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All-Rounder Meguru

Alt Names: alt All Rounder Megurualt オールラウンダー廻alt 全能格鬥士alt 全能格斗士
Author: Endo Hiroki
Artist: Endo Hiroki
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMartial Arts Martial ArtsSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Hiroki Endō’s latest series tells the story of two old friends, Meguru Takayanagi and Takashi Yamabuki, who after a long time meet each other again at an amateur shooto mixed martial arts contest. While Meguru only practices MMA for fun, Takashi is pursuing a serious goal. Even though each of them has their own reason to fight, both are becoming stronger with each match… Universally praised for its realism and accurate depiction of martial arts, All-Rounder Meguru is one of the first manga to provide a glimpse into the energetic and exciting world of modern MMA.
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Seriously, though, i love chapters like these. I love this manga.

Wew, dem feelz Q_Q

Yeah, Eden: It's an Endless World! was such a flawed masterpiece by the same author! I read it so many years ago that I barely remember any details, but it surely did so many things right (particularly world-building) and it was much, much more ambitious in scope. Perhaps ridiculously ambitious. Highly recommended BTW.


Meguru, on the other hand, has a much simpler premise, but in exchange hits all the notes perfectly and ...harmoniously. Honestly, I don't particularly care about MMA, and I wouldn't have started reading if not for the author's previous work, but it's so well-done that once I started I was hooked.


It's the slice-of-life elements and the totally hilarious (but subdued) comedy that I find most compelling. After a while you really start caring about Meguru and Maki, which is strange because we know surprisingly few things about them.


I kinda hope that Endo Hiroki's next work will be something epic again, but with the lessons he has learned and the maturity he has achieved at this stage of his career. Hey, just let me imagine!

Silent Sky, thanks for the update  :)


Actually, he's publishing a new work


is a sci-fy vampire seinen called soft metal vampire

maki is great!, i hope they develope the romance a little more, still great reading

I dunno why, but this side stories about his father and Maki schoolife are so fun and interesting that I really hope everything gets attention in the end
I kind of life this romance, it would be fun if it was worked till the end and not some rushed stuff like it was in Eden where the author build up everything and in the end leave everything aside to talk about other characters

Yeah, Eden: It's an Endless World! was such a flawed masterpiece by the same author! I read it so many years ago that I barely remember any details, but it surely did so many things right (particularly world-building) and it was much, much more ambitious in scope. Perhaps ridiculously ambitious. Highly recommended BTW.


Meguru, on the other hand, has a much simpler premise, but in exchange hits all the notes perfectly and ...harmoniously. Honestly, I don't particularly care about MMA, and I wouldn't have started reading if not for the author's previous work, but it's so well-done that once I started I was hooked.


It's the slice-of-life elements and the totally hilarious (but subdued) comedy that I find most compelling. After a while you really start caring about Meguru and Maki, which is strange because we know surprisingly few things about them.


I kinda hope that Endo Hiroki's next work will be something epic again, but with the lessons he has learned and the maturity he has achieved at this stage of his career. Hey, just let me imagine!

Silent Sky, thanks for the update  :)

I dunno why, but this side stories about his father and Maki schoolife are so fun and interesting that I really hope everything gets attention in the end



I kind of life this romance, it would be fun if it was worked till the end and not some rushed stuff like it was in Eden where the author build up everything and in the end leave everything aside to talk about other characters


anyway, thanks for keeping the uptades

Silent Sky you are my heroes for continuing this amazing manga <3

Now that I was rereading some stuff most harem martial arts that start realistic go through the window pretty early so they can't be put in this list anyway. I remember reading something a long time ago but I can't remember it's name

Yeah, that's always the problem with martial arts mangas, harem or not.

Since in reality, in most martial arts (all that do not use guns, throwing weapons, flexible weapons or long spears / halberds) skill is only a very minor component compared to size, strength and reach, there's simply not that much room for improvement.

The moment the character has learned how to throw a straight, a hook and break a grapple, he'd have to be able to fight against almost everybody else - which would mean that most series would end after the first ten chapters.

Some series (like meguru) deal with this by centering around sport, where the rules give an advantage to fighting with more complicated techniques while the weight classes remove most size, weight and strength advantages, others (like holyland or shamo) focus more on psychological development (And off course, there are some odd ones like "girls of the wild's" which focus on harem romance).

However, most series take the easy way out and simply add overly powerful techniques (prime example would be dragon ball: starts with staff fighting, ends with flying through the universe and leveling whole planets with energy blasts) or increase the power of some techniques beyond all rationality (like "tough", were the author acts as though modern jiu-jitsu submissions were actually useful against bladed weapons and guns).

And so. "Violence is the first, the last, and every resort in between" Maki apparently has more friends than "how do you not notice a guy this ripped" Meguru.      

I wonder if that means anything...

Hahaha!!!  I was totally cracking up at the girls at school giving her cookies like a shoujo ai manga!

your list look like mine would, I would just add a few  harem manga with realistic techniques but with some brakes from reality as "change 123" and "ken'ichi" (threads between realism and complete fantasy), but with the last one I would have to add "kengan asura" that is as realistic as the "baki" series (in the sense that body types and human power are completely off the charts). I notice writing this that looks pretty easy for the authors to lose  the realism midway through the story. That's a pity as I like realistic fights too. My favourites from those would be "vagabond" and "holyland". But if we include vagabond we should include some old-school like "lone wolf and cub" and the likes. Man, manga is complex.

Now that I was rereading some stuff most harem martial arts that start realistic go through the window pretty early so they can't be put in this list anyway. I remember reading something a long time ago but I can't remember it's name

Dafuq is your problem?

My guess is this seems to be a case of acutely skewed tastes. Grand Blue is apparently shit in Mantra's eyes, as is Saotome-Senshu, Hitakakusu for the same reasons; meanwhile, things like Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari and other trashy titles that plague the Isekai genre as of late ostensibly get a pass.
Or maybe they're just bored and have nothing better to do besides throw low-quality bait around and see if anyone bites. Who knows?
Anyway, thanks for the chapter Silent Sky!

Jiu-jitsu and realistic fighting? Unless you're only interested in sports mangas, you can only pick one of those two.

Here's some rather realistic fighting mangas (most aren't exactly shounen though):


-Holyland: Bullied kid learns proper punching from a book, starts defending himself and ends up among small-time punks. Techniques are pretty realistic, the fights themselves aren't - almost all fights are one on one and only a handfull of characters use weapons.


-Shamo: Kid murders his parents and learns karate in juvie, then spends the rest of his life drifting between organized crime, competitive fighting and traditional martial arts. Lots of sex and violence and mostly realistic (except for one arc that has multiple chi masters show up).


-Kenji: Kid learns Bajiquan from his grandfather and because of multiple circumstances ends up journeying across china, encountering pretty much every martial arts style. Fights here are realistic when between kungfu practitioners, but whenever western martial arts come in they are shown as unrealistically weak.


-Bushido sixteen: about a female kendoka, pretty short (to the point where a summary would give away most of the plot)


-Kurogane: Guy encounters ghost that teaches him Kenjutsu and starts kendo. Plot unrealistic (Ghosts), fight about as realistic as you can get in Kendo.


-Cestus: About a boxing slave, a pancratonist (or whatever they are called) and emperor nero. historically unrealistic, but realistic combat.


-Blood and steel: disciple of destroyed kungfu school seeks revenge. techniques shown are realistic, but the effects are exagerated.


-full contact: been a while since I read it, so I can't summarize it properly. Basically full contact karate.


Some others that aren't mainly about combat, but still have realistic fighting scenes:


-Girls of the wild's

-City of darkness


-Hitman- Parttime killer

-Honorable baek dong soo

-kimi no knife




your list look like mine would, I would just add a few  harem manga with realistic techniques but with some brakes from reality as "change 123" and "ken'ichi" (threads between realism and complete fantasy), but with the last one I would have to add "kengan asura" that is as realistic as the "baki" series (in the sense that body types and human power are completely off the charts). I notice writing this that looks pretty easy for the authors to lose  the realism midway through the story. That's a pity as I like realistic fights too. My favourites from those would be "vagabond" and "holyland". But if we include vagabond we should include some old-school like "lone wolf and cub" and the likes. Man, manga is complex.

6pack girl on cover?



Dafuq is your problem?

6pack girl on cover?



Such buff highschooler, keep forgetting how young they all still are.

Ι was just about to say, Meguru should pobably be drowning in...attention with how /fit/ he must be getting.

Such buff highschooler, keep forgetting how young they all still are.

So how many more chapters till the mangas over?I know Sky's still translating and it's a bummer to hear they ended the manga. I like true to life fighting mangas like this ARM and Teppu but he characters in Teppu are rather boring besides the main one. Does anyone have any recommendations for more Shonen real-life fighting manga?Wish there was more MMA/jiu jitsu.

Jiu-jitsu and realistic fighting? Unless you're only interested in sports mangas, you can only pick one of those two.

Here's some rather realistic fighting mangas (most aren't exactly shounen though):


-Holyland: Bullied kid learns proper punching from a book, starts defending himself and ends up among small-time punks. Techniques are pretty realistic, the fights themselves aren't - almost all fights are one on one and only a handfull of characters use weapons.


-Shamo: Kid murders his parents and learns karate in juvie, then spends the rest of his life drifting between organized crime, competitive fighting and traditional martial arts. Lots of sex and violence and mostly realistic (except for one arc that has multiple chi masters show up).


-Kenji: Kid learns Bajiquan from his grandfather and because of multiple circumstances ends up journeying across china, encountering pretty much every martial arts style. Fights here are realistic when between kungfu practitioners, but whenever western martial arts come in they are shown as unrealistically weak.


-Bushido sixteen: about a female kendoka, pretty short (to the point where a summary would give away most of the plot)


-Kurogane: Guy encounters ghost that teaches him Kenjutsu and starts kendo. Plot unrealistic (Ghosts), fight about as realistic as you can get in Kendo.


-Cestus: About a boxing slave, a pancratonist (or whatever they are called) and emperor nero. historically unrealistic, but realistic combat.


-Blood and steel: disciple of destroyed kungfu school seeks revenge. techniques shown are realistic, but the effects are exagerated.


-full contact: been a while since I read it, so I can't summarize it properly. Basically full contact karate.


Some others that aren't mainly about combat, but still have realistic fighting scenes:


-Girls of the wild's

-City of darkness


-Hitman- Parttime killer

-Honorable baek dong soo

-kimi no knife




Great chapters!

I had read the spoilers of their kumite a year or two ago and I couldn't wait

to see them translated. My wish finally came true.


Thanks Silent Sky, for translating the best manga in existence!


Better late than never I guess? Q_Q *Takes the cheers and gives to the group crew*

Manga ended at 19 volumes.


Only 7 to go.


*Cheers on translators*


Did it get axed or did Endo finished the series as he wanted? Because it feels way too short. I was sure that this series could do at least 30 volumes.

So how many more chapters till the mangas over?I know Sky's still translating and it's a bummer to hear they ended the manga. I like true to life fighting mangas like this ARM and Teppu but he characters in Teppu are rather boring besides the main one. Does anyone have any recommendations for more Shonen real-life fighting manga?Wish there was more MMA/jiu jitsu.

Depends what you mean by "real life".  I mean, in a way there's "Holy Land"; far as I can tell the martial arts is pretty realistic, but the dramatic story, while I like it, isn't totally.  And it's not about sports, it's about fights on the street.

So Meguru's family comes from money, huh? Always pinned him for a broke boy.

Thanks for the updates

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