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* * * * - (4.16 - 167votes)

Spotted Flower

Alt Names: alt Пятнистый цветок
Author: Kio Shimoku
Artist: Kio Shimoku
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: It's about the married life between a newlywed working otaku and his pregnant wife.
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not that, the pregnancy thing in pag 4

You mean you haven't read those male pregnancy stories in a certain website?


The baby can even go out from either where you poop or where you pee. Truly an exquisite fetish.

Male pregnancy? Ok, but I have to ask...

It is the story line used in all the extras about his friend who is a trap manga artist, if I recall correctly

not that, the pregnancy thing in pag 4

what the heck were they talking about in chap 20.5?

It is the story line used in all the extras about his friend who is a trap manga artist, if I recall correctly

what the heck were they talking about in chap 20.5?

Good grief. I had no clue there were so many chapters that hadn't been translated to English. There are four 20.5 chapters (parts), a full sized chapter 21, and there are three 21.5 chapters (parts). Well, at least Kio-sensei is keeping busy.

Honestly, i think whether Spotted Flower is canon or just an AU is pretty much irrelevant at this point. The Mada x Saki idea/concept is there, regardless. That's the point of this spin-off story.

SHIMOKU KIO DID IT AGAIN, LOL. Really, that baby name jokes that spans over a few years, hell yeah.

I'm laughing so much. Kio-sensei is such a troll. He really loves tweaking fans by suggesting that the Saki character, who gave birth to a girl named Saki, isn't Saki, but may have had blonde hair like Saki and long blonde hair to boot. (Now that I reread that, maybe that's supposed to be Hato in the blonde wig.) I really hope Spotted Flower becomes a proper, monthly title.

Wait wait wait. They are naming the baby Saki, but then doesn't this mean the couple Spotted flower is not Madarame and Kasukabe. Kasukabe's first name is Saki. So what is this? An AU prequel?

dude did you see the extras?? he practically says that they're kasu mada

Wait wait wait. They are naming the baby Saki, but then doesn't this mean the couple Spotted flower is not Madarame and Kasukabe. Kasukabe's first name is Saki. So what is this? An AU prequel?

Good I hope a new chapter comes out soon. Only regret MC will have is not doing her while she was preggo.

Dude, he got rejected so damn conclusively in Genshiken. 0% chance. I think many forget that there was a time when Mada wasn't a harem protagonist. Not to say that she couldn't fall for him later. But even if Saki was single in the Genshiken canon, there's no evidence to ever suggest she'd look his way wholeheartedly.

She told him if she wasn't dating Makoto, she could see herself with him. How is it not plausible that after the end of Genshiken, they broke up and then Saki got together with Madarame? This might very well be an alternate future, but it's still a plausible one.

it showed that if she wasn't with him, she would be with Madarame.

Dude, he got rejected so damn conclusively in Genshiken. 0% chance. I think many forget that there was a time when Mada wasn't a harem protagonist.
Not to say that she couldn't fall for him later. But even if Saki was single in the Genshiken canon, there's no evidence to ever suggest she'd look his way wholeheartedly.

Nah, that's the ex.

Those two things aren't entirely incompatible.

Whats with the scarf on not-might-be-Kou?
Recall sumthin like that in CH12...
Kio the trollgami

Just give it up, people, this is just some sort of alternate universe. There's enough proof now.

It's still plausible that this is the future after the story. Makoto was shown to be neglectful to Saki and it showed that if she wasn't with him, she would be with Madarame. They all look like they are in their late 20s/early 30s. It's entirely possible Makoto and her break up and she gets with Madarame.

The real father of the baby arrives!

Nah, that's the ex.

The real father of the baby arrives!

Just give it up, people, this is just some sort of alternate universe. There's enough proof now.


Because it's February?

Are you Indonesian or something? :D

Baby girl Saki is the first character ever named in this series. The parents could still be Mada x Saki to their dedicated shippers, and they could still be some other fictional couple with a very familiar circle of friends. Shimoku sure knows how to drag out the speculation.

I don't know. I still think it's plausible that this is the future. I mean Saki said if she wasn't with Makoto, she could see herself being with Madarame. What if at some point they broke up and she got together with him. It shows they haven't been married for very long and with Genshiken not being finished, it could very well still happen. Shimoku could easily be showing us the actual future while the first story is still being finished.

Actually, I love the idea of MadaSaki (or SakiMada?), and I still want to believe on that. It's very obvious how the characters are still them, even if they couldn't be the original ones (my keyword here is "could"). At least, those two being a couple is canon... somewhere, but not in the main Genshiken timeline (AFAWK), although I share your sentiment about it.


I don't know if I'm getting your post right, but the thing is, Genshiken already reached its second conclusion (and we don't know if Shimoku would continue past that in the future, again) two or three months ago. At that point, the series is finished. Unless Shimoku would reveal/confirm way later that SF *is* a far away future (plausibly, as I think these characters are in their earlier 30s and not in their mid-20s, and a lot can happen from the moment they graduated from College until then), it's for the better to consider SF as an alternate story.

I don't think that it is what it's implying it (if it was, well... the timeline could have been very confusing) . However, I believe this is definitely Shimoku playing on that these characters (notMada and notSaki) aren't their Genshiken's original counterparts. Based on them and basically share their traits and quirks? Yes, but, at the same time they are still not 100% them.



I don't know. I still think it's plausible that this is the future. I mean Saki said if she wasn't with Makoto, she could see herself being with Madarame. What if at some point they broke up and she got together with him. It shows they haven't been married for very long and with Genshiken not being finished, it could very well still happen. Shimoku could easily be showing us the actual future while the first story is still being finished.

Is this implying that these are Saki's parents? Weird.

I don't think that it is what it's implying it (if it was, well... the timeline could have been very confusing) . However, I believe this is definitely Shimoku playing on that these characters (notMada and notSaki) aren't their Genshiken's original counterparts. Based on them and basically share their traits and quirks? Yes, but, at the same time they are still not 100% them.



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