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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.56 - 34votes)


Alt Names: alt Brujasalt Bruxasalt Cadılaralt 魔女alt Majo
Author: Igarashi Daisuke
Artist: Igarashi Daisuke
Genres: Award Winning Award WinningDrama DramaSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A wildly imaginitive trek into the deepest realms of human beliefs and the mysteries of the universe. Daisuke Igarashi's amazing pen can recreate anything he can imagine on paper, resulting in beautifully chaotic, maddeningly detailed scrawls of pure wonder. A true celebration of the human imagination.

When deep emotions come to the head, the witch that dwells in the heart awakens - the gorgeous and literary illusory tales begin.

Majo won the Excellence Prize in the Manga Division at Japan Media Arts Festival in 2004.
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I'm late to the party by 4 years, but I must say that this is incredible. A series of powerful stories, somewhat akin to those found in literature, that does not drag on and ends when they need to. The theme of witches, and their foreign yet grounded point of views that the work elaborated on must have not been easy to write, and even more so to deliver it to the readers beautifully.


Definitely one of the greats.

It gives you the "what did I just read" type of feeling, like usamaru furuyas "garden", but not x-rated.

This title is a masterpiece in every aspect; from the topics of interest to the art itself, it embodies a work delving into human beliefs and spirituality, life, universe and the interconnectedness of everything that exists. I love how the author focuses on the beliefs of minor cultures, enabling readers to view the world in a different way in each story. 


Each story focuses on particular women/girls (my favourite part), and along with the surreal, beautiful imagery, the author includes real world problems as well. Kuarupu does a particularly excellent job of highlighting threats faced by indigenous peoples around the world, like their dwellings and homes being destroyed in the face of modernisation and capitalism. There is also a subtle theme of the significance of environmental conservation running throughout all the chapters.


A thoughtful, imaginative and surreal journey into the depths of our beliefs and how connected we are to this earth. Although there were some things I disagreed with in this work, I'd rate this 10/10 for the beautiful art and wonderful presentation. Highly recommended. 

Looks like it's a series of oneshots relating to "witches," under the theme of the unthinkable magnitude of the universe -- it aims for a poignant impression on its readers. Definitely meant for older readers.
weird and good...smoothly good

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