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* * * * * (4.59 - 174votes)

Youkai Apaato no Yuuga na Nichijou

Alt Names: alt 妖怪アパートの幽雅な日常alt 妖怪公寓里优雅的日常生活alt Elegant Yokai Apartment Life (Official English Title)alt Refined Daily Life at the Monster Apartmentalt The Youkai Apartment's Everyday Refinementalt The Youkai Apartment's Refined Everyday Lifealt Youkai Apartment no Yuuga na Nichijoualt Youkai Apato no Yuuga na Nichijou
Author: Kouduki Hinowa
Artist: Miyama Waka
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaMystery MysterySlice of Life Slice of LifeSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Inaba Yuushi's parents died in his first year of middle school, and he moved in with his relatives. Though they did care for him, he could tell he was a burden. After he graduated, he happily prepared to move to a high school with a dormitory. Unfortunately, the dormitory burned to the ground before he could move in! Yuushi doesn't want to live with his grudging relatives, but it's rough finding lodging as an orphaned student with little money. He finally finds a room in a nice old building which seems too good to be true.

The catch is that it is a Monster House, a place where humans and supernatural creatures--ghosts, mononoke, etc.-- live together. Another high schooler lives there, a cute girl named Akine, and she's completely unfazed by the monsters. In fact, she can even exorcise evil spirits! Yuushi's high school life just got much stranger than he ever bargained for!
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Hase is an adorable pain in the butt. I'm always really glad to read this.

Too much yaoi vibes for me.


Best news of the day. This summer is going to be excellent for me!

Hmmm . . . I think it's less a comment on young people nowadays as such, and more about the dehumanizing nature of the modern society those young people find themselves in.  Take these worker kids--they're not slackers, they're working hard and doing their best.  But there's a claim being made about how the technologies they're marinated in by society are socializing them--something previous generations weren't affected by.  I'm not totally sure how much I buy it, but I do think it's more a comment on impacts on young people by social and technological pressures, and less a comment on young people as people.

As an older guy myself, I find myself thinking that a lot of the people now talking like that aren't just taking an odd attitude, but frankly they're flat-out wrong. 


You guys did your best. You and My Mom's generation, you were mocked for being anti-war, mocked for working for women's equality, mocked for working for Civil Rights.  You did your best for us. And it's not always easy to see what the "right" way is until afterward.  There's a long way to go, but thanks for all of your work making sure that I have a place in the workforce, for freeing me up to go to college like my male peers, for fighting for my reproductive rights, and for putting sexual harassment laws on the books.  Thank you for protecting queer people, legally, for making sure it's no longer illegal for us to be out, for protecting our right to work, for protecting our right to freedom for harassment, for paving the way for marriage equality. I know how far there is to go, but we will carry it from here.  Don't hurt so much over the fights you didn't win.  It's our job to protect the planet, to fight for equality and against corruption, even though we're mocked, as well.


  I really appreciate what I have even though there's still a long way to go. Looking back at how things were for my Nana...I can do so much. I also want to make sure the women and people of color and queer people ahead of me have it easier than I did.


  I want the next generation to have it easier than I did.  I don't want young black men to live in fear of being killed by police, for queer children to commit suicide because they feel they have no out, for young women to be frightened to report rape and harassment, afraid to live for fear of being hurt, for muslim people to live in fear of being set on fire in the streets of their city- but that's our job, now. I want to make the great lakes even cleaner, to protect their slow recovery.  but now it's on us.

I really love the characters, story, and art (I wanna hug the giant landlord penguin thing) for this series, but I keep getting this sneaking suspicion that the author really, really doesn't like young people nowadays. I mean, some of his points are valid, but a lot of the random characters turn out to be delinquents or terrible people. There's no in between for this guy. But Kuri and Shiro are cute so I don't care.

Hmmm . . . I think it's less a comment on young people nowadays as such, and more about the dehumanizing nature of the modern society those young people find themselves in.  Take these worker kids--they're not slackers, they're working hard and doing their best.  But there's a claim being made about how the technologies they're marinated in by society are socializing them--something previous generations weren't affected by.  I'm not totally sure how much I buy it, but I do think it's more a comment on impacts on young people by social and technological pressures, and less a comment on young people as people.

What's sad is things are easier because the older generation went through all this shit and fought for better conditions. The younger generation is directly affected and benefiting from what the older did, so really when they're complaining they're saying "I made things too good for everyone else but not enough for me."

I never understood it because it should be a point of pride, like hey all my hardwork paid off for every worker that comes after me.

As an older guy myself, I find myself thinking that a lot of the people now talking like that aren't just taking an odd attitude, but frankly they're flat-out wrong. 


"When I was younger, I lived through shit and as my society advance, the younger generation have it (as I perceived) easier, thus my way is right and the younger ones are weak, wrong and blah blah blah." Envy, self-justification... anything to help them sleep better at night.


Not to mention the "standard" japanese way of life is studies, and when you're done, work until you die. Any little stray step and you're out. 

What's sad is things are easier because the older generation went through all this shit and fought for better conditions. The younger generation is directly affected and benefiting from what the older did, so really when they're complaining they're saying "I made things too good for everyone else but not enough for me." 


I never understood it because it should be a point of pride, like hey all my hardwork paid off for every worker that comes after me. 

I really love the characters, story, and art (I wanna hug the giant landlord penguin thing) for this series, but I keep getting this sneaking suspicion that the author really, really doesn't like young people nowadays. I mean, some of his points are valid, but a lot of the random characters turn out to be delinquents or terrible people. There's no in between for this guy. But Kuri and Shiro are cute so I don't care.

"When I was younger, I lived through shit and as my society advance, the younger generation have it (as I perceived) easier, thus my way is right and the younger ones are weak, wrong and blah blah blah." Envy, self-justification... anything to help them sleep better at night.


Not to mention the "standard" japanese way of life is studies, and when you're done, work until you die. Any little stray step and you're out. 

I really love the characters, story, and art (I wanna hug the giant landlord penguin thing) for this series, but I keep getting this sneaking suspicion that the author really, really doesn't like young people nowadays. I mean, some of his points are valid, but a lot of the random characters turn out to be delinquents or terrible people. There's no in between for this guy. But Kuri and Shiro are cute so I don't care.

Wow. Just stumbled across this one and read up to chapter 23. It is quite good!


What a treat to find a hidden gem like this! :)

No, it was likely a reference to one of the many phone games in Japan that involve random drops and chance. Think Puzzle & Dragons, if you know that.


That's just as bad for me... Oh well, I'm a grumpbutt who hates phone games anyway.

I hear pokemon go isn't compatible with japan. Can't be played there. I could be wrong though as it may just be the english version of pokemon go that is not compatible.

Pokemon go

I love this series...

But... Please tell me that there wasn't a reference to that accursed new phone game...

No, it was likely a reference to one of the many phone games in Japan that involve random drops and chance. Think Puzzle & Dragons, if you know that.

I love this series...
But... Please tell me that there wasn't a reference to that accursed new phone game...

I hear pokemon go isn't compatible with japan. Can't be played there. I could be wrong though as it may just be the english version of pokemon go that is not compatible.

I love this series...

But... Please tell me that there wasn't a reference to that accursed new phone game...

It's refreshing that after an arc focusing on his introspection and training in supernatural powers, we see that when he gets back to his job he doesn't even think to use them. His personality and willingness to reach out to and support others haven't changed, and he's learning more and more how important those things are in life. He's just flat-out a great guy, and I love it.

I like how they give him powers but its not really that powerful so it really maintains the slice of life aspect of it. The pacing makes me not care bout the shonen ai thing haha

I wonder when will he summon "ZA WARUDO" XD

I like how they give him powers but its not really that powerful so it really maintains the slice of life aspect of it. The pacing makes me not care bout the shonen ai thing haha I wonder when will he summon "ZA WARUDO" XD

Watching him desperately cling to the remnants of his pride. :)


Its tough being a straight male in a role meant for a shoujo lead.  

He finally gave up that useless thing XD. Well I suppose it could always be worse.. The second the female classmates see that.. he'll have to go kill himself obviously ^.^

Ahahaha, somebody messed up with the following tags.

There aren't any signs of those kinds here.

By no means am I an expert on the subject, but I could kind of loosely see this manga fit into the shounen ai genre. The main character has seemingly zero interest in females his own age. And there is a lot of awkward bromance going around. I mean he and his best friend are the "mom and dad" to the child spirit.

Shounen ai..... Okay no need to make a lot of fuss. Just click unfollow....

See ya folks have a nice read...

Ahahaha, somebody messed up with the following tags.

There aren't any signs of those kinds here.
Shounen ai..... Okay no need to make a lot of fuss. Just click unfollow.... See ya folks have a nice read...

Cover 11!!



This is the first series I've read where everyone is so obsessive over a protagonist's weight. 

I like that description...mmmmh, followed~

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