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* * * * - (4.35 - 26votes)

Tales of Zestiria - Time of Guidance

Alt Names: alt Tales of Zestiria: Michibiki no Toki
Author: Bandai Namco Games
Artist: Shiramine
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureFantasy FantasyShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Legends tell of a race of divine beings known as Seraphim, whose unseen influence is felt throughout the world. Those with the ability to commune with the Seraphim became known as “Shepherds”, the most pure-hearted of which could even be granted a Seraphim’s power. While some would praise these empowered Shepherds as living paragons, others would fear their strength and call them demons. Sorey is a young human who has spent his entire life in The Divine Forest, a holy place where he lives in harmony with many Seraphim. Enraptured by the legends within an ancient tome, he makes daily excursions into a nearby ruin in the hope of learning more about the Seraphim and their history, along with his Seraphim childhood friend Mikleo. One day, he is trapped by a cave-in alongside his friend and a young knight named Alisha, who is investigating a series of natural disasters that have been plaguing the world. When Sorey discovers that the Seraphim may be involved, he resolves to leave his home alongside Alisha and find the truth.
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Any one plz add more chapter of tales of zestiria

Well, despite it taking it's own liberties with the order of events, it's still decent. =3=

It's true but imo some events are better handled in the manga than in the game, you'll see that later though.

Just started playing the game a couple of days ago, and I'm loving it. The Opening is fantastic, I always watch it before playing, here's the better japanese version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VJncoVWMZA

Well, despite it taking it's own liberties with the order of events, it's still decent. =3=

well looks like rpg i will play when it gets released. now steam or will i have t oget disk(still love em)

To be honest most "Tales of" aren't know by the quality of their story :-P In fact some of them (like Rebirth) are openly mocked.

I thought Rebirth was suppose to have one of the better stories; I've never played it so I can't judge for myself. Or is this another Westerner review? I don't agree with them on 90% of things so that might explain it. But yeah, this series don't really have any amazing stories, thought they usually passable. Abyss being the best one.  But most games don't have amazing stories, don't know why people would be singling out this one.


Rather than the story, one of the biggest charms I find in this series are the characters and their interactions, which I usually find amusing. You and Westerners in general can disagree on this, just yet another disagreement we have, nothing new.

To be honest most "Tales of" aren't know by the quality of their story :-P In fact some of them (like Rebirth) are openly mocked.

You should read the reviews, they aren't about plot and overused drama or stuff like that.

To be honest most "Tales of" aren't know by the quality of their story :-P In fact some of them (like Rebirth) are openly mocked.

Funny how that works isn't it? A series with the name "Tales of" having weak/bad stories.

It's getting to be annoying where any problem to their quest is a convenient hellion.


I hope the author make a good effort in tying stuff in and not default to hellion. Otherwise this would be a simple evil vs good which is fine but it'll be too linear, the additional political strife is interesting but have already been used in many other plots to spice things up.

i was here!

WTF...Cooking!? gender bender!? Horror!? Yaoi!? Yuri!??? is this a joke!??

This series has everything!! XD

sounds perfect. but they removed it :(

surprise to see this game as a manga so soon.o_O 

But I wanna wait for the english version of the game to come out @_@

after reading the game reviews I totally lost the will to read this, since they were mostly talking bad about the history. -_-


To be honest most "Tales of" aren't know by the quality of their story :-P In fact some of them (like Rebirth) are openly mocked.

I WAS WAITING FOR THIS!!!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

after reading the game reviews I totally lost the will to read this, since they were mostly talking bad about the history. -_-

WTF...Cooking!? gender bender!? Horror!? Yaoi!? Yuri!??? is this a joke!??

This series has everything!! XD

I agree xD Did someone just add genres randomly? xd

WTF...Cooking!? gender bender!? Horror!? Yaoi!? Yuri!??? is this a joke!??

This series has everything!! XD

I WAS WAITING FOR THIS!!!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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