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Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.57 - 238votes)


Alt Names: alt 어빌리티
Author: Son Je-Ho
Artist: Lee Gwang-Su
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyMystery MysteryShounen ShounenSupernatural SupernaturalWebtoon Webtoon[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ====Batoto Staff Notice====
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Great new chapter, very awesome, thanks EGS!!

Aw...poor Ye-Rin! :'(


Yu-Hwa is a bit thick, isn't he? xD

 Now that's what I call epic fail! Poor Yu-Hwa!

to all that want a cool jrpg game one is being made right now on kick starter and i have already donated to it but i would love to see this fully funded every little but counts so PLEASE check it out and lets see an awesome game get made http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/disastercake/soul-saga-a-j-rpg-inspired-by-playstation-classics?ref=live i just really want this project to turn out well i do not want to be rude so if you like classic jrpg please give a little and lets help make an epic game


This series doesn't warrant that much suspense. Go read Berserk. Now THAT will teach you some patience. 


Berserk? You mean that one imaginably screwed up series? That one series that I can't even imagine would exist? Like what kind of twisted author would stoop so low to draw out a story that is so ravaged and messed up? And what readers would actually get themselves to go on reading that?


Ability may not be the freshest series around, but it's potential is still very high. Berserk can go screw itself. I gave up on that the moment Casca was ****ed in front of a helpless Gats.


Ability > Berserk anyday

>>Learn it from me<<

I strongly suggest to avoid this manga!!!


UNTIL it gets around 50 or so chapters. It's just so good that you'll just be disappointed that there's only 32 chapters so far.

If only you had posted this a day earlier 

This series doesn't warrant that much suspense. Go read Berserk. Now THAT will teach you some patience. 

(y) gracias por el capitulo.

excelente capitulo :D :D (y)

>>Learn it from me<<

I strongly suggest to avoid this manga!!!


UNTIL it gets around 50 or so chapters. It's just so good that you'll just be disappointed that there's only 32 chapters so far.

If only you had posted this a day earlier 

Awww >: he should've just punched the old dude.

What prediction? The raws of latest chapter came on 29th (before the user gave his mighty prediction).

I feel grateful to the author to end his arc before going in break.

int nb_randomPeopleHelpedByTheMCAndBecameFriends = 1; //police officer
nb_randomPeo..[tab] ++; //got a new friend in this arc

The way this webtoon is going, he will bring his cafe back to his old glory and make sink his Insurance Company.

Twist : The stone has no effect on non anothers so he'll have to use his own power to save him & will learn to use his powers. I'm calling it



You have succesfully gave a prediction of the future of a manhwa , i hereby give you the title of : The Manhwa Seer , you also rewarded 10 internetz cookies and a robe of the Old Elder Sage 

>>Learn it from me<<

I strongly suggest to avoid this manga!!!


UNTIL it gets around 50 or so chapters. It's just so good that you'll just be disappointed that there's only 32 chapters so far.

Twist : The stone has no effect on non anothers so he'll have to use his own power to save him & will learn to use his powers. I'm calling it

Damn, I catches up fairly quick from chapter 8. Curse my reading skills for being fast. But then again, there wasn't much dialogues.


I was thinking the same thing.

"Sigh* I'm a pacifist you know?" Pfttttt XD ahhahaha.
THIS MC! I can't get enough of him XD

At the end of this chapter, I got the "I can see the ending !" feeling ^^



This is the concept that almost every protagonist portrays; naruto, luffy Stop acting as if this is something new

Well.. the point is that he is different : I love the fact that he is a main character who has a side character position !!

I'm talking about character who have only healing and defensive ability.

It is true, that isn't new, I just hope that he won't power up like an usual nekketsu character, but will continue to have weak offensive power and just have deal dommage with his stamina.

I know that it's not starting to go that way.. the encounter with the boss last time and the starting plot tends to hint a character growth, that he will beat him later..

But I would love so much, if he stays somewhat weak until the end, managing his cafe, with strong healing abilties, with stronger friend who helps him when it is needed : who know HOW TO ASK HELP to the right person at the right time..

But yeah, it is unlikely ^^"

Great new chapter (32), thanks EGS!! 


and now a 6 week break, oh well, I guess everybody deserves a vacation every now and then........looking forward to when it comes back

Am I the only one still waiting for this to get half as interesting as Noblesse?

Even villains have ethics!

thanks for the new chapter EGS!!

" do you need a reason to help others", " you join Hon because you want to help others"

I'm getting the feeling thats Yu-hwa is based on Kamijou Touma now.

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