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* * * * * (4.94 - 17votes)

Sousei no Onmyouji: Adashino Benio-hen

Alt Names: alt Twin Star Exorcists: Adashino Benio's Arc
Author: Sukeno Yoshiaki
Artist: Sukeno Yoshiaki
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaHorror HorrorMystery MysteryRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Spin-off of Sousei no Onmyouji:
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  • 1 Replies


A "spin-off" means something derived from something else. The amount of content is irrelevant. Even if the original got cancelled, a spin-off would remain a spin-off, because it spun off the original. Simple.

Never said it's not one. And this is not about the amount of content, but the amount of info that content has. Obviously this doesn't make this something other than a spin-off.

Chapter 2 on Tieba: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5374356965


And - WOW. So much info in one chapter... you have to wonder which manga is the spinoff here, lol. (Obviously you hardly can call Benio's part just a spinoff now)

A "spin-off" means something derived from something else. The amount of content is irrelevant. Even if the original got cancelled, a spin-off would remain a spin-off, because it spun off the original. Simple.

Chapter 2 on Tieba: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5374356965


And - WOW. So much info in one chapter... you have to wonder which manga is the spinoff here, lol. (Obviously you hardly can call Benio's part just a spinoff now)

So Chinu looks alot like thekid from chapter 30 of the main series...wonder how that's gonna tie in.


Also wonder if Rokuro and benio will meet again in the main series before the spin off finishes, otherwise at bare minimum it will be another year if the spin off is only one volume.

the dark atmosphere is epic lmao
now I'm glad they separate it from main story. This will be the one I'll follow every month.

I'm pretty sure it's released quartally. Next issue is in October or so.

So was she raped, or did he stop.
Can't really tell with those facial expressions of his.


It's only ambiguous if you don't understand how pacing works in sequential art.

So was she raped, or did he stop.

Can't really tell with those facial expressions of his.

the dark atmosphere is epic lmao

now I'm glad they separate it from main story. This will be the one I'll follow every month.

There was fun times? lol

Well... yeah, they have own issues and tragedies, but first part of the manga had a good mix of comedy and action.

The way I see it, basara are basically kids in adult/teen bodies, social wise. I mean, look at them; Kamui only thinks about having fun and has no impulse control or emotional intelligence, and Kaguya is basically... playing house/pretend. Creepy. Someone parent these kids. 

Damn Kamui. Your 1st boner is to flat chest girl....

Justice is super effective against evil

Damn Kamui. Your 1st boner is to flat chest girl....

Twin Star Exorcists: A Basara's First Boner

Oh hey. Maybe now people will stop complaining about her sort of disappearing for the current arc in the main series. 

Man Benio is going through some serious shit.

And just think, Rokuro is probably having the time of his life training at that point in time.


...guess it will be a while till Benio and Rokuro's reunion... : (


I'm not so sure the reunion will be a good one, so I'm not sure I'm sad its going to be awhile :S

Main story changed its style too a few chapters ago, if you have missed it. Just look at Rikurou when he's about to start his duel.


Both of them look older now. More serious tones too. Fun time is over.


There was fun times? lol

genial! yo pense que no verĂ­amos a benio por mucho tiempo

q bueno de parte del autor crear su propia arca

Is it me or is the art a little different..

Main story changed its style too a few chapters ago, if you have missed it. Just look at Rikurou when he's about to start his duel.


Both of them look older now. More serious tones too. Fun time is over.

Is it me or is the art a little different..


Yeah, Benio's face is sharper and at some points it looked like a completely different style.


Maybe the author was trying to go for something different for the spin-off, or he let the assistants do most of the work.

Kaguya is really crazy, i like her.

Is it me or is the art a little different..

Yeah, it's a bit more...realistic? Everything looks sharper somehow. It is clearly meant to show the seriousness of Benio's adventure, so I'm all up for it.


If it shows things from Benio's perspective, then I'm expecting a 10/10 mascot Ohagi-man to appear

Is it me or is the art a little different..

Chinu is come from Rokurou mom's or she take form of Rokurou mom?

because she the creator of Magano so she take a form the creator?

since she's first basara...

I think she just had to have some sort of reference to "build" her own body and Rokurou's mom was the only one there at this moment. I think we'll learn sooner or later (only 4 chapters a year for this manga)


I noticed this has a comedy tag...unless this references future events, I clearly missed something.

Tags were copied from the main series most likely.

Chinu is come from Rokurou mom's or she take form of Rokurou mom?

because she the creator of Magano so she take a form the creator?

since she's first basara...

seems like Benio will have a secret half human half impurity child way before she and Rokuro conceive the Miko, lol...

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