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* * * * - (4.13 - 211votes)

Tokage no Ou

Alt Names: alt トカゲの王alt 蜥蜴之王alt The Lizard Kingalt Tokage no Oalt Tokage no Oh
Author: Iruma Hitoma
Artist: Kamizuki Shiki
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSmut SmutSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: I have a superpower. I am a heretic thrust out from the world of common sense, possessing a power in both my eyes and the ability to "repaint the world".

...Although, all I can do is change the color of my eyes, which is pretty useless. I hate going home because of my parents, so I decided to "train" my superpower at an old abandoned building, praying that the hidden power within my eyes would awaken.

And yet, what I found was a man missing several fingers on the verge of death, a classmate showing off way too much skin, the strongest assassin alive, a man who can jump in mid-air, and a bunch of other crazy people. Is this the world I've always wanted to be a part of...?

-manga adaptation of the light novel
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So I guess we're finally done with the prologue. Man, I love this manga so far, hope it keeps up.

Definately Sugamo = Geese Howard... a freagin b*tch who knows her job... and it seems that King Fisher got nerfed after he lost his eye... so... maybe both will try to take revenge on her.. and it seems that Sugamo has both eyes... oh boy... she will become a crazy god with that?

Well, at least more than half a thing happened this chapter.  I'm surprised we didn't spend 15 pages watching someone cry for no plot reasons.  Rather, EVENTS ARE ACTUALLY PROGRESSING SOMEWHAT.  We changed scenes and someone came in at the end!  Granted, its like two things instead of half of a thing, but still.


And I say again, fuck Sugamo.  She was irritating the moment she appeared, and nothing has changed.  I'd love to see her brain matter on the floor.  We better get some kind of pay off later, when she turns out to be the Big Bad or something.  If all of this was to set up her "Ooooo, look at me, I'm a weirdo.  I do strange things and for some reason, I'm the only girl the MC is attracted to even though there are so many other more interesting people around him, because I'm SoOoOOo weird!", then, well, I'd be disappointed, but I wouldn't be surprised.

the last guy in chp 14 is king fisher? i tought that king fisher hair is white in color :s

Hey Bitch! You forgot something!




I don't think we really saw what happened to Tokage and King Fisher's fight. He did say he beat him.

um. wha???? did you even read ch. 14. he obviously knew something was up. i mean he even had an internal monolouge that basically said if he asked her she would probably kill his ass. did you really miss that? really? were you to focused on her boobs or something?

Perhaps he is referring to the MC's suspicions or boredom for those three days?

Meh the end of the very long prologue wasn't very rewarding.  = /

and kind soul would make a summary of it?  it been so long that i forgot why king fisher is blinded one eye and why the he say he finally did it?

Tokage why you still trust her...


um. wha???? did you even read ch. 14. he obviously knew something was up. i mean he even had an internal monolouge that basically said if he asked her she would probably kill his ass. did you really miss that? really? were you to focused on her boobs or something?

Well we get a conclusion that ..... Sugamo is psycho mentally unstable bitch .... what else? what is the prologue trying to say? (besides she's total psycho mentally unstable bitch ..... that's set the whole blood fest stage that kill almost everyone wander in the wrong building in the wrong day ...... and steal the MC eye to make anal bead.... ....)

Did i say she's a fucking pscho mentally unstable BITCH yeT?

I'm so tired of all this whining...

If you expected MC gets power-up or awaken hidden abilities in life-or-death situation, go read any shounen, there are plenty of them. This manga is not this kind. MC still remains weak after encounters with assasins, and I really like this. It feels realistic or something like that.

GTFO the internet ... srsly , you just don't "i'm so tired of this whining...."  don't read them .... that what i do .... 

Personal thought: really? i do too , how he stay weak even after all of that crazy shjts...... and he lost one eyes... kinda like a prologue ( a very loooooooooooooong prologue) before the awesomeness? ....

and to be honest ..... "realistic"? i don't think that the right word but ..... who watch manga for "realistic"?

i still haven't got a clue as to wtf happened in the entire prologue. I feel pretty stupid since it seems like they were trying to explain it somehow...... but the random flashbacks from like 3 different perspectives all jumbled together to create a clusterfuck of confusion.

i recomend reading it 2-3 times again, that helped a bit for me

Tokage why you still trust her...


bitch. even if she shows up naked there's no way i'm getting a boner. i just want to fucking kill her. fucking bitch




anyway, that wasn't a very good prologue. the action is not bad though and personally, i enjoyed the psychological part (including tokage's monologues). its just too damn long! i think they could sum all of that shit in just 2 or 3 chapters.


what i learned in the previous 10 chapters?


1. Sugamo is a bitch.

2. that was King Fisher at the end of the chapter right? then i think he's a very interesting character and i actually like him

3. Slug will come for the bitch soon for sure, and bitch will ask Tokage to defend her (because he doesn't know what happened)

4. poor Tokage :(

5. Sugamo is a bitch

6. Sugamo is a fucking bitch

WTF is happened here?

I though Tokage know that Sugamo is the one who take his eye ball?


i still haven't got a clue as to wtf happened in the entire prologue. I feel pretty stupid since it seems like they were trying to explain it somehow...... but the random flashbacks from like 3 different perspectives all jumbled together to create a clusterfuck of confusion.

Oh, Sugamo you cut-throat bitch! I really hope someone forces you to play hopscotch on a mine field.

Regenerative Ability, hmm seems useful

Are you fucking kidding me? I said that if after all this, he woke up in the hospital without having done a single shit, I'd murder this mangaka. 


Anyone knows this motherfucker's address? x.x

japan, tokyo. any more accurate and you'll need to ask the publishers. all i can say is if you beat me to him you better not make his death fast. im gonna torture him for a couple of weeks at least before my rage at this is settled.



I'm so tired of all this whining...

If you expected MC gets power-up or awaken hidden abilities in life-or-death situation, go read any shounen, there are plenty of them. This manga is not this kind. MC still remains weak after encounters with assasins, and I really like this. It feels realistic or something like that.

we were expecting a power up because the MC was all im gonna power up and shit and the author was all throwing false flags and shit about it. and if this feels realistic to you then you need to get out more. i don't know about you but when normal people encounter assassins they usally die.

and sadly this MC will really have to work to get me to like him. cuz at this point he's a wimp. a smart wimp but a wimp all the same. i don't care for wimpy MC's they tend to need to much back up and saving for my liking.


one more thing. can anyone tell me why that girl didn't take her arm with her? i mean sugamo-bitch even threw  it to at her.

I expected to be troll, it was only when. :V

I'm not sure I've ever read such a suspenseful prologue that I understood literally NOTHING of...

I'm so tired of all this whining...

If you expected MC gets power-up or awaken hidden abilities in life-or-death situation, go read any shounen, there are plenty of them. This manga is not this kind. MC still remains weak after encounters with assasins, and I really like this. It feels realistic or something like that.

Dunno why,


But I felt like I've been trolled.

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