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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (3.5 - 20votes)

System of Romance

Alt Names:
Author: Sadamoto Yoshiyuki & Takaha Mako
Artist: Sadamoto Yoshiyuki
Genres: Drama DramaOneshot OneshotPsychological PsychologicalRomance Romance
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Oneshot.

A girl has sex with a man she met on a chatline. She later learns a dark secret about the man, only to meet him again under less-than-favorable circumstances.
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There should be a lesson to learn here, like . . . .  


Not every romance oneshot is vanilla ? I'm lost, let's just call it a day.

This is by the same guy who did the summer wars manga adaption. I came here, saw a romance tag thought theyd be similar. That was a nope.

So a advice for everyone... rape your crush but then spare her life, and she will fall in love with you.

Has anyone heard about the bridge experiment? Researchers had groups of people go on two bridges—one concrete and stable, the other a rickety suspension bridge—and then a female researcher gave the men her phone number. More people from the group on the suspension bridge called back than the group on the stable concrete bridge.


In short, it and other studies demonstrate that people innately associate fear with arousal. That's why going to a horror movie on a date tends to be so effective. That's probably what's going on with the main character in this manga: she feared the guy, but then he spared her and left her somewhat confused but just thankful to be alive. (...Oh good grief, I haven't even officially started any college courses but I already sound like a psych major, analyzing fictional character behavior XD)


A twisted love story. The main characters are both pretty (insert curse-word here) in the head

lol naw this this is love
It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
Yes I believe this is what they call that whole thing where you get kidnapped and get along with your kidnapper.
What Kamikaze said: Creepy.
...Well that was odd but, It falls along the lines of the common philosophy, "Love and Hate are very similar", in a way.
All she could think about was him,I and I guess she felt some type of love for him after spending those 2 times with him...Well, it's pretty complex but, they also didn't give too many details about the "hotline" and "their first encounter". So her feelings of love probably came from when they first met, and she realized them the second time after she felt sorry for her life....At least that's my opinion.
I didn't see any sings of her heart "fluttering" so why is she saying that at the end?
romantic.. lol
i can only think of one word to describe this manga.....


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