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Riko to Haru to Onsen to Iruka

Alt Names: alt リコとハルと温泉とイルカalt 理香和春和温泉和海豚alt Rico & Haru & Irukawa Hot Springsalt Rico to Hal to Onsen to Irukaalt Riko & Haru & Pemandian Air Panas & Lumba-lumbaalt Рико, Хару и источник
Author: Hijiki
Artist: Hijiki
Genres: Comedy ComedySchool Life School LifeShoujo Ai Shoujo AiSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The protagonist Riko had to move to the countryside where her childhood friend lives. There, they try their best to enjoy the time together. It also happens that there's a hot spring in the Inn she is staying.
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Topic [SPOILERS] Current Chapter Discussion New Window svines85
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Topic Yuri vs. Shoujo-Ai New Window firathmagi
  • 12 Replies


"More like Sweet Blue Balls"

I laughed way more than I should have. Good one, YP. Can't say I'm happy with that ending either.

this is cute

alright it's officially crap for me i only liked the first 2 chapters , i'm dropping this sht

Dunno if I'd go that far, but I am getting a little disappointed.  At the beginning it seemed like a story about a girl coming to a new place, with a budding romance.  Since then it's turned into this fairly random story about foolish interactions in this club thing.  A lot of Boke/Tsukkomi type humour.  I'd be happy if it started going somewhere.

Huzzah! Thanks for the new chapter!

Great new chapter, thanks a lot Yuri Group!!

Yuri project*

even in your previous comments you write right.

Thank a lot Yuri Project ! 

Great new chapter, thanks a lot Yuri Project!!

A great story so far, cute, comedy, slice of life with a little drama, very good, thanks Yuri Project and Fallen Syndicate!!!

alright it's officially crap for me i only liked the first 2 chapters , i'm dropping this sht

That's not how it works. Batoto uses it because manga updates does. And they don't use it either because it creates a "useful distinction." Why they do I could write about on length but it would be wasted on someone replying to informative posts with scorn, inappropriate sarcasm and strawman fallacies.
Just use whatever word you want. Better yet, learn japanese so you don't have to deal with those elitist minorities, like every single scanlator you sponge your free entertainment from. And if you want to wear your pants on your head you can do that too.

Come now.  Your initial "informative post" was a troll.  You come onto an online reader and talk about

people only vaguely familiar with the genre and using online readers as their be all end all means of information

So you insult everyone in the place and you expect it to be treated as an "informative post" and think it's just terrible that anyone got their backs up. Give me a break.
As it happens, I've been reading yuri for a moderate number of years and have read practically every yuri manga that has been scanlated, and you're telling me I'm only vaguely familiar with the genre. I seriously doubt you've read as much yuri manga as I have, let alone as much manga in general. When you have, maybe you can try telling me how familiar I am with the genre. Except by then, you won't feel the need.


Aw~ that stupid 404 teaser :<

If they didn't find it useful, it would wither away naturally without scolds trying to go all Academie Francaise on their butts. But they do, so it continues to be used.


That's not how it works. Batoto uses it because manga updates does. And they don't use it either because it creates a "useful distinction." Why they do I could write about on length but it would be wasted on someone replying to informative posts with scorn, inappropriate sarcasm and strawman fallacies.


Just use whatever word you want. Better yet, learn japanese so you don't have to deal with those elitist minorities, like every single scanlator you sponge your free entertainment from. And if you want to wear your pants on your head you can do that too.

Not at all.  The 'manga community' as you conceive it represents only the niche of the niche of the niche of readers limited to aggregation sites such as here, batoto, basically the lowest/most casual rung of the distribution ladder.  Whether it's scanlators or the larger, numerous websites/forums targeted specifically at the yuri community, almost nobody uses "shoujo ai" anymore.

Well, gosh, you're so Leet. Us peons are ever so impressed. Feeling better now?

I have my doubts as to the relative numbers in these different bits of niche that you describe. My suspicion is that that "lowest rung" represents the majority of non-Japanese readers of manga. I've gone looking around for these larger, numerous websites and forums and they did not seem particularly large or numerous.  Perhaps they're carefully hidden so only the elect will sniff them out.

For that matter, it's unclear to me that more vehement involvement in fandom necessarily implies anything about, for instance, how much manga one actually reads. What "casual" is then supposed to mean I'm not sure, or why a usage that's found useful by that majority should be abandoned because a smaller group that perceives itself as elite wishes to prescribe usage.
All your historical discourse about why it came to be and therefore is supposed to be somehow obsolete now that conditions have change obscures the basic point: "Yuri" vs "shoujo ai" creates a distinction that this reader community continues to find a useful one. If they didn't find it useful, it would wither away naturally without scolds trying to go all Academie Francaise on their butts. But they do, so it continues to be used.

If you don't like uppity users of aggregators deciding for themselves what terminology they'll use, I suggest you avert your eyes from the sordid spectacle of sin and lack of guidance from superiors, eschew the pernicious, corrupting convenience of aggregators and go proudly find your manga from a hundred sources like the true, superior aficionado you are.

oh god yes! new character! And she has glasses!!!

topic/thread made for the pointless argument

now please stop flooding the comments with your nonsense


well, IMO ...

shoujo-ai & shonen-ai is a light version ...

(more than a friend but less than lover, even if the ecchi or love is still mostly a "joke" )


while yuri and yaoi is more "intense" and "open" about their relationship ...

(very close to lover or even more, and the character admit to them self, they love other ... however if it's based on genes, being forced at, or just for lust, like in Shin Sekai Yori which don't really count as solid love, that still count as yuri)


for me, I still kinda vague for the solid line between that 2 ...

The problem with your argument is that you're still treating the word as being a Japanese one. The terms Yuri and Shoujo-Ai have been absorbed into the English language and made into very real, albeit niche, English words, rather than simply being borrowed from Japanese. This is more true of Shoujo-Ai than it is of Yuri, which could still be considered a loan word.


The fact is that the English word Shoujo-Ai and the Japanese word Shoujo-Ai are now nothing more than false cognents, distinct words in different languages that sound similar but are entirely different in meaning. Whether or not you like it, the word in English means a tame, lesbian love story to the manga community.


It's just how language works.


Not at all.  The 'manga community' as you conceive it represents only the niche of the niche of the niche of readers limited to aggregation sites such as here, batoto, basically the lowest/most casual rung of the distribution ladder.  Whether it's scanlators or the larger, numerous websites/forums targeted specifically at the yuri community, almost nobody uses "shoujo ai" anymore.


Practically the only reason the term even exists in the first place is because it's a holdover from when yuri scanlation/fandom was so insignificant that it was basically held up as a side-interest by the yaoi community, who imagined up the term as a counterpart to the "shounen ai" vocabulary.  As yuri fandom and scanlation has increasingly grown into its own independent community and infrastructure, the necessity/purpose of such a comparison/parallel has disappeared, leaving the only people who imagine the term is still relevant people who hardly follow the genre.  Why should yuri fans keep using basically yaoi-era terminology which has zero reflection upon the actual content or production of yuri in Japan?  The reason "shoujo ai" isn't used in yuri communities anymore isn't because the 'meaning' is objectionable in Japan, it's because the actual information communicated by using the term is practically non-existent for any new/modern fan talking about yuri.


Just think about it: are you trying to describe/explain a yuri series to a yaoi fan?  Are you a yaoi fan yourself, so that you can understand the distinction between yaoi and shounen-ai, and apply that to a yuri series?  If you aren't, there is literally zero reason to use the term 'shoujo-ai', because there are literally dozens of other terms which would be more effective/accurate in communicating with someone else about the material.

Whatever, I wasn't trying to dissuade you from clinging to stupid and ill-defined distinctions with really unfortunate implications. I would have a debate who that North American fandom still using the term is. But considering you already missed that remarkably simple point before, I feel like it would just be a really frustrating experience and leave it at that.


The problem with your argument is that you're still treating the word as being a Japanese one. The terms Yuri and Shoujo-Ai have been absorbed into the English language and made into very real, albeit niche, English words, rather than simply being borrowed from Japanese. This is more true of Shoujo-Ai than it is of Yuri, which could still be considered a loan word.


The fact is that the English word Shoujo-Ai and the Japanese word Shoujo-Ai are now nothing more than false cognents, distinct words in different languages that sound similar but are entirely different in meaning. Whether or not you like it, the word in English means a tame, lesbian love story to the manga community.


It's just how language works.

Oh, la de da.  I live in North America and I'm not obsessed with being cooler than thou, so I'm perfectly fine with expressions adapted by North American fandom.


Whatever, I wasn't trying to dissuade you from clinging to stupid and ill-defined distinctions with really unfortunate implications. I would have a debate who that North American fandom still using the term is. But considering you already missed that remarkably simple point before, I feel like it would just be a really frustrating experience and leave it at that.

Oh, it is used in Japan; as a synonym for lolicon. One of the reasons it isn't really accepted in the English-speaking community either, just by people only vaguely familiar with the genre and using online readers as their be all end all means of information. The yuri fandom in general hates the term shoujo ai with a passion.

Oh, la de da.  I live in North America and I'm not obsessed with being cooler than thou, so I'm perfectly fine with expressions adapted by North American fandom.

I prefer to use the word yuri instead of shoujo-ai because in japan now the meaning of shoujo-ai is almost always "love for little girls", that is pedophilla.

Although shoujo-ai and yuri are accepted in the English-speaking community as two distinct genres, shoujo-ai isn't used in Japan. Everything's yuri there, whether there's explicit content or not.


The more you know!


Oh, it is used in Japan; as a synonym for lolicon. One of the reasons it isn't really accepted in the English-speaking community either, just by people only vaguely familiar with the genre and using online readers as their be all end all means of information. The yuri fandom in general hates the term shoujo ai with a passion.

Although shoujo-ai and yuri are accepted in the English-speaking community as two distinct genres, shoujo-ai isn't used in Japan. Everything's yuri there, whether there's explicit content or not.


The more you know!

"You can do it, Riko-chan"
Do what?

I want to disappoint you, but this you talking about are genres, the final destination is the same. 

Prunus Girl extra final chapter.

No one showing anything sexual, but it's obvious.

Seems you misconstrued me.  I wasn't making a point about the distinction between shoujo ai and yuri.  I was pointing out that both are about girl-girl romantic relationships, so duh yes it's about lesbians (whether they consummate anything in the manga or not).

In this case, about really super-cute ones.

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