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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.5 - 48votes)


Alt Names: alt ウルトラマン
Author: Shimizu Eiichi & Shimoguchi Tomohiro
Artist: Shimizu Eiichi & Shimoguchi Tomohiro
Genres: Action ActionMystery MysterySci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Ages since the absences of the Gigantic Hero, the next generation hero who inherits the bloodlines of the legendary gigantic hero emerges. Shin Jiro, a normal high school student,the son of Shin Hayate(the real Ultraman) has been aware about the existence of Ultraman years ago.
He wanted to be a hero that saves the world but he is just a normal human and had no superpowers or such.One fateful day lead him to a special high-tech suit that will turn him into a different incarnation of the legendary gigantic hero! Will he be a HERO?
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This manga is a sequel to the original Ultraman, so the manga makes the assumption you have watched the original Ultraman. If you have never watched Ultraman, you'd have no idea what the heck is happening here so in that sense I agree with you: If you have no knowledge of what Ultraman is stay away because knowledge of the original is necessary to enjoy this manga. If you, as me, watched Ultraman when you were a kid this manga is a must read. This is like the ultimate fanservice to any Ultraman fan.

Completely agree, I'm a big fan of the Ultraman franchise as a whole, and this manga is friggin awesome especially because the authors are big fan of Tokusatsu in general who knows their stuff and not just some authors who write without knowing anything about Tokusatsu. They even make the awesome Kamen Rider Doujin, Hybrid Insector, too bad Toei took it down

This is one big pile of garbage. I usually love  anything super hero, but this may even be worse than the worst, JUNK. Go and read Ratman instead people.

This manga is a sequel to the original Ultraman, so the manga makes the assumption you have watched the original Ultraman. If you have never watched Ultraman, you'd have no idea what the heck is happening here so in that sense I agree with you: If you have no knowledge of what Ultraman is stay away because knowledge of the original is necessary to enjoy this manga. If you, as me, watched Ultraman when you were a kid this manga is a must read. This is like the ultimate fanservice to any Ultraman fan.

The suit and alien design is god-tier

This is one big pile of garbage. I usually love  anything super hero, but this may even be worse than the worst, JUNK. Go and read Ratman instead people.

This is much better than Ratman, I like that one too, though. This and One Punch Man are the best hero manga right now.

Thankfully Japanese fans agree with me, it made number 10 on kono manga ga sugoi last year and the sales for the tankobon are very successful, especially considering it runs in a seinen magazine that started only recently. If you don't like it, don't read it, easy isn't it?

This is one big pile of garbage. I usually love  anything super hero, but this may even be worse than the worst, JUNK. Go and read Ratman instead people.

Where is chapter 1?

I think in the US at least people only know Ultraman from an appearance he made in a godzilla movie.

Ultraman never make an appearance on a Godzilla movie. That was a robot called Jet Jaguar, no relation to Ultraman

i have a question, in US or other western country did the original series is popular? i know that Ultraman series is popular in Asian country.


I think in the US at least people only know Ultraman from an appearance he made in a godzilla movie.

hmmm... I*on Man in manga... Interesting....

@DaburuO, I know, I was just aswering with what I know so far

Btw, where did you find raws?  Just asking cuz I haven't found sites for raws yet.

i like the beeps XD nostalgic

i have a question, in US or other western country did the original series is popular? i know that Ultraman series is popular in Asian country.

I remember watching Ultraman on TV when I was a little kid. I think it was black and white, but it was awesome 'cuz he struck all those poses to make his ray blast things, which was great for playing Ultraman in the back yard. There was absolutely no doubt when you were zapping the stuffing out of a bad guy.

I don't know why they translated into "beep, beep, beep..", the original Japanese is Shinjiro's heavy breating. I think "ha.." or "huff" would've been better.

beeep beeep beeep

I think this manga is awesome. Battling monsters with a special suit of armor has it's charm to me.

and so began the harem

@Indomável Yeah 'hero' is used 6 times.... A little ridonkcules >_<
@DaburuO, I know, I was just aswering with what I know so far
@blackadder, haven't read the raws but was just an assumption as turning red usually means a big power boost or something in the anime/manga world.
I've read this manga up to the newest chapter, chapter 15(haven't found chapter 14 yet though). So far, Shinjiro doesn't transform into a giant.
@pluki7, volume 2 cover shows him a burning red color similar to when Gigante Guyver goes Exceed Guyver or Guyver Exceed forget which one it was.
I wonder if this Ultraman will be able to enlarge himself?
@ Four
Man, this description have so many "HEROs" ...it´s stupid

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