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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.3 - 128votes)

Getsurin ni Kiri Saku

Alt Names: alt Gachirin ni Kirisakualt Killing Blooms Under the Rounded Moonalt Saku Kills on the Full Moonalt Sword-Slicing Blossoms When the Moon is Fullalt 月下斬魔之花alt 月輪に斬り咲く
Author: Maruyama Tomo
Artist: Maruyama Tomo
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorMartial Arts Martial ArtsMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A new transfer student has come into town, a girl with a mysterious air and black clothing who is called Inugami Sakuya. What few know is that by moonlight, she hunts and kills those possessed by "Inugami." A man can become possessed by being bitten, leading to a nighttime transformation into a beast driven to eat women. Sakuya gets no thanks for brutally ending the lives of these unfortunate men with her sword, and she is often too late to save the women they threaten. Sakuya also must deal with her own inner demons, which are all too real...
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Dat kid logic


So fucked up

I think that's a new record for going from FLUFFINESS to depressing ._ .


Damn it, it seems that those harsh days (chapters) are coming back. I don't know if this manga became less harsher since its very first chapters or it was just that I got accustomed to the depressing tone of the story as it progressed but this chapter really gave me the same sensation that I had when I read the first chapters of this story, that sensation that seems to say "abandon all hope" or some sh*t like that. Thanks for the chapter.

So we have Hanabishi along with Kougen from the past...and is Hanamaru supposed to be Hanemaru of the Mutsu?


Come on Fure, don't be that way. :<

Cherish your newly found niece/grandniece...

Normally I love a yandere but this unsightly appearance from an imouto is just unpleasant.

1.5 more volumes to go, I hope it will develop and conclude nicely.

The series is ending next month with 7 volumes total.



So, this is a flashback that Sakuya is seeing. I wonder if knowing Akazukin's true name will have some power over her?



Technically it's Osekami's memories.


'  'a As for whether knowing her name will do something, we'll have to see.


I wonder if Fureruu goes fully yandere once "nee-chan" stumbles across her grandchild or great grandchild, or however damn far along the family tree it is now. 


I kind of want her to be a redeemable character... 


Depends on how she view the Orinomiya:

1. As an annoyance who steals her onee-sama's love (seeing as they're 99% likely to be Osekami's descendant and she's totally likely to dote on them)

2. An enemy that caused her onee-sama's death.

3. Far-off cousins.


1 and 2 will probably means she has to be killed by Sakuya (via learning how to undo shiraichigo spell from Osekami)


3...well, one possible ending would be if she recognize Sakuya as proxy of Osekami and serves her instead...which would make for a hilarious ending if her and Kaina declare rivalry on who'll get Sakuya.

So, this is a flashback that Sakuya is seeing. I wonder if knowing Akazukin's true name will have some power over her?

I wonder if Fureruu goes fully yandere once "nee-chan" stumbles across her grandchild or great grandchild, or however damn far along the family tree it is now. 


I kind of want her to be a redeemable character... 

So Sakuya's ancestor had REALLY primmed hair.


Ose-kami had fluffy hair


And Sakuya have a touch of both.


\'w '/

So....did Shippe get some of dat ass?

Nope, she got head instead~ ;3

So we now get the origin story of the magical girl Akazukin chacha, stay tuned~

So....did Shippe get some of dat ass?

Nope, he got some beheading.

So....did Shippe get some of dat ass?

Yeah, this chapter would certain help explain Akazukin's moviation.



OMG background :o

nice, love the flashbacks. now for us to learn of everything...

3 guesses as to what kind of chapter this one is...


Well anyway I guess it's not that bad. Doesn't feel as off-putting as some other series I can't really mention ('cause I can't really remember lel).



._. I hope Osekami shows up again.

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