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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.4 - 129votes)

Zero In

Alt Names: alt A bout portantalt ゼロインalt 零式战斗alt Zero Fighteralt Zero-Inalt Zeroin
Author: Inoue Sora
Artist: Inoue Sora
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiMartial Arts Martial ArtsRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Kou Shiraishi was your standard high school boy with lots of problems, mostly bullies, until the day that he meets Mikuru Nazume during a bank heist. Not only is Mikuru the school idol, but she's also an agent for Minkei, a covert paramilitary section of the National Police Agency. They team up as Kou and Mikuru journey to become stronger, both in their own way.
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ever hear of a 'hair trigger' the tension on the pull on a gun can be changed, by a $10 file you buy from some supply store. so don't really know what you are complaining about.

It's not the trigger pull that's the problem. It's taping guns together and firing them upside down. Two fingers on the triggers leaves you with two fingers on the grip, with which you're trying to aim and stabilize two guns in each hand. Not like aiming would do much good, since taping guns together isn't going to get them shooting at the same point anyway.

I'm guessing the idea is that you'd have a higher rate of fire with two guns per hand, but since you're trying to control recoil from two guns with just two fingers on the grip, even that's not going to work out. If you want to put a bunch of bullets downrange with a handgun-sized package, machine pistols exist. It's not like they couldn't get them from whoever it is that sells them all of these other rare and expensive military-grade weapons.

Accurately firing two guns at once is fantasy; the practical limitation for why this isn't done in real life is that marksmanship suffers too much, but we can accept that someone who is just really good could do it and it would be more effective than someone with just one gun. Firing four guns at once with this ridiculous setup is just retarded, no matter how good somebody is. A pair of machine pistols would be more effective if you're willing to believe that anyone could hit anything firing two machine pistols one handed. In reality, an SMG would be able to do the job better with less size and weight than four handguns taped together.

at own Risk




Why you purposely left the final page unspoil :P

When will the last one be released? :)))) And thanks to Japanzai!! :))

at own Risk




@.@ Epic is just epic.

one chapter left, i hope a good ending.


Good show man, good show.  Though, would've been nice had he left the guy with a missing ear, lol.

To every person complaining about realism. Please let's try not to go into how real were the gunfights or the sustained injuries since everyone with a little of common sense knows that vests have a certain durability and lose some it every gunshot they stop. Recieving a gunshot with a vest will bruise you and if you recieve 10, like they did, you probably won't be able stand up, even more being a 50kg highschool girl.

So yeah let's try to enjoy the fantasy, after all, it was quite epic :D

Looking forward to how the last chapter plays out.

Well, when the chapter title is the actual title, you know the story is basically over :(
Thanks for the new chapter Japanzai.

They are totally different. To defend something, one muct already have obtained what they are looking to defend. To take is to aquire something that you did not previously have. Either can be used in a positive or negative circumstance, but they mean totally different things. At the end of the day, those mindsets are what have shaped our world for better and (not or) worse.

dont bother, person thinks, if you have a device that can comment a crime you are going to turn evil.


Because you can't kill someone with a knife right? Can't kill someone with your bare hands right?


People kill eachother with poisons and stuff, so house cleaners and rat poison will make people murder each other right?

Okay, over the top gunfights are cool and everything, but I draw the line at people taping two guns together and pulling the trigger with their pinkies. I MEAN COME ON.

ever hear of a 'hair trigger' the tension on the pull on a gun can be changed, by a $10 file you buy from some supply store. so don't really know what you are complaining about.

She isn't, if you look you see that the guns are tapped together. It is impossible for her to reload the guns.

sorry, i meant, if you look at the bottom right, she took out the mags. hahaha

Then I'm happy to live in Europe. But I'm pretty sure that kind of mindset leads to the whole problem in the first place.

"I have to defend what's mine by myself" isn't so far away from "I should to take what I rightfully deserve".

They are totally different. To defend something, one muct already have obtained what they are looking to defend. To take is to aquire something that you did not previously have. Either can be used in a positive or negative circumstance, but they mean totally different things. At the end of the day, those mindsets are what have shaped our world for better and (not or) worse.

I thought Witch lost her arm, but it was only SFX covering her.


The thing is that "the gun is on top each other", I just don't know how to say it.
Hope you get what I mean.

So there´s only one chapter left?

I can´t really see how this is gonna be resolved, except it´d kill everybody off, and let the "bad guys" (since we don´t even know their objective) win...

Okay, over the top gunfights are cool and everything, but I draw the line at people taping two guns together and pulling the trigger with their pinkies. I MEAN COME ON.

Come on dude, that was just for the heck of it, enjoy.

I mean, its the fucking witch, i lost count of how many times she got shot all over her body, and still somehow survived.

And finally Koh did something cool in this arc instead of just getting shot. Everyone else had their awesome moments but him.


She isn't, if you look you see that the guns are tapped together. It is impossible for her to reload the guns.

Then I'm happy to live in Europe. But I'm pretty sure that kind of mindset leads to the whole problem in the first place.

"I have to defend what's mine by myself" isn't so far away from "I should to take what I rightfully deserve".

It is pretty far away, from "I should to take what I rightfully deserve". Depending on anyone to protect, can only get you to an early grave in the long run. What do you think, happens when law fails.


Ha, this scene reminded me of Antonio Banderas in that new expendables movie, god it was horrible...


That's called vigilantism and is punishable by law, no matter the reason. It's not for you or anyone up to decide what justice is supposed to aim at - it's supposed to be decided by the state authorities, which should also be the ones to commit the prosecution. If you think a part of the authorities is not working correctly, you're supposed to address a different part and make them investigate.


Of course, if there is no properly working executive force left, you're pretty much screwed. But that also means your state has turned lawless, and talking about things like justice is mere phrasemongering.

You're truly loosing respect for the concept of justice aren't you. I don't blame you, though. People has being using the word wrongfully, for ages



Ha, this scene reminded me of Antonio Banderas in that new expendables movie, god it was horrible...

Okay, over the top gunfights are cool and everything, but I draw the line at people taping two guns together and pulling the trigger with their pinkies. I MEAN COME ON.

strange, no matter how many time i see chapter 71 title, i'm always mistook "j" for "r".

my brain must been corrupted, lol

Well if yours is corrupted then mine must be festering because I keep seeing jaculat in the middle ... I think I am officially broken.

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