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* * * * * (4.71 - 35votes)

Working!! Re:ORDER

Alt Names: alt WORKING!! Re:オーダー
Author: Takatsu Karino
Artist: Takatsu Karino
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Continuation of the Working!! series.

Prequel: http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/working-r395
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Just realized that the-woman-whose-name-is-not-Yamada is Kondou Kisaki from web series (yes, i'm not very attentive) after seeing the manager, now i'm waiting for our heroine twin to meet each other.

Isnt's that MILF


If you're talking about the web working they're other characters, from another wagnaria.


More than shuffle characters, isn't another story?


Yeah I made a mistake on that

so that other couple this chapter, they're from the spinoff arent they

No, they're from Working Web-ban.


Actually, I would like to say something too about that, it's probably mistranslated. But, her name is Shiho instead of Chiho. I'll try to get the fixed one up later.(It will become relevant if you read the other series, because she will appear there as one of the main characters).

That lady with a sadistic feel, blonde hair, big breasts, a nice face and whose name is not Yamada can consider herself lucky that Souta didn't see that baby...

Hold my kid

That slayed me.

Fuck me I already shipped Souma and that milf in my head lol.

shipbrofist to that

If you guys are curious as to why Inami has got a bigger chest in the Credits page...check out this chapter in Working!!!  Chapter 142

If you're talking about the web working they're other characters, from another wagnaria.

By new series, are you talking about the web-version of Working? I may be wrong, but I thought the web-version was the original version of Working. It was popular, so she was signed to an actual print deal and relaunched the series with shuffled characters. You can obviously see the similarities in characters between both versions on the covers. Appearances, character and personality traits are shuffled, but still there.
(The same can be said for Servant x Service, which was her series before Working was published. All the characters from that are "there" in Working, just in slightly tweaked fashion.)
More than shuffle characters, isn't another story?

Fuck me I already shipped Souma and that milf in my head lol.

If you guys are curious as to why Inami has got a bigger chest in the Credits page...check out this chapter in Working!!!  Chapter 142

Also, just FYI, but you can attach a debit or bank account to paypal. Doesn't have to be a CC. And you could even use a separate account that you only transfer a small amount of funds to as well to prevent any Paypal shenanigans.

I know...

Would've done if I had a credit card, too bad I don't.

I was saying I don't even have a card at all, sorry I didn't make it more clearer for you. My bad.

By new series, are you talking about the web-version of Working? I may be wrong, but I thought the web-version was the original version of Working. It was popular, so she was signed to an actual print deal and relaunched the series with shuffled characters. You can obviously see the similarities in characters between both versions on the covers. Appearances, character and personality traits are shuffled, but still there.
(The same can be said for Servant x Service, which was her series before Working was published. All the characters from that are "there" in Working, just in slightly tweaked fashion.)

After browsing, yes you were right, https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/WORKING!!__(WEB版).
It seems, WEB Working!! was indeed the original version.
But since it was published later after the Working!! series, I just thought that it was the new one, lol.
Looks like we will get to see the original idea animated in the near future then.

By new series, are you talking about the web-version of Working? I may be wrong, but I thought the web-version was the original version of Working. It was popular, so she was signed to an actual print deal and relaunched the series with shuffled characters. You can obviously see the similarities in characters between both versions on the covers. Appearances, character and personality traits are shuffled, but still there.


(The same can be said for Servant x Service, which was her series before Working was published. All the characters from that are "there" in Working, just in slightly tweaked fashion.)

It might not be expensive but aren't you being a tad too haughty? Like FSL29 mentioned they all have their own reason, hell actually just supporting them and showing some donation appreciation is pretty normal.

Once again they = generously free work, us = leechers - so how about putting a sock in it?


You = leecher. I've translated several hundred manga chapters and can read it just fine, thank you.



Also, just FYI, but you can attach a debit or bank account to paypal. Doesn't have to be a CC. And you could even use a separate account that you only transfer a small amount of funds to as well to prevent any Paypal shenanigans.

so that other couple this chapter, they're from the spinoff arent they

PS: Don't be cheap and just buy the damn volumes or ebooks without begging for money. A true fan would own the series. Otherwise source them with a scanner online, usually like $2/chapter or less for magscans.

It might not be expensive but aren't you being a tad too haughty? Like FSL29 mentioned they all have their own reason, hell actually just supporting them and showing some donation appreciation is pretty normal.

Once again they = generously free work, us = leechers - so how about putting a sock in it?


Btw thanks for chapter 2.

In the Cover...did Popura grow taller!?


In the Cover...did Popura grow taller!?

new anime maybe? 

Doubt it, maybe a 100 chapters in

new anime maybe? 

I had no idea she was continuing it like this. Although it begs the question—why relaunch the series with a new subtitle instead of just continuing with Vol 14+?

Perhaps because technically this is not a 4 koma? unlike the original. That is the only think i can think that make sense

I had no idea she was continuing it like this. Although it begs the question—why relaunch the series with a new subtitle instead of just continuing with Vol 14+?

It's actually because of the tons of request from the fans in Japan who wants to see a continuation. And this is the result. It's only 6 chapters/1 volume though.
And bit by bit the author is introducing the characters that will appear in her new series. Well, I said new, but it has 3 volumes already now and an anime confirmed.

Basically, it was something that the author doesn't have in mind initially.

PS: Don't be cheap and just buy the damn volumes or ebooks without begging for money. A true fan would own the series. Otherwise source them with a scanner online, usually like $2/chapter or less for magscans.

P.S Would've done if I had a credit card, too bad I don't. And making one is a hassle.
So I'm just using some left-over money to buy from my Paypal acc(without credit card installed).

I had no idea she was continuing it like this. Although it begs the question—why relaunch the series with a new subtitle instead of just continuing with Vol 14+?


PS: Don't be cheap and just buy the damn volumes or ebooks without begging for money. A true fan would own the series. Otherwise source them with a scanner online, usually like $2/chapter or less for magscans.


PPS: The web-version of Working!! has also gotten an anime green-lit. This is going to get really confusing, what with the upcoming OVA after 3rd season as well.

what is this fluttery feeling in my heart? ahhhhh!!!

glad inami x takanashi is sailing smooth

Lol when I saw the word "re:order" I assumed that the scanlators were just arranging the chapters of the original in order.

I was thinking "gritty retelling"

She use to do a 1000 pushes i bet now she does a 100.

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