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Doubt! (AMANO Sakuya)

Alt Names: alt ダウト!alt Doubt!alt 다우트!
Author: Amano Sakuya
Artist: Amano Sakuya
Genres: Comedy ComedyHarem HaremMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Ichiru Kanzaki is given an offer he can't refuse: to clear his entire debt, he has to enroll in the high school his father works at and track down his father's illegitimate daughter, whom he has never met. But which girl is she?
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Kinda feels like the series was axed and the author managed to end it rather well... I mean, why suddenly all these characters we've never seen before? The uncle, and the person Meg called at the end for example? Sounds like there was at least one "big brother" waiting to make an appearance.


Nice read, but could've been a bit longer.

Owari da. Sure was a good ride.

If by 'they' you mean me and kobie-kobie, then...


I've translated the last chapter, but then ding-dong scanlation business go bing-baboom. Basically I was told by Mr. Redrawer & Typesetter & Do-Everything to wait for Casanova to catch up with the releases and they'll do the last chapter based on an improved version of my translation (or not, since it's pretty shitty anyway so they might as well redo the translation over from the beginning).


For people who got nothing else to do, here's my translation.

Scanlation drama, huh? Well thanks for the translations anyways, I really appreciate it.

Why must they stall right before the final chapter? Are they sadists?


If by 'they' you mean me and kobie-kobie, then...


I've translated the last chapter, but then ding-dong scanlation business go bing-baboom. Basically I was told by Mr. Redrawer & Typesetter & Do-Everything to wait for Casanova to catch up with the releases and they'll do the last chapter based on an improved version of my translation (or not, since it's pretty shitty anyway so they might as well redo the translation over from the beginning).


For people who got nothing else to do, here's my translation.

Why must they stall right before the final chapter? Are they sadists?

But anyways... I wanted to go mama route..

Seconded this.

That just might be the best Oxymoron I've read in ages.


and I think it's already common in H material ...=3= ...

> Aya is Ichiru's sister (that's what he thought so).

> Aya's mom is dying.


We're near finishing the story. I mean the whole point of this series is to find his lost sister right?


Anyway Asuka best girl.


no, legal loli is the best ...

I wasnt sure about this manga but the last 4 pages of the first chapter hooked me.  I wont be reading any comments till I catch up.  That is all.

> Aya is Ichiru's sister (that's what he thought so).
> Aya's mom is dying.
We're near finishing the story. I mean the whole point of this series is to find his lost sister right?
Anyway Asuka best girl.

Objection. Mana is the best.

So I understood like none of that last chapter..

But anyways... I wanted to go mama route..

> Aya is Ichiru's sister (that's what he thought so).

> Aya's mom is dying.


We're near finishing the story. I mean the whole point of this series is to find his lost sister right?


Anyway Asuka best girl.

So I understood like none of that last chapter..

But anyways... I wanted to go mama route..

Goddamn cliffhanger! Sooo,ichiru's father is having an affair with aya's mom or what? I still don't get it, it's so confusing.


damn, don't put death flag to loli MILF ...


That just might be the best Oxymoron I've read in ages.

no matter what happens, this has been awesome.

Aw, Come on! Can't they leave peacefully without anything bad happening? Apparently not. God damn it!

Gotta hate this "Find out what happened in the next chapter!" kinda ending...

So after all of this, Papachiru, the guy resposible for all of this mess got away without any punishment or some sort ?


IMO, everything would be less of a mess if that guy has some sort of responsibility as a parent


damn, don't put death flag to loli MILF ...

totally against this ...

I hope this series won't end in tragedy element ...

D: I care about the credits.

What. WHAT?


Best girl, noouuuuuuuuuuu.

Sometimes the power of predicting cliche things becomes amazing in its own way...but I like the characters design so its ok, thanks for keeping the scan :)


BTW the cover of vol.4 is the mother xD

Whyyy we just met her a chapter ago! That's just too cruel. Looks like the story is heading towards its conclusion and it's great that he's started connecting with everyone but a world without Aya's mom is just...



I still read the credits page.
Don't be like that, oppeketenmukki, we love you. I.kostas' raws are good, kobester11's work looks great, and you are a beautiful unique little butterfly and Inou Battle is moeblob shit, much to everyone's disappointment so far.
Thank you for everything.

So, at first I thought this was totally out of left field, but then I quickly remembered what started the whole story.



It's got axed or author want end this series?

See the comments at page 5

Further comments from the author's blog
[font='ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3', Arial, Helvetica, Osaka, sans-serif]二年前の、連載前打ち合わせのときに「4巻で一度終わります。そのときの終わり方はこうです。」と話したところまでは、無事に運べたのでホッとしております。 [/size][/font][font='ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3', Arial, Helvetica, Osaka, sans-serif]どうぞ、今後も応援して頂けると嬉しいです[/size][/font]
Rough translation:
2 years ago, in the meeting before the serialization, I said something like "(The story will) come to an end in 4th volume, and by that time, this is how it should ends" to the editor. I'm glad that things go according as planned
Dear readers, I hope you will continue to support me in the future
"The story will" part has bracket because in the original Japanese sentence, the subject of the sentence is being omitted. So it could mean "The sister searching arc will end here", or it could mean "the story will end as a whole", or something else which I haven't thought of.
The original Japanese sentence also has [font='ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3', Arial, Helvetica, Osaka, sans-serif]一度[/size][/font], which means "for 1 time", or "once", or sometimes "as of now". 
With the above's guesses + what l.kostas mentioned + the part "I'm glad that things go according as planned", it is safe to say the story wasn't axed. Which I am happy for the author. and I could also have higher hope for second season now

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