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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.25 - 79votes)


Alt Names: alt ●Rec
Author: Hanamizawa Q-Taro
Artist: Hanamizawa Q-Taro
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A salaryman Matsumaru Fumihiko 26, asked his colleague miss Tanaka to watch a movie with him, but she doesn't show up at the movie theater. As he is about to throw away the ticket, a rookie seiyuu girl named Onda Aka aged 20 asked for the ticket and they end up watching the movie together. On their way home they notice that they live near each other. That night, Aka's apartment burns down. Matsumaru offers his help and they end up with Aka living with him. They have to keep it a secret to secure their jobs. What will happen to the relationship that is "more than friends but less than lovers"...

Already Finished at chapter 124 with 16 Volumes
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I'm glad to see this serie back! Thank you For The Halibut!




P.S.:If you want more manga from that scanlation group, they are currently in need of donation to be able to buy manga volumes. So if you feel generous go see their website!

Is it end already ?

How many chapter until finished ?


Someone know where to get the RAW please ?! 


nice to see updates
but update gaps is 6 month, o dear
what a torture device
this is one of the manga i wish it to be end early so i can close a chapter in my life, i dont want it to linger like berserk or axe or become lame like kimi no iru machi

Actually the manga have already ended but the translation take time
I assure u that it would not ends like kimi no iru machi

Looks like it's time to reread.  I don't remember anything that's happened...

nice to see updates

but update gaps is 6 month, o dear

what a torture device


this is one of the manga i wish it to be end early so i can close a chapter in my life, i dont want it to linger like berserk or axe or become lame like kimi no iru machi

That was nice :)

Waiting for Update.

GODDAMMIT!!! Matsumaru hasn't scored since chapter 1, CHAPTER 1 people. That cockblock was uncalled for, it undermined an effort on his part that was 55 FRIKKING chapters in the making. Sigh...I feel for this guy...TT^TT...

cant stand Matsumaru lately....

man and they were actually getting into the mood too.

Can't help for Matsumaru to act like though, especially since he IS going out with an idol after all.

...social justice warrior... ...white knight...

Oh great, to think I'd get lumped in with them, even though I tried to avoid using terms they would use. I was going to explain myself and my viewpoint, but it's quite clear that I'm terrible at it, and I have a defeatist attitude, so I'll just say I think such labels are more about looking for a way "validate" the dismissal of a viewpoint than backing up one's own. But I can agree that some of the people that get called those and similar terms are annoying and really just harm whatever movement they're trying to advocate.

Dropped after chapter 25. Such a slut heroine.

aka a slut?!......


are you crazy?!


Wow! a  update!


I could have sworn I read this manga years ago and it was completed.

Damn the manager actually hot :P

Indeed, that was exactly what I was getting at.  Go ahead and drop the manga - different strokes and all that - but declaring the heroine a slut just after what happens up to chapter 25?  Typical self-centered, double-standard male view.


And again I point to adamfreddy's use of Rance as an avatar: a selfish, horny, male that bones any legal girl he can while keeping a sex slave is worthy of identifying himself with, but a girl that willingly lies with one other guy that she thought was someone important to her is worthy of insulting (and I'm positive "slut" was used as a insult there).

I can understand getting angry because a character was insulted. But someone using Rance as an avatar does not have as much meaning as you social justice warrior would like to think. It's not a message from the patriarchy advocating rape, any more than an avatar of Niko Bellic is advocacy of mass shootings. No, we are not teaching kids to respect Rance and you did not just catch the patriarchy in a case of double standard.


Don't confuse fantasy and reality, or completely different fictional universes. From normal vanilla to shotacon, futa, furry and vore, rules within hentai universes don't even play well with each other, let alone be acceptable guidelines for real life behaviours. In fact you dragging hentai logic into this was really unwarranted, and I pity whoever thumbed up the deviation of the discussion to Rance and hentai.


Getting back to real life, after reading up to the chapter in question, I'd say it read like some bad fan fiction that left a bad taste in my mouth. What did happen and what should've happened and what could've happened are really different. The great pain is of course, the clueless man in question, without bordering on omniscience, would never know what really happened, or even why. Sure, be a white knight and extol the human quality of flaws. Go discover yourself, boys and girls, while I'd prefer an honest and hard-working life to something from Anna Karenina. As in, at least phoning your lover and breaking up before proceeding to lie down with someone else. Used to call that stuff honor back in the day. I wouldn't condemn people who don't have it, but I have greener and more wholesome stuff to tend to.

Pssh all you people complaining about what happened in chapter 25.

I think you're all forgetting who the real scumbag is.

Tanaka-san from accounting.


No point in refering to adamfreddy in second person, he wouldn't be here to see it, and even if he had stuck around people like him stubbornly refuse to change, more so than most.  Good on you for bringing up the "suspension bridge" effect though, I missed that when looking back.

Dropped after chapter 25. Such a slut heroine.

After reading chapter 25 I have to say that you sir... are a derp. First of all they didn't even do anything and while I will admit she allowed herself to be put into such a compromising position the MC has also been put into a fair share of his own. Second, it's not really a surprise that she didn't resist at first because she was under the "suspension bridge" effect (he had just protected her in a car wreck) so she was severely emotionally vulnerable and the guy took advantage of that.


While I do not think it was something she should have done.. and one day she will HAVE to come clean to him on this situation I also think that she is human and therefore has flaws. It would have been another thing if she cheated on him and had lied about it. But, as she didn't cross the line I think we can consider this a very severe party foul and leave it at that.


Admittedly though if it was me as the MC and I learned about it... I think i would be upset with her for a while but, I also think that I would continue to stay with her. Call me a push over or a sap if you want but, think of it this way... in reality having that kind of ammo is a bit priceless in a Machiavellian way.

Up to chapter 14 right now and... I would just like to say for the record that what that woman did is in fact a crime. Even if she didn't actually do much it is still assault and most likely she used something to force him to black out. (since he said he has no memory that would imply something like a date rape drug was used on him). And her friend would go to jail as an accessory to it. Hope they get caught one day.

Indeed, that was exactly what I was getting at.  Go ahead and drop the manga - different strokes and all that - but declaring the heroine a slut just after what happens up to chapter 25?  Typical self-centered, double-standard male view.

I hope at least that hypothetically, had she actually slept with Kushi, she'd have told Matsumaru about it afterwards. Sleeping with someone else she really cares about, and breaking up (although they weren't technically dating) with Matsumaru I think is perfectly fine. Not telling him makes her worse than a slut, since there's nothing wrong with women who like to sleep around anyway.


That Kushi stopped before anything actually happens leaves this really bad taste in my mouth that possibly she wasn't apologising for choosing Kushi over MC, but rather apologising for having to lie to him about it afterwards. That would make her a disgusting person in my opinion. This is also why half the manga later, I still can't let it go.

 yes but the fact that he just called her a slut without any consideration to context is wat is offensive, its almost like victim blaming

Indeed, that was exactly what I was getting at.  Go ahead and drop the manga - different strokes and all that - but declaring the heroine a slut just after what happens up to chapter 25?  Typical self-centered, double-standard male view.


And again I point to adamfreddy's use of Rance as an avatar: a selfish, horny, male that bones any legal girl he can while keeping a sex slave is worthy of identifying himself with, but a girl that willingly lies with one other guy that she thought was someone important to her is worthy of insulting (and I'm positive "slut" was used as a insult there).

Regardless of gender it's annoying to see infidelity/resistanceless assault/rape in manga: Natsu no Zenjitsu-Nozoki Ana-Love Junkies-Haru Yo Koi-Freezing-Wolf Guy-Kimi no Iru Machi-Good End(or w/e it's called)... it's a perfectly legitimate reason to drop a romance manga...

 yes but the fact that he just called her a slut without any consideration to context is wat is offensive, its almost like victim blaming

One of those guys.  Females can't make mistakes?  Either pure virginal maiden or sleasebag that spreads for anyone, no inbetween?


You even got friggin Rance as your avatar.  Great example of virtue there.  Oh wait, males are suppose to go after sex, therefore he's a real upstanding man, is that it?

Regardless of gender it's annoying to see infidelity/resistanceless assault/rape in manga: Natsu no Zenjitsu-Nozoki Ana-Love Junkies-Haru Yo Koi-Freezing-Wolf Guy-Kimi no Iru Machi-Good End(or w/e it's called)... it's a perfectly legitimate reason to drop a romance manga...

An update!!!

woah... this long for the next update... what have I been reading these past months...

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