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* * * * * (4.58 - 12votes)

Sunset Rose

Alt Names: alt サンセットローズ
Author: Yonehara Hideyuki
Artist: Yonehara Hideyuki
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureFantasy FantasyShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The World Rift. A giant line of water jets that divides the world in two. Eight years ago, an epic battle punctured a hole through the rift and strange creatures began to leak into the known world, making it so that the only ones who venture out to sea are fools and pirates.
Cherry Blossom is one of these aspiring pirates, setting out to sea in order to find something important to him. Along the way, he crosses paths with Sun, a mysterious boy who holds the World Rift Tear, an amulet said to be the key to traversing the World Rift and discovering what lies beyond. Together, they set out into uncharted seas, inviting any grand adventures that awaits them!
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Was missing two pages on the first version of ch6 (pg 134 & 135). Whoops!
Second version is now up with them in-tact.

Volume 21 cover (Final Volume)


Oh, no! Do you have a screenshot of the source!? =(((

Sorry I don't. I saw it in Bessatsu Shounen Champion. Ah, new info:

Sunset Rose will end on August 10. Volume 21 is the last one.

Man this manga is great, but come one look at those lame names, Cherry, Momo, and Sun...

And the Hearty Hearty pirates, i feel trolled.

According to the latest issue, Sunset Rose will end soon in the Bessatsu Shounen Champion.


Oh, no! Do you have a screenshot of the source!? =(((

According to the latest issue, Sunset Rose will end soon in the Bessatsu Shounen Champion.

Man this manga is great, but come one look at those lame names, Cherry, Momo, and Sun...

Well if the pirate thing doesn't work out, they can become a flower themed male strip club, they've got the clothes and the abs and The Abs

I don't know piracy is one thing, but being a child stripper would be too much for Sun.


Also what a badass chapter, thanks a lot guys!

Well if the pirate thing doesn't work out, they can become a flower themed male strip club, they've got the clothes and
the abs and The Abs

I wish I could upvote this more than once...
Well if the pirate thing doesn't work out, they can become a flower themed male strip club, they've got the clothes and the abs and The Abs

So, a little update for our fans. We've got more chapters translated but we've lost contact with our typesetter and we're not sure when or if they're going to return. We don't have any other editors on the project yet, so if anybody wants to help out, shoot us an e-mail at [email protected].

That was some Tao Pai Pai shit right there, also it seems that while Coco was about badass swordsman pirates this one will be about marksmanship.

Man Leitzweiss sounds hype as fuck, is it a changeling or a titan? (and whose?) and would it appear in the prequel? so many questions.

mighty interesting, thx for translating it :D

Great, a One Piece rip-off.  Well, maybe it wont be so bad.


Um. This is a sequel to the author's other pirate themed manga, Full Ahead! Coco, which started the very same year as One Piece.

Great, a One Piece rip-off.  Well, maybe it wont be so bad.

Title: Sunset Rose

Scanlator group: Golden Roze


Coincidence? I think not.



Title: Sunset Rose

Scanlator group: Golden Roze


Coincidence? I think not.

Hmmmm, that was a neat first chapter. Guess I'll keep an eye on it.

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