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* * * * * (4.62 - 76votes)

Shinobi no Kuni

Alt Names: alt 忍びの国alt World of a Ninja
Author: Wada Ryou
Artist: Banno Mutsumi
Genres: Action ActionHistorical HistoricalRomance RomanceShounen ShounenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Based on a novel by Wada Ryou, Shinobi no Kuni brings a story that blends history and fiction as it shows the struggles happening during the 16th century in Iga, a region famous by the Iga Shinobi, the ninjas from Iga.
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nooooooooooo He must kill them all!!!!!!!

Spoiler tags people!  Spoiler tags....   But since it's already spoiled...  I join my voice in those who cried "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

She's .... nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! GOD DAMN YOU!



Ehhhh, I don't like people (well, Mumon) acting uncharacteristically for the sake of drama.  I mean, I expected him to attack the Iga leaders but not with just a temper tantrum.  I was expecting more sneaky ninja shit, ending with either Mumon's death or success.








 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

holy! what a twist! i didn't expect that to happen. Before, I really like how Iga ninjas are so badass. Now, I just want mumon to kill them all lol.

Wow what the fuck, those fuckers!!! Only idiots would even think about making Mumon mad.


This was not how I envisioned the end at all, so sad...



think about it this way man, the more we hate them at hate beginning, the more fucking amazing it will be when mumono strips there flesh off of there bone slowly flaying them as they bleed in an agonizingly painful death where he then continues to break there bones, cut their dicks off (if they even have dicks), shove it up there ass, shove their balls down their throats, caulderize their wounds shut, hang them from a post and let infections,starvation, dehydration and the crows finish them off!!!!!! *huff huff huff*... Too much?

Chapter 21 was very sad though T.T

Wonder how this will be able to end in like 1 or two more chapters

Wow what the fuck, those fuckers!!! Only idiots would even think about making Mumon mad.


This was not how I envisioned the end at all, so sad...



does anyone feel like punching something???cause I sure do

awwww... why they need to kill heibe .... now i will be in mumon side... 

I hope he is dead, I really dislike the Iga there's absolutely nothing to like about those group of dengenerates.

There's something about the common ninja of the Iga, i.e, not the leaders, that I like. There's a sense of honor that's far too often missing in this world. Although I  can't condone murder under any circumstance, I appreciate their valor. It's not like they live nice lives like their enemies, every day is a struggle for them and they forge their path the only way they know: through violence. Mumon is cool too, and his leadership capabilities as well as his physical skill and romantic devotion make him a very likable protagonist. I feel like the part where you said "there's absolutely nothing to like about those group of dengenerates" is a bit unfounded.

At the end this is gonna be tragic. I wonder if mumon is going to survive ...

sandayu better wear a diaper now

Aww hell, he mad now :D

I actually like the fact that Mumon isn't invincible.






........how could a NOOB HIT a SUPER SPEed NINJA??

i smell either axed series or the author is HIGH while writing this chapter

My thought exactly, and he even had the time to dodge with his weights off of him.

arghh.... i dont know who side im with.... i like mumon but i also like heibe... unfortunately heibe get a less and less page appearance...

........how could a NOOB HIT a SUPER SPEed NINJA??

i smell either axed series or the author is HIGH while writing this chapter

I hope he is dead, I really dislike the Iga there's absolutely nothing to like about those group of dengenerates.


Yep, my thoughts too. 




Thanks for the update! this chapter was so good.


THIS GUY.  Exactly what I suspect.


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