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Ushiro - The Somber God of Death

Alt Names:
Author: Gotou Ryu & Level Five
Artist: Aoba Shigure
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: "In exchange for your life, I'll grant you one wish."

"Ushiro: the Somber God of Death" is what you get when Japanese horror meets Beetlejuice! Based on a cancelled Level Five game and a series of now popular horror novels written by Gotou Ryu, the manga adapts stories from the novels as faithfully as possible.

Ushiro spends his days looking for people desperate enough to die so he can approach them to convince them to die, so he can eat their souls. Despite how it seems though, he is not completely heartless, offering to grant the people a single wish to come true in exchange for it. However, much to Ushiro's dismay, an upbeat high school girl can actually see him, and on top of that she goes out of her way to convince people not to die.

Being drawn together through some kind of string of fate, the two go on to meet several different people who are struggling with hurtful pasts, perverted presents and foul futures, both doing what they can to help.
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Soak their gym clothes in gasoline?? Drop a brick on their head? Are you psychotic?  Why not just stab them with a knife or shoot them, and all their friends, in a fit of "self preserving rage". Violence begets violence.  Read my abridged story below and maybe you'll actually understand.


I was bullied much in school, but I was the one person you mention that would fight back.  I knew karate, I was tall, wiry and fast.  But the bullying does NOT stop.  In fact, it seems the kids my age would call in their bigger, older, brothers and then they would bully me.  If they lost, then they would gather friends and attack me all at once.  Bullying does not always stop if you fight back.  The reason for that is because you are fighting back alone.  A person who gets bullied tends to be quiet, doesn't want to hurt others and in most cases, smarter than even they realize.  The only way to stop bullying is to get help from people in authority.  If you haven't fought back, you already have the high ground if it ever comes to litigation and your victory is practically assured. If they find out you soaked someone's clothes in gasoline, you WILL be sent for psychiatric evaluation and even more classmates will shun you and isolate you from them due to your unstable mental state. Fighting back usually makes it worse.

First off, I'm interested in this story.

Second... does nobody ever realize that bullying is a two-way street? That if a bully kicks you in the shins you can just drop a brick on their head? Or a vase? Or put thumbtacks in their shoes, soak their gym clothes in gasoline, or just... fight back?

Then again, I guess some people just don't have the balls to stick up for themselves...

Clearly you were never bullied.

But man, I need raws for this. Apparently it began in 2015 so there may be a couple, any links?

Nevermind, found'em. Here's the link for anyone interested/translating groups: http://webnewtype.com/comic/ushiro/

Japanese people aren't exactly outspoken. Call it a cultural thing, but usually jerks like him never get their just desserts. Kids think such behaviour is shameful and teachers believe the same about admiting having that sort of problems in their class, so bullying problems seldom get adressed.

Somehow I think that, considering that one student commited suicide and another got fucking acid on her face this may warrant a reprimand.

Oh boy...

First off, I'm interested in this story.

Second... does nobody ever realize that bullying is a two-way street? That if a bully kicks you in the shins you can just drop a brick on their head? Or a vase? Or put thumbtacks in their shoes, soak their gym clothes in gasoline, or just... fight back?

Then again, I guess some people just don't have the balls to stick up for themselves...

Japanese people aren't exactly outspoken. Call it a cultural thing, but usually jerks like him never get their just desserts. Kids think such behaviour is shameful and teachers believe the same about admiting having that sort of problems in their class, so bullying problems seldom get adressed.

First off, I'm interested in this story.

Second... does nobody ever realize that bullying is a two-way street? That if a bully kicks you in the shins you can just drop a brick on their head? Or a vase? Or put thumbtacks in their shoes, soak their gym clothes in gasoline, or just... fight back?

Then again, I guess some people just don't have the balls to stick up for themselves...

Uoah, cancelled Level Five game?! That Level Five?!

Thanks for the update, I really want to see the next chapter and I hope the bully gets his punishment.

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