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* * * * * (4.52 - 54votes)

Yami no Naka no Crown

Alt Names: alt 闇の中のクラウンalt The Crown Amidst Darknessalt Yami no Naka no Clown
Author: Fusoku Jinrui
Artist: L Bushi
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaFantasy FantasySupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Everyone in the world is born with two things: the ability to collect "Life's Light" and a "Light Vessel" in which to hold the collected "Life's Light". Most people use their vessels to assist them in doing various tasks but occasionally someone is born with a vessel that allows them to do battle with. The protagonist, Ruyu, stumbles upon the end of a battle only to find one survivor. Could the young boy she saved be connected to the king's men who entered the town with the intent of killing everyone?
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I took the liberty of changing this to Ongoing instead of Completed.

The chapters here only go up to chapter 6, which even has a extreme cliffhanger, while with a simple google search, shows the other chapters.

Other chapters' chinese raws are on raffmanga's site. Link in spoiler.



If I am wrong, please feel free to change it back.

No way this is completed just like that, right? RIGHT??

It's not, theres still more

I seriously hope the Chinese raws get picked up... this is way too good to be dropped... especially at this cliffhanger!!!! 


recommend reading it even if it is on hiatus...  <_<

No way this is completed just like that, right? RIGHT??

Once I read the new chapter, I was wondering whether she is surprised because she has no power, or because she does.

Then because it has been so long, I went to reread the first chapter because Mayor Lee has been stored into my tomb of badass politicians who are good guys.

And then this....


Well that answers that.


On a side note. Voting time. New female character. "Friend" or 'Any variations of the following "Jealous clingy woman' 'Hateful backstabber' 'Bitch' 'Professional Actress who hides her hatred of the main character because she is smart enough to know that being mean to her would only lower her chances with the one she actually likes and as such goes on her entire life never revealing her deepest secret unless said object of affection ends up with the main character vs any other character that may show up later' 'Actually a lesbian'


I will let someone else decide the odds of those two choices.

there are around 12 chapters in general. I saw Chinese raws.


Sad to see this one gone, but I still hope some group might pick it up.

And here I was wondering why the title was Japanese when the character names were definitely not Japanese. That's really trollific =.= I should've read the comments to find out the situation beforehand lol...

What is this teinwen series im supposed to check out

Tienwen Kadokawa Animation & Comics is a Chinese branch of the Kadokawa publishing company. The original Chinese series was apparently first published by this company and has continued to be published there since it first started. 6 months after the original Chinese publication, the series Yami no Naka no Crown was published by the Japanese branch in the Asuka magazine; this is what we have here, which has ended.


Their website is: http://www.gztwkadokawa.com/

Sorry double post phone with bad internet
What is this teinwen series im supposed to check out

Da fuq?!


ahaha, well, at least Chinese scans will be easier to get.


Maybe there's not enough chapters out but I kind of feel like this is missing a romance tag

It is still uncertain since they still not showing there is love and hiding it. Though I can understand that, have to set priority to escape. Well, I guess it would develop since they are alone together in a life and death situation. Those situation tend to make people closer together, survival instinct I guess. Suspension Bridge effect work in the same premise.

Maybe there's not enough chapters out but I kind of feel like this is missing a romance tag

Did someone say cliffhanger?



Nope, this ain't no cliffhanger


Did someone say cliffhanger?


girl kill with smile on her face..... Insta Follow

The manga's definitely promising so far. Nevertheless I find Fallen Syndicate's choice to alter between upper case and capitalizing first letter difficult to get accustomed to. There's nothing wrong with that though it's distracting when a sentence chopped into different panels are only capitalized in the first panel instead of every panels.


When I read it in the manga, I assumed it meant Ruyu's The Chosen One and can form new land or stuff. Now it makes more sense out of the context.

To form a new land the old one one must be gone. And this is rarely peaceful especially where this manga is going.

The manga's definitely promising so far. Nevertheless I find Fallen Syndicate's choice to alter between upper case and capitalizing first letter difficult to get accustomed to. There's nothing wrong with that though it's distracting when a sentence chopped into different panels are only capitalized in the first panel instead of every panels.


"You already have somewhere else where you belong. And if by some chance that place doesn't exist, you have the ability to create it."

-Sionchin, Chapter 2

When I read it in the manga, I assumed it meant Ruyu's The Chosen One and can form new land or stuff. Now it makes more sense out of the context.

Why yes, I love a MC who is willing to kill, especially when she smiles right before doing it.

So long innocent heart.
Flame of hatred ablazed
Wait not for heaven's wrath
Let tyrant's throne be razed

So long courageous heart
Sake of flowers beloved
Pair of flowers on earth
Lives as you defended



This manga is good since it compelled me to write a poem.

This... needs more fans and readers :)

Ruyu is amazing~



Aw... Why did author had to kill two amazing characters in the beginning of the story - Illume & Sionchin 



Hopefully, it would be the end of it. If not, then view it as the same with Game of thrones.

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