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* * * * * (4.87 - 31votes)

Trinity Seven Specials

Alt Names:
Author: Saitou Kenji
Artist: Nao Akinari
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiHarem HaremRomance Romance
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Bonus chapters that came with the first press editions of the Trinity Seven anime.

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they are further milking this and released the specials as volume 15.5 just now:



Thanks best twins improved my day. Maybe will give the manga a read now.

So, what exactly keeps these chapters from being attached to the main series page? Slotting them after the chapters that end each volume would be logical enough.

They come from the BD volumes, not the manga volumes, that's why they're apart

So, what exactly keeps these chapters from being attached to the main series page? Slotting them after the chapters that end each volume would be logical enough.

Liese is best Waifu

I'm sorry for all those Levi worshippers, but Liese is best girl and she proved it once again ! Levi is second tho.

Thank you for the hard work Mountain of Pigeons! Sadly there is only 6... I was enjoying these... thanks for spoiling us with the fast releases!

Might be both. Like situation where all outcomes are bad.

I agree. Her nightmare is probably some sort of worst timeline, where everyone dies and it's her fault.

Best twins

Lieze \o/

It seems to be the second, if the bits of clothes are anything to go by.

Might be both. Like situation where all outcomes are bad.

My what a grim dream. The only real question is




It seems to be the second, if the bits of clothes are anything to go by.


I wonder how much of her carefree attitude is simply a facade. 

oh my this Yui chapter <3 Gold <3

Goddammit, SO CLOSE!

If only the main manga used more stuff like this to pace itself.
Thanks for the (remarkably long) chapters!

Levi keeps proving she's the best.


Levi has reached the point of best-ness that she doesn't even need to prove she's the best to be the best.

Levi keeps proving she's the best.

Daily reminder that in a true harem, every girl is best girl.

Wooot! Finally, ninja uncovered! XD

Nice! these chapters focusing on how the girls feelings towards arata are great.

*followed at the speed of light*

Levi keeps proving she's the best.

Nice, I have the first and fourth but couldn't find the others. Do you know where I can find the rest?

On my bookshelf actually, but being less sarcastic, I don't know to any scans of the others existing beyond my own, and I don't upload the raws of things I'm translating.



Based MPT. Cant wait for the Levi in swimsuit chapter.

The fourth then, hopefully not too long to wait, though I think probably the third (Mira and Akio's) or fifth (Yui's) is my favourite, in the meantime, enjoy Arin's.

Based MPT. Cant wait for the Levi in swimsuit chapter.




*Ahem* ~(=owo) *Trots away*

There were six released, one for each volume of the anime, and I have scans of all of them, so that's certainly the plan.

Nice, I have the first and fourth but couldn't find the others. Do you know where I can find the rest?


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