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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (3.8 - 5votes)

Touhou - Kingyobachi (Doujinshi)

Alt Names: alt Touhou dj - Kingyobachi
Author: Yakumi Sarai (Circle) & Zounose
Artist: Yakumi Sarai (Circle) & Zounose
Genres: Doujinshi Doujinshi
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Yukari receives a visit and gift from a old acquaintance claiming he wanted to visit her before he dies. However the gift was bait and Ran takes it.
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I think the goldfish was meant to represent everyone who goes to Gensokyo, and the bowl Gensokyo itself.  The fish can only survive in the fishbowl (as said by the old man himself) but the space is limited and can only grow so large.  Then Chen represents the authority of Gensokyo, either Yukari or Reimu.  Once the fish gets so large, it simply get's eaten.  It's exactly like Chen said, she won't regret changing her mind because that was the right time for the fish to disappear.  Overall this entire episode was the old man's protest against Yukari and Gensokyo as a whole.



tldr; If the fish dies naturally, is it bad for Chen to eat the fish?

uhh... so.. who is that old oni? suika? what the goldfish represent?

I think the goldfish was meant to represent everyone who goes to Gensokyo, and the bowl Gensokyo itself.  The fish can only survive in the fishbowl (as said by the old man himself) but the space is limited and can only grow so large.  Then Chen represents the authority of Gensokyo, either Yukari or Reimu.  Once the fish gets so large, it simply get's eaten.  It's exactly like Chen said, she won't regret changing her mind because that was the right time for the fish to disappear.  Overall this entire episode was the old man's protest against Yukari and Gensokyo as a whole.

uhh... so.. who is that old oni? suika? what the goldfish represent?

I would read a 4koma with ran and the futatsuiwa

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