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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.25 - 12votes)

Suzumiya Haruhi - nyoro-n Churuya-san (Doujinshi)

Alt Names: alt にょろーん☆ちゅるやさんalt Suzumiya Haruhi dj - nyoro-n Churuya-sanalt Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu dj - nyoro-n Churuya-sanalt The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya dj - nyoro-n Churuya-san
Author: Utsura Uraraka (Circle) & Eretto
Artist: Utsura Uraraka (Circle) & Eretto
Genres: Comedy ComedyDoujinshi Doujinshi
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
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That Higurashi reference killed me. XD





I feel empty now..... Why is this so deep for being an easily done 4-koma? O_o


"Just fucking Google it."
Lost my shit. 100% did not see that coming.

I'm sad there won't be any more of this, it was really fun to read...
God, 2006 is forever ago.
How the heck do I feel old at 20 years old? This is ridiculous.

I'm not even 20 and even I feel that way. Whenever I read manga these days I'm like "Pfffft! Teenagers.... " then I remember my friends at school and I'm like "Oh....I am one....." *facepalm* Funny how being more versed in human psychology makes you see yourself as someone else. :P


That aside though, I sometimes remember old anime, games and such and how I used to enjoy them. Now when I look at those I'm like "Wait, the quality was this low? Jesus...." I hate how development in graphics and such can make you lose interest in things less "grandiose". Also cassette tapes. Before the advent of DVDs or SD cards to my county, I still remember the times I used to play with the tape and look at the images of movies and photos through the sunlight.... Also that the only games on phones those days were tetris or snake or something and having a Nokia was a big deal among school friends. Damn it was so long ago :( Goes to show that you can feel old at any age >_>

"Just fucking Google it."
Lost my shit. 100% did not see that coming.

I'm sad there won't be any more of this, it was really fun to read...
God, 2006 is forever ago.
How the heck do I feel old at 20 years old? This is ridiculous.


I know, right? I feel the same way. God knows how bad it'll be when I actually am old.

"Just fucking Google it."
Lost my shit. 100% did not see that coming.
I'm sad there won't be any more of this, it was really fun to read...
God, 2006 is forever ago.
How the heck do I feel old at 20 years old? This is ridiculous.

For me, I feel that way because the predominant age groups featured in manga are high schoolers and under. In three years, you will be the same age that Aoki Daisuke was at the start of KnJ. How does this make you feel?
"Just fucking Google it."
Lost my shit. 100% did not see that coming.

I'm sad there won't be any more of this, it was really fun to read...
God, 2006 is forever ago.
How the heck do I feel old at 20 years old? This is ridiculous.

I found this oddly saddening.

smoked cheese is a thing? how does it taste ?

I have no idea what I just read... BUT IT WAS AWESOME!

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