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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.56 - 144votes)

Uchuu Kyoudai

Alt Names: alt 宇宙兄弟alt สองสิงห์ อวกาศalt Space Brothersalt Uchū Kyōdaialt Uchu Kyodai
Author: Koyama Chuuya
Artist: Koyama Chuuya
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaPsychological PsychologicalSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: One night in 2006, when they were young, the two brothers Mutta (born 1993) and Hibito (born 1996) saw what appeared to be a UFO heading for the moon. They decided that night to both become astronauts and travel out into space.

In 2025, Hibito has become an astronaut, and he's going to go to the moon. Mutta ended up following a more traditional career path with an auto development company. However, Mutta just ruined his career through a violent altercation with his boss. Now, not only has he lost his job, he appears to be blacklisted in the entire industry. Maybe this is a rare opportunity for Mutta to once again chase his childhood dream and become an astronaut like his little brother!

Unfortunatly the only chapters available from a certain point are direct scans from the English publication which are not allowed on Batoto.
==========Notice End==============
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The African American astronaut is an anthropomorphized gorilla. No guys, that's not racist at all. 

With this manga playing all the stereotypes and cliches, can't say I'm surprised.


The African American astronaut is an anthropomorphized gorilla. No guys, that's not racist at all. 


Well, Hibito is a rabbit so that pretty much sums that up don't ya think?


The African American astronaut is an anthropomorphized gorilla. No guys, that's not racist at all. 

It's pretty cute to see Olga trying to act like an adult in Hibito's presence.

I get it, Hibito will return to splace, the only place where Ivan Tolstoy can't punish him for what he's done to his daughter.

That could totally make sense.


Then the he won't be able to face Mutta, Shauron and his family again >_>. Then the manga will lost most of the readers over night and got axed after 1 or 2 more chapters -_-''. So, no :(

I get it, Hibito will return to splace, the only place where Ivan Tolstoy can't punish him for what he's done to his daughter.

That could totally make sense.


Why 15......... At least make her 16... omg.

Present a possible love interest and make her 15 years old.


Sasuga Japan

Hibito's not thinking, "She's fifteen," Hibito's thinking, "She's flexible."

I think thats the reason the father brought Hibito there. To get some russian pussy. What else can cheer a man up?

It's goot to read the other comments and see everybody's thinking the same.


I tell you, if I were the father, I've had said "my daughter is fifteen : hands OFF" to Hibito before shaking his hand on the first meet ;)




I think he will be more like...




15 year old Russians look like 20 years old?


Damn Russia, you scary...

I know what you're thinking of, Hibito, but she's fifteen. Damnit.

*Goes to check what the age of consent is in Russia*

Gotta wait one more year Hibichov.


I know what you're thinking of, Hibito, but she's fifteen. Damnit.

Damn I'm happy for Mutta but at the same time really sad for Sharon T.T

Looks like his feeling for the General Manager was accepted.


Hang in there, aunt Sharon!!! T-T

Death flag is confirmed. Closing in on target....

I'm still hopeful!  She can be like Hawking or the disease could slow down or there might be a stopgap treatment (it IS the future damn you T.T)  That Morrison guy really remind me of someone, but I can't recall his name, ffffffffff

Death flag is confirmed. Closing in on target....

Hurry up Serika!!! You have an astronomer to cure!!!!

Sucks to be Mutta.

I wish this chapter had never happened.


Every chapter before it was great, however.

Alien Balton? From the shape it looks like that iconic monster from ye olde Ultraman series....

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