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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.39 - 28votes)

Sorairo no Graffiti

Alt Names: alt 空色のグラフィティalt Sky Colored Graffiti
Author: Karutoma
Artist: Karutoma
Genres: Romance RomanceSchool Life School LifeWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A girl who only brings about misfortune. A boy who has been blessed with nothing but good luck. When those two meet... what will happen?

Original Webcomic: http://www.comico.jp/articleList.nhn?titleNo=10807&page=1
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No updates for months... Suddenly a wild double-update has appeared! But it's a cliffhanger!! I'm unsure whether I should be happy or angry... <.<
While kinda inevitable, I wish the next ones have little to no drama.

And then he was whisked away into another land to start his new adventure, reincarnated as a hero.

This girl, pleagued by "Final Destination" vibes


Haha... It's funny, I never thought about it like that but I could totally see that happening.


Im enjoying this way more than I thought I would. Thanks to the translators!

I bet he'd enjoy it.  He seems to be sick of never having a challenge in his life.

Well it's all in your mind... Reminds me of the character with max luck stat and they could literally use their MAX luck to fail at crafting or repair... good way to break handcuffs :P

So they balance each other out. Their opposite lucks. Would the our male mc find it difficult to be with the female mc if they ever realize this?

I bet he'd enjoy it.  He seems to be sick of never having a challenge in his life.

So they balance each other out. Their opposite lucks. Would the our male mc find it difficult to be with the female mc if they ever realize this?

This is cute!

Thanks Waterflame

please don't end up with a love triangle

maybe it's gonna hard for love triangle setting

but love triangle is like standard setting in japan shoujo manga, so there is still a possibility

please don't end up with a love triangle

i am non-believer of luck , but i can't deny that i am unlucky like the heroine ... even if the misfortune will end up helping me one way or another


the thing is , the more i don't believe the existence of "luck" the more "luck"-based thing happened or in my case "unluck"/"misfortune"-based

I have to say your statement really doesn't work you can't say you don't believe in luck then follow up it up by saying your unlucky. lol 

i am non-believer of luck , but i can't deny that i am unlucky like the heroine ... even if the misfortune will end up helping me one way or another


the thing is , the more i don't believe the existence of "luck" the more "luck"-based thing happened or in my case "unluck"/"misfortune"-based

Wishing the best of luck to the translators, thanks for the releases and I hope for more! It's hard to not feel sorry for this girl.

She could learn a few things from the girl in Takeo-chan Bukkairoku.  If you're gonna have bad luck, always be prepared; at least don't do things like carry private books that look identical to the public book--with bad luck you know they're gonna get mixed up.

Cute, has a warm atmosphere to it. I'll give it a go :)

Hmm...I like this one!

Will give it a try - followed.

A very lovely glasses girl, followed mmm...

OH I GET IT because she wished for good luck so insteand she'd be given a guy with good luck.

I'm waiting >_<

Hmmm... the detail of that water splashing was impressive?

i like that too :)

Fukou da!

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