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* * * * - (4.32 - 108votes)

The Sacred Blacksmith

Alt Names: alt 聖劍鍛造師alt 聖剣の刀鍛冶alt Seiken no Blacksmithalt Seiken no Katanakajialt Seiken no Swordsmithalt The Sacred Sword's Blacksmithalt The Sword Blacksmith
Author: Miura Isao
Artist: Yamada Koutarou
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHorror HorrorRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story takes place after an abominable war that foisted a "devil's contract" upon a land. Cecily Campbell, a former noble's daughter who joined a knighthood, encounters a man who dispatches some hoodlums with one sweep of a mysterious sword. The man possesses the power of the same "devil's contract" that has become taboo, now that peace has been restored. Cecily has been searching for a blacksmith who can repair an old sword she inherited from her father, and that mysterious young man happens to be blacksmith named Luke. This encounter launches their adventures together.
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Fuk u siegfried , cause i found spoilers about you my intent on finishing this manga is abandoned 

Dunno if you're talking about what happened in the barn but [Spoiler]he didn't do it, he's impotent or at least can't have sex, might've sacrificed it for something. But she's still clean, he was just showing how powerless a "women" is.[/Spoiler]

*cough* http://www.gomanga.com/books/sacred-blacksmith-the/135

I guess I'll have to penny up $30 to get the last couple volumes at some point just to see how this all plays out then.

Gave it a chance but I'm going to drop it. Characters with no depth papercut from the most cliché of overdone characters while trying the over the top lol so random approach. I liked the concept but it was poorly executed.

Pretty much the same for me too. Maybe I've read far too many similar manga, but this is quite subpar and uninteresting in comparison. 

Gave it a chance but I'm going to drop it. Characters with no depth papercut from the most cliché of overdone characters while trying the over the top lol so random approach. I liked the concept but it was poorly executed.

Fuck still no update!

that's a straight sword, not a katana. Luke has been studying the wrong techniques for years. We're doomed...

they really are 2 miraculously different techniques

They should have just licensed the novels instead.

wish more novels would get licensed but who wants pictureless books that would be blasphemous

Fuk u siegfried , cause i found spoilers about you my intent on finishing this manga is abandoned 

Really? I don't see anything farther than v2 in my local Barnes and Nobles for years.. Even though I see the website is stocking it.. Why oh why >.>

Because retail is hell. Overall, manga takes up too much space and sells too slowly (most people don't want to buy 2+ year old manga? NAO WAI!) so bookstores push customers to custom order it through their website. And I say that as someone who worked at Borders before they went bankrupt.

what's with the chapter numbers? it's trial, trial 2... and then trial 2 2? surprised there isn't a trial 2 2 2.


lolz ... this is not game patch ...

more like arc Trial 2 which being separated into few more chapter ...

I'm just going to throw this out there, just in case anyone wants to know~ This series has been licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment. I doubt this will stop ppl from releasing it though anyway~

It sure stopped me. The New Year chapter was my last.


what's with the chapter numbers? it's trial, trial 2... and then trial 2 2? surprised there isn't a trial 2 2 2.


It's more like Trial 2 part 1, Trial 2 part 2 and so on...

I'm just going to throw this out there, just in case anyone wants to know~ This series has been licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment. I doubt this will stop ppl from releasing it though anyway~

Really? I don't see anything farther than v2 in my local Barnes and Nobles for years.. Even though I see the website is stocking it.. Why oh why >.>

what's with the chapter numbers? it's trial, trial 2... and then trial 2 2? surprised there isn't a trial 2 2 2.

New update! Thanks a lot!

Now, it really feels like it's ending... Shame.

A New Year, A New Update!!! What a good start of the year!!!

Oh thanks for chapter.

This manga is so awesome.

I'm just going to throw this out there, just in case anyone wants to know~ This series has been licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment. I doubt this will stop ppl from releasing it though anyway~

They should have just licensed the novels instead.

I'm just going to throw this out there, just in case anyone wants to know~ This series has been licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment. I doubt this will stop ppl from releasing it though anyway~

When did this turn into a Plato manga, anyway.

"Was it all just a dream? Or maybe a vision?"

I miss the longer chapters alrady :(

This whole "lost in a cave" thing took so long, I had to re-read the previous chapters to remember why...



Oh shit, I didn't realise that. But it really took long for the last chapters.

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