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* * * * - (4.36 - 233votes)

Haru to Natsu

Alt Names: alt ハルとナツalt Between Haru and Natsu, I Am...alt Haru & Natsualt Haru and Natsualt Spring and Summeralt 春夏
Author: Takeda Sun
Artist: Takeda Sun
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Makoto meets a sweet, shy girl named Haruna helping out at the school's athletics festival. He confesses his feelings for her the next time he sees her, and she bluntly rejects him, only to call him later and ask him out herself! The source of all these mixed signals is Haruna's "evil" twin sister, Natsumi. Natsumi is the opposite of Haruna, she's a forward, crude girl bent on taking whatever she can from her twin sister. Makoto is stuck in between Haruna and Natsumi, as they viciously fight over who will win him in the end.
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Monthly bewb quota with a hint of yandere/fetish. Thanks AFS!

So basically... she NTR herself???

This chapter was weirdly adorable. Bravo for another interesting twist, instead of the same standard stupid harem cliches.


However, note that not only the average Asian has lower BMI than a European (and a lot lower than an American... sorry, but facts are facts), they're on average shorter. And they have half the % of overweight population compared to Europe, and 1/3 compared to NA.

Little-known fact: Nostradamus predicted that after World War 3 and the fall of Trump's new Jeebus Freedom Empire, the rest of the countries in North America and South America will band together to demand that US citizens stop calling themselves "Americans". By global consensus, the new name will be the United States of Fatass.


there's nothing hotter than TLR, have you ever seen boobs giggle in a manga?


To quote son's comment* on Minamoto, I've seen something even more intense: Boobs scolding an ass. (^_~)


* - 26May2015 0642 my time. Sorry no link, comment links here never work.

I wonder if getting tied and blowed by a cute high school girl would count as rape for any judge.

by meaning and as defined by the law.

rape = forceful sexual penetration to an unwilling person.


In this case it would be sexual assault rather than rape.


My history professor is a big feminist so once we reached the part where women gets to vote she taught us this.(Great prof)

I wonder if getting tied and blowed by a cute high school girl would count as rape for any judge.

not pastry but it's the cream filling of pastries, so you don't need to face-palm too hard.


yes i'm aware of innuendos, but shuu cream in itself is not bad. 

Missing the point, even making it worse.  No.

First, it's French not Japanese--not "Shuu creme" but "Choux creme".  Some other Europeans might perhaps dispute how thoroughly the French can claim it for their own, but there is nothing Japanese about it in any way.  The Japanese might like the stuff, but although we Vancouverites like sushi that doesn't make sushi a Vancouverite dish.

Second, no, it is the pastry, although the phrasing is kind of confusing.  Choux pastry is the stuff, creme is the filling--AKA "cream puff".  The French seem to leave out the "a la" quite a bit--so for instance, they generally don't call coffee with cream in it "cafe a la creme" they just call it "cafe creme".  So, "choux creme" is "choux a la creme"--puffs of choux pastry with cream inside.  You can have the same choux pastry stuff with other fillings; I have an Italian friend who puts lemon curd in hers and it's yummy.  Custard also works nicely.  In theory I guess you could even make choux pastry into something other than hollow balls, but the whole point of the elasticity of the stuff is to be able to do that so . . . .

Long story short:  Facepalm stands.

"Shu cream is a Japanese pastry..."
Infinite facepalm.

not pastry but it's the cream filling of pastries, so you don't need to face-palm too hard.


yes i'm aware of innuendos, but shuu cream in itself is not bad. 

"Shu cream is a Japanese pastry..."
Infinite facepalm.

50 isn't underweight, unless we assume literally half of the Japanese population is underweight.

Also, please don't mix metric with imperial, it's kinda confusing. According to Hamwi method, ideal weight for the average Japanese woman would be 49.5kg. So 50 is actually 0.5kg above the perfect weight.

I didn't say 50 was underweight, I said it was close. Though, I'm using BMI now instead of just looking at "ideal weight" charts, and it looks like I was wrong.

Though if the Japanese average is .5 kg above ideal weight, that means that every single modernized country in the world has an average weight above the ideal. That's a bit terrifying to think about...

Also, what I wrote really wasn't confusing. Sorry.

No matter how hopeless he is, he's still got more action than most people in this comment section mmm...

Too much action I say.

This boy is hopeless -_-

No matter how hopeless he is, he's still got more action than most people in this comment section mmm...

Wikipedia says the average height for a Japanese woman is 5'2", so I think 50 kg is actually close to underweight (it's about 110 pounds and most sources I've found list 108 as the minimum for healthy weight for 5'2" females). Well, I guess you can't have the lowest obesity rates in the developed world without some people going a bit overboard.

50 isn't underweight, unless we assume literally half of the Japanese population is underweight.


Also, please don't mix metric with imperial, it's kinda confusing. According to Hamwi method, ideal weight for the average Japanese woman would be 49.5kg. So 50 is actually 0.5kg above the perfect weight.

I had a Rottweiler at 50kg and that's considered a medium sized breed.


However, note that not only the average Asian has lower BMI than a European (and a lot lower than an American... sorry, but facts are facts), they're on average shorter. And they have half the % of overweight population compared to Europe, and 1/3 compared to NA.


From 2013 stats, average 20-24 year old Japanese girl weighted 50kg. If the girls are lower than the average Japanese girl by 5 cm, they'd have to weigh about 5kg less than the average to make up for the difference.


Then again, I'd be surprised too if I suddenly gained 5kg and I'm not exactly short or thin to begin with.


Wikipedia says the average height for a Japanese woman is 5'2", so I think 50 kg is actually close to underweight (it's about 110 pounds and most sources I've found list 108 as the minimum for healthy weight for 5'2" females). Well, I guess you can't have the lowest obesity rates in the developed world without some people going a bit overboard.

I had a Rottweiler at 50kg and that's considered a medium sized breed.


However, note that not only the average Asian has lower BMI than a European (and a lot lower than an American... sorry, but facts are facts), they're on average shorter. And they have half the % of overweight population compared to Europe, and 1/3 compared to NA.


From 2013 stats, average 20-24 year old Japanese girl weighted 50kg. If the girls are lower than the average Japanese girl by 5 cm, they'd have to weigh about 5kg less than the average to make up for the difference.


Then again, I'd be surprised too if I suddenly gained 5kg and I'm not exactly short or thin to begin with.

1-5kg is XS, 6-10kg is small, 11-24kg is medium, 25-45kg is large and anything over that is giant by most dog food standards. I work in a pet store. Rottweilers are from the molosser classification of dogs, the heaviest of which being the English Mastiff which can be upwards of 100kg for a male.


Sorry had to dog nerd a little there :P 


Would be interesting to see a comparison between average Japanese 20-24 year old females and the equivalent demographic from the likes of Norway.

Yup... Though I've noticed this in manga and anime a lot. Maybe it is because the average person in Japan is a lot smaller than Europeans (or even other Asians, Thais are surprisingly big. A Thai family member of mine is 6'1 and female) but if they are over 50kgs they seem to freak out. There are bigger Labrador Retrievers than that. 

I had a Rottweiler at 50kg and that's considered a medium sized breed.


However, note that not only the average Asian has lower BMI than a European (and a lot lower than an American... sorry, but facts are facts), they're on average shorter. And they have half the % of overweight population compared to Europe, and 1/3 compared to NA.


From 2013 stats, average 20-24 year old Japanese girl weighted 50kg. If the girls are lower than the average Japanese girl by 5 cm, they'd have to weigh about 5kg less than the average to make up for the difference.


Then again, I'd be surprised too if I suddenly gained 5kg and I'm not exactly short or thin to begin with.

I think you genuinely have to be a dwarf for 52.6 to be overweight...

Yup... Though I've noticed this in manga and anime a lot. Maybe it is because the average person in Japan is a lot smaller than Europeans (or even other Asians, Thais are surprisingly big. A Thai family member of mine is 6'1 and female) but if they are over 50kgs they seem to freak out. There are bigger Labrador Retrievers than that. 

...Of course I know that. If it were pounds, she'd be a skeleton.

but, on the other hand, she wouldn't need to diet anymore...

This boy is hopeless -_-

It's one of those shounen things:  He has to be hopeless.

If he wasn't, first, the manga would be over, and second, if it wasn't they'd have to switch it to an 18+ magazine.

To be fair, it is possible to lose 5 kg in 10 days at her weight. I was over 105kg and I lost 10kg in two weeks, then 5 more over next two.


Though I'm fairly sure most she wouldn't be able to stick to an extreme diet like, I mean she almost broke down after 5 days...

Note that they weigh in kilograms and not pounds. Metric system, bruh...

...Of course I know that. If it were pounds, she'd be a skeleton.

I think you genuinely have to be a dwarf for 52.6 to be overweight...

Note that they weigh in kilograms and not pounds. Metric system, bruh...

I think you genuinely have to be a dwarf for 52.6 to be overweight...

What happened? Did he crack one of his bones?


"Bruh..." was everyone's reaction after seeing him stop..

An enjoyable binge reading session~


Although, the more I read, the more I noticed that the sisters were slowly changing personalities to the other...

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