I really hope that we'll discover more of Ciel's past in this (somehow when I see him with Finnian, I'm just thinking : "What if he's faking it (his distraught state) to get informations ?").

.... while i wouldn't put it past him... I think tho at first it was 100% real...


however after the milk and honey, it may be more of an act. tho I wouldn't doubt that if anything, he does want to talk about it. about his insecurities to "get them off his chest" sort of thing. cause that can help, and considering what he has been though even after getting free from the kidnappers, has to weigh on the soul. so i think I personally can allow him to show more of a weaker side considering the shit he has been though.

There have been so much sadness in the last chapters, but somehow I really liked it.

It was somewhat of a reminder of how this story is not just about supernatural beings, gorgeous characters and investigations, but also the story of a traumatized boy, with a big trauma at that.

I really hope that we'll discover more of Ciel's past in this (somehow when I see him with Finnian, I'm just thinking : "What if he's faking it (his distraught state) to get informations ?").

Ughh so much chapters to catch up on ~_~ But thank you for the update ^_^

The last 5 pages was at least an interesting read.

wait. Is Ciel not Ciel???? Who was he talking to? Twin? What?


Is this going to turn into one of those series where the main character is not who he thought he was? God I hope not.



It's been two days and no one's answered, haha.... Hoping you're not all agreeing with me here. I'm holding out hope that he was just referring to himself in the third person.

I would totally agree with this theory if it weren't for the fact that Sebastian was affected too. Unless his body has as many weakness as any normal human body, allergies shouldn't affect him (or at least that's my opinion, then again I don't really know how does a demon's body work ...)


Yeah that's the only part I can't figure but as you said, we don't know anything about how a demon's body works. We're not even sure what his true form looks like yet.


There is a chance that there could be a magical component to it and that's why Sebastian was able to be affected but not in nearly as bad a straight as Ciel was. After all this is a manga where demons are real, so are shinigami's and the dead can be reanimated with various amounts of intelligence.


But overall I think this is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about Ciel's horrific past and maybe a bit more about Sebastian as well.

My hypothesis on the curse...



I lost it at "I knew he was some kind of fetishist"

"...and as my first command, make me more of those delicious food!"

hmm that's rather interesting... with him being her butler I feel like this may turn into hardcore hentai lol, but jokes aside she will most probably use him to get rid of that curse once for all

Well, well, ain't that lady just more and more surprising : secret chambers, fetishes and now having a demon butler (even if it's a temporary one). But it's like so many things are on the line, as she also knows that Sebastian is a demon, I bet she can exploit his weaknesses if there is any.

I've never been so excited waiting for the next chapter in a while.

AHaha, Sebastian is NTR-ing Ciel.

I haven't read this in almost a year and a half!.....thank god, now I can read as much as I want for a bit! xD

Whenever his past is depicted I feel rather disturbed. Even more so when I think that there are still places something like that happens ... even today.

I am not religious but I really do hope that there is a hell for people who commit such atrocious crimes.



Uh oh..

Anyone got the feeling the Ciel in this chapter is something we've been waiting to see? Not because we want it but more because this is expected to happen. I was expecting this sooner.


Omg, I haven't laughed so hard while reading a manga in so long. I love how innocent Ciel is here compared to the little lady. All those sexual references made me laugh. It's good to see Ciel more as a kid again haha. His face with the tears was really cute. But that ending, man, shocked me a bit. I hope they get cured soon... they look disturbing.

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