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* * * * * (4.53 - 76votes)

Area no Kishi

Alt Names: alt Ceza-sahasının Şövalyesialt The Knight in the Area
Author: Igano Hiroaki
Artist: Tsukiyama Kaya
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Aizawa Kakeru is an energetic and dedicated eighth grader who serves as the manager for his school’s football team. Though he was well known for being a talented player the previous year, an accident during one of his games caused Kakeru to vow never to play competitively again. Still passionate about the sport, Kakeru dreams of one day becoming a professional football trainer so that he can work alongside his older brother Suguru, the ace of the school team who has represented Japan in international competition.
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Topic Vol 2 Chap 6/7 New Window Hierofantus
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Topic Area no kishi Chapter Discussion New Window malgod
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I saw what you meant Harry. (kind of)

spoiler for chapter 321:



I saw what you meant Harry. (kind of)

spoiler for chapter 321:


>female soccer rival for Nana

>could be interesting

>potential for watching girls compete against each other

>aw yiss

>decides to chase after Kakeru instead in hopes of sparking jealousy


From real potential rival to trashy love rival with no chance of character development, in less than 15 pages.

Dang it, author.

Iwaki should have dragged Mine out into the ocean and drowned her.


Oh, and DAT ASS!!!! 2s7xvdg.gif

actually, I don't see why Nana can't do so. Unlike the players, she's actually viewing from a comfortable viewing spot, hence she's more able to predict short term from the overall movements of the team.
However, once in-game, it'll not be so easy. (Although she and Suguru-type of players are able to grasp the general flow of the entire field)
btw, I still want more Nana cover.

If you want some Nana goodness, you should check out the latest RAW lol.
I checked the RAW out of curiosity and interestingly enough, you're right about her observation from outside the field.

actually, I don't see why Nana can't do so. Unlike the players, she's actually viewing from a comfortable viewing spot, hence she's more able to predict short term from the overall movements of the team.

However, once in-game, it'll not be so easy. (Although she and Suguru-type of players are able to grasp the general flow of the entire field)

btw, I still want more Nana cover.

Seven's super predictive abilities on what's going to happen on the pitch is getting a little much. I understand she's a genius, in a sports manga no less, but holy crap woman dial it down!!


On a serious note, according to a comment below, do we really have to sit through


this manga still lacks the basic stuff needed in a sport manga


What is next? a hollow mask!

And those were just the regionals, right? Nationals must be even harder.
Great chapter. I got all choked up at the sight of Araki crying. There's really nothing worse than giving everything you have to make your dreams come true and realizing that it's just barely...not enough. I really wish that Enoshima had won.

@cookieness, you hit the nail on the head with your assessment. I have no doubt if Kakeru didn't have a brother complex and kept at it instead of running away he would've been just as great as his brother in his own right. Now it's just going to take longer to get to that point and we'll just have to suffer through the chest raping until we get there.

As well as your other point with how it tends to bog down so to speak. Sadly, it doesn't get any better since I keep up with the raws. Well one can't claim that this is another Tsubasa knock-off. I could be wrong, but I don't think Kakeru develops anything new either.


Infact just a minor spoiler. He still isn't a starter and we're at chapter 312 already. The author spends far too much time on every other player and not enough on Kakeru. That's what keeps it at just a good manga and not a great one.


Then again look at Kenichi and how pathetic his character has become in HSDK and it's already up in the 500's. Hopefully, Kakeru won't follow that route.

All was a dream...
this manga is really slow..one play one chapter? and the releases are slow too. only exciting moment is when the main lead shows how OP he is and it's not even his own power. or maybe the author will play it like instead of really being possesed, it's just kakeru's latent potential but he refuses to own to it because he still feels somewhat guilty about the transplant and all and in a fit of denial of his own skill he just mimicks how his brother plays which he memorizes after watching him for so long. then the fact that he was able to mimick his brother will be made a testament of how strong his potential is. but yea the way it develops is not really interesting. the story goes out of focus too much too. it gets you excited for hinting something but then fails to show something really amazing. ahh nevermind lol. rant over.
Excccccelent. I very much enjoy interesting turnarounds like that, and the story's bound to be cool these next few chapters.
@Reivin: I haven't read ahead but
i'll still try to read it like 2 or 3 more chapters if it continues like this i might drop it...
the way it was shown at chapter 112 doesnt really feel right
lol it was annoying me to quite some extent but was still bearable.
but looking up chapter 112 made it unbearable to continue reading this. even his facial features changed to the way his big brother looked. it felt like a new kind of trollface...

I usually appreciate unique aspects of a story line in games/manga, but here it just doesn't feel executed well.
So can anyone who can actually read japanese and has been reading the untranslated volumes can pm me and tell me if it gets better and less focused on this "possessed by the brother" storyline?
Which is what's actually happening, see that brazilian dude.
Technically he is possesed by his brothers ghost.
I bet Kakeru is just delusional, spaced out and on drugs thinking he can hear his brother.
somehow whenever another "elder-brother causes a flashback because of the heart-transplant" scene comes around it makes it rather annoying to read. I understand that the author tries to make it seem like there is still a bond and even more some kind of influence because it is the heart of his elder brother, but the way it is presented somewhat makes it look all too often like it is more the achievement of the dead genius rather than the actual mc.

somehow undermines the actual development of the mc himself and instead makes me feel like all the people start seeing his brother in him instead the actual mc.
Inc Suguru powerup
the commentator is kinda one-sided..
I kind of have a problem trying to read through this manga. It's good but the transplant thing drives me crazy. I myself am a kidney transplant recipient and am in excellent shape. I work out as much as I can and before the transplant and afterwards, I played and continue to play a ton of tennis. It is not easy sledding. And a kidney transplant is the easiest one on the body when it comes to transplants. Heart is, of course, the most difficult to recover from. The side effects of the medication alone are daunting, and the surgically connected bits will always be at high risk from physical stress. It'd be nigh near miraculous for Kakeru to ever come back from a heart transplant enough to play competitive football, much less at the level he's at and I don't think any doctor would ever recommend or allow it.
Because I don't wanna name it ch 107.5 or 107.9 as it's on different volume with ch 107... And somehow it feels wrong to name the extra as 108 and the main chapter 108.1

anyhow the main ch 108 has been released and should be added here soon

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