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* * * * - (4.27 - 22votes)

Tribal 12

Alt Names: alt Tribal12
Author: Osada Yu-Ko
Artist: Osada Yu-Ko
Genres: Action ActionFantasy FantasyShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The world changed because one girl lost the one dearest to her. The grief-stricken girl kept searching for a way to bring him back to her, eventually became a scientist, creating a substance that looked to have promising results.

That substance was ‘Metaphysic particles’ which could transform mankind’s wildest dreams into reality, wondrous particles that could smash the divide between the spirit and the being.

But a grave error occurred in the research before it reached completion, and the Metaphysic particles were spread throughout the world. Incredible occurrences were happening throughout the world.

‘Monsters’ which preyed on humans appeared, recognized by the masses to be a consequence of the Metaphysic particles. It appeared to them to be the girl’s fault, and they ostracized her, calling her ‘The Witch’.

But from the masses emerged people who could use the Metaphysic particles to do battle with the monsters, Knights of Justice who transformed their beliefs into magical creatures to defeat the monsters. Using the twelve devices ‘Accessories’ that could magnify these beliefs, they became known as ‘12’

This is a story of a world where dreams become reality…
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I can't believe this stops at 3 volumes... how disappointing. I think this would have had great potential as a long-running series.

Nah, you're mistaken. It's gotta be Yu-gi-oh.

No no, it's obviously Dragonball.

Old man sitting in a chair with a bunch of tubes who sends his deadly sins created from human remains to try and recreate the world.... hmm this reminds me of uhhh pokemon?

Nah, you're mistaken. It's gotta be Yu-gi-oh.

this is actually great ...

nice~ somebody translated this manga.. wew being along time i wanted to read this manga back, almost 6 year..

Old man sitting in a chair with a bunch of tubes who sends his deadly sins created from human remains to try and recreate the world.... hmm this reminds me of uhhh pokemon?

Why the hell would they make ko so useless? 

It's not going to be the case, but I think it would be amusing if Ko turned out to be the one the antagonists are looking for at the end of chapter 6, just for the "Goddammit! I was JUST there!" factor. It might even explain the reason for his existence in this manga. xD


I'm going to end this here, as I've obviously been awake too long and am having difficulty remaining coherent.

I'm working on the translations, will be aiming to publish at least one chapter weekly until it's done. There are only 3 volumes.

Bro all I can say is thank you. my limited knowledge of languages other then English is barely good enough to navigate a menu in a rpg

hm, kinda interesting. kinda.

I'm working on the translations, will be aiming to publish at least one chapter weekly until it's done. There are only 3 volumes.

man it's been years since I read this!

Is this fully translated? Would prefer to wait until it is, as it looks interesting! :)

well the status is complete. but there are 3 volume before it end. its kinda weird why it say complete~

Is this fully translated? Would prefer to wait until it is, as it looks interesting! :)

Ahhh nice. finally can read it again. i remember reading it in kreko (MY manga magazine). cant find it anywhere but now finally can read it again. thank Tanequil!

Looks gooooood

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