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* * * * - (4.26 - 145votes)

Strike The Blood

Alt Names: alt ストライク・ザ・ブラッドalt Sutoraiku za buraddo
Author: Mikumo Gakuto
Artist: Tate
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiShounen ShounenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The fourth primogenitor - is the strongest vampire who exists only in the world of legends; yet when this masters the 12 kenju, the spread of the catastrophe of the vampires will appear in Japan.

In order to spy on and erase this, "fourth primogenitor," the government owned Lion organization have decided to send an attacking magician, "sword shaman" to complete the task. Yet unknowingly, the one who was selected to spy was actually a trainee "sword shaman" girl - Himeragi Yukina.
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This is a great anime and a great manga too. People find "plot holes" in everything. Ask a large enough group of people and I bet you someone will come up with plot holes for even noble prize winning literature. Also you always hear complaints about the pace of the romance development. It is too fast too slow, too annoying. None of this is true for this manga. The plot and romance are both well done and surprisingly consistent.
Here is the real low-down:
Comedy? Check
Boobs? Check
Outrageous and very entertaining special powers? Check
Good romance? Check
Respectable main character? Check
Decent plot? Check
Tasteful ecchi moments? Check
Ticks all the things you need for a good shounen manga.
There aren't any real plot holes. The story is a bit outrageous, but who on earth is going to read a super-power manga with a down to earth realistic story. That is like going to watch a transformers movie without any CGI or special effects and realistic fights. There is some cliche stuff, but tbh they are done with a fresh twist. The harem element is also tastefully done, by linking it to power-ups and making each girl fiercely independent and strong willed. It is definitely not your boring typical harem manga that depends on the cheap and perverse thrill of watching some sensitive, kind-hearted but weak girls get hurt. These are girls who snort harem manga main characters up by the dozen and spit them out all together in a nice fat loogey. The main character is not a rage inducing thick-as-a-brick indecisive idiot. He is actually a pretty cool guy, even though he is a total perv. He is the kind of guy whose antics make you laugh and give him a friendly pat on the back. Certainly not someone that fills you with the desire to punch him in the stomach repeatedly and then kick him in the nads a few times for good measure after he falls to the ground. The fights are not as a nice as other shounen mangas. They are not very elaborate affairs, just nice SFX and no real substance and zero intellectual engagement. That is IMO the only major flaw in this series, but its not enough to detract from the entertainment value.
All in all this is a very enjoyable manga and anime. The harem element (which I usually hate) is actually a big plus in this series. The romance and ecchi elements are tastefully done. The plot develops well at a reasonable pace without too much filler and useless side-stories (finally an author who understands the "Chekhov's gun" principle"). The story is light-hearted and funny, spiced up with the just the right amount of tragedy.  If you can overlook the lacklustre action and you enjoy the super-power/vampire/fantasy and ecchi/romance genres, then this is a pretty good one.

I agree with your points but your bit on Kojou is inaccurate. What you said fit Akatsuki in Hague Yuusha and Yuuto in henneko as well as Kodaka in haganai though. They are perverted but if they are dense or indecisive, it is usually out of their own volition and being in denial, not a natural trait.

Also add spoiler tags for long comments.
I'll just say that the events don't flow as harmoniously as I'd want them to, plus the dialogues between characters are cheesy and feel childish. But this is shounen...and that argument pretty much negates any "I want a more serious manga" rant. If you want mature stuff,read Berserk. There's plenty of adult material right there.
It's far from perfect.

This is a great anime and a great manga too. People find "plot holes" in everything. Ask a large enough group of people and I bet you someone will come up with plot holes for even noble prize winning literature. Also you always hear complaints about the pace of the romance development. It is too fast too slow, too annoying. None of this is true for this manga. The plot and romance are both well done and surprisingly consistent.


Here is the real low-down:


Comedy? Check

Boobs? Check

Outrageous and very entertaining special powers? Check

Good romance? Check

Respectable main character? Check

Decent plot? Check

Tasteful ecchi moments? Check


Ticks all the things you need for a good shounen manga.


There aren't any real plot holes. The story is a bit outrageous, but who on earth is going to read a super-power manga with a down to earth realistic story. That is like going to watch a transformers movie without any CGI or special effects and realistic fights. There is some cliche stuff, but tbh they are done with a fresh twist. The harem element is also tastefully done, by linking it to power-ups and making each girl fiercely independent and strong willed. It is definitely not your boring typical harem manga that depends on the cheap and perverse thrill of watching some sensitive, kind-hearted but weak girls get hurt. These are girls who snort harem manga main characters up by the dozen and spit them out all together in a nice fat loogey. The main character is not a rage inducing thick-as-a-brick indecisive idiot. He is actually a pretty cool guy, even though he is a total perv. He is the kind of guy whose antics make you laugh and give him a friendly pat on the back. Certainly not someone that fills you with the desire to punch him in the stomach repeatedly and then kick him in the nads a few times for good measure after he falls to the ground. The fights are not as a nice as other shounen mangas. They are not very elaborate affairs, just nice SFX and no real substance and zero intellectual engagement. That is IMO the only major flaw in this series, but its not enough to detract from the entertainment value.


All in all this is a very enjoyable manga and anime. The harem element (which I usually hate) is actually a big plus in this series. The romance and ecchi elements are tastefully done. The plot develops well at a reasonable pace without too much filler and useless side-stories (finally an author who understands the "Chekhov's gun" principle"). The story is light-hearted and funny, spiced up with the just the right amount of tragedy.  If you can overlook the lacklustre action and you enjoy the super-power/vampire/fantasy and ecchi/romance genres, then this is a pretty good one.

I love you for this. This is exactly why i'm picky about what I read. if i see "harem" and "ecchi" in the same category as shounen, i tend to not even give it a chance because its usually all like this(after i read the synopsis....telling me about a boy and then some girl shows up. I stop reading and close the tab pretty fast. to keep my attention even a little after reading that, everything before that better be interesting as hell.)

And i'v read quite a few good shounens that don't end up in such nonsense situations(no naruto/bleach/onepeice ect don't count, but imo, they are better than this).

........its everywhere......EVERYWHERE.

I only gave this a shot because, well...vampires. I started the anime....and pretty much just dropped it after the anime passed up the manga subs. Something about the anime just.. did NOT sit right with me.. and i'm hanging on by a thread trying to reading this now.

I lol'd too hard at the disney lawsuit. xD

That'd would have stopped me from reading gems like Air Gear, they fucked it up rly badly though, which is my favourite all time manga just because of those 30, 40 something chapters

a maiden's feelings are always complex. Also you could always say something instead of staying silent if you wanted to do what you wanted to do.

I've finally decided to formally review this as a MangaSins (in the style of CinemaSins).



I love you for this. This is exactly why i'm picky about what I read. if i see "harem" and "ecchi" in the same category as shounen, i tend to not even give it a chance because its usually all like this(after i read the synopsis....telling me about a boy and then some girl shows up. I stop reading and close the tab pretty fast. to keep my attention even a little after reading that, everything before that better be interesting as hell.)

And i'v read quite a few good shounens that don't end up in such nonsense situations(no naruto/bleach/onepeice ect don't count, but imo, they are better than this).

........its everywhere......EVERYWHERE.

I only gave this a shot because, well...vampires. I started the anime....and pretty much just dropped it after the anime passed up the manga subs. Something about the anime just.. did NOT sit right with me.. and i'm hanging on by a thread trying to reading this now.

I lol'd too hard at the disney lawsuit. xD

I wonder if this can catch up to the anime b4 2015....probably not


I'm going to keep this incredibly short.  I agree with you on the plot holes and pacing.  It's hugely evident in the anime as well.  The only viable explanation is: It's a shounen, it's aimed at a younger audience who won't be delving too much into the story.



Oh god......our fight


Vietnam flashbacks....

At least they cut Himeragi out.

Oh god......our fight


Vietnam flashbacks....

He wasted his chance! She was totally waiting for him and he blew it! BLEW IT!

You do know Touma is also a middle schooler in that. Even Style who looks either late teens or early twenties is said to be ridiculously young though i forget how young he is.

Touma is 16, and a first year in highschool. Stiyl is "supposedly" 14.

I've finally decided to formally review this as a MangaSins (in the style of CinemaSins).


@kuroiikawa. All stories, especially manga, are absolutely littered with plot-holes and inconsistencies. The trick is to not let them bother you too much. But I agree that random development. and villains who only seem to have a conscience in that one moment that it could and will hinder them, are hard to ignore.

Ichigo 100% had a good level of that

Hmmmm.... Still searching for that mythical happy median with that one.

You do know Touma is also a middle schooler in that. Even Style who looks either late teens or early twenties is said to be ridiculously young though i forget how young he is.

...perhaps I missing something or because not reading the LN too much but... isn't Touma already a high-schooler? a first year high-schooler though

welp this is my top anime/manga of the season for sure 

Did you forget To aru majutsu no index/To aru kagaku no railgun?

The girls who like Touma (although he keeps failing to notice their affection, even after 24 volumes into the LN) are middle- schoolers as well (or at that age)

(I am talking about Misaka Mikoto and Index)

You do know Touma is also a middle schooler in that. Even Style who looks either late teens or early twenties is said to be ridiculously young though i forget how young he is.

wow! STB is a harem manga? gotta watch the anime + read the manga XD

Actually it seems kind of better due to the fact most romances have hints within one volume but no actual developments and no confirmation to each other until bloody the end of the series. I'm hoping it wont be ya standard "Our story is over, I now say I love you, now lets date" in this.

Hmmmm.... Still searching for that mythical happy median with that one.

Don't you guys think that the anime is progressing way too fast?


And they skipped some parts


just starting to notice this manga because the anime ...

wow, To Aru Index again ... *follow* ... =3= ...

AHh, they didn't show the Lightning Rasengan Type move, however the fight was still epic. and now with Episode 4, we are now ahead of the manga!

Himeragi is boss!: 



Akatsuki finishing it off with the Imagine Breaker!



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