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* * * * - (4.35 - 20votes)

Shikigami Danshi

Alt Names: alt 式神男子
Author: Nanao Mio
Artist: Nanao Mio
Genres: Shoujo ShoujoSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A love-comedy story of a shikigami finally start!
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Arrivati al capitolo 8 Mei ha fatto bene, ma poverina!!!! Grazie per il continuo di questo bel manga :)

vi prego....aggiornate al più presto...questo manga mi piace troppo e sono curiosa del continuo!!! >////<

Bello bello ma continuate vero con i capitoli ... grazie mille

anche io voglio sto potere T-T

Ciao dalla pagina 31 non ci sono più i dialoghi.

messo a posto^^
Ciao dalla pagina 31 non ci sono più i dialoghi.
If I was a guy in this manga I'd be planning how to kill this girl instead of performing metaphorical cunnilingus on her 24/7.

What a horrifying power! The embarrassment potential is bad enough, but you could actually get someone seriously hurt if you accidentally think about it. However, in a relatively innocent setting like this and with the vantage point of a unrelated observer, it's hilariously amusing XD. Still very scary power in the hands of an otaku girl, pretty boys BEWARE!!


It is odd though how every guy but the first seems oddly ok with this situation. Guys frequently complain about hating to be nagged by a girl, but somehow are fine with bending to her every whim and thought?? Now that is true power, not just making them do what you want, but also having them want to do what you want 0_0 my goodness she really is a terrifying creature!

It is REALLY weirdly paced. Like, the first chapter did feel like it was supposed to follow a oneshot or chapter 0 or something, but then the next two are just as chaotic, so who even knows. There's another series by this author about onmouygi and shikigami, so maybe this stuff is better established elsewhere, but honestly I wonder if this breakneck pace isn't just there so we don't dwell too long on the abject horror of the scenario? Like, someone else having complete control over your body through basic ambient thought? Not even that they can order you to do something, but you will just automatically act out whatever they imagine, even if they don't want you to? Hell, the idea of having my body act to the whims of my OWN thoughts, with no control mechanism separating good ideas from ruinous ideas, is horrifying. Think about that too much, and the zany shenanigans become way grimmer. Maybe it's better like this.

Yup, it's meant to be funny, but personally, I think this scenario is pretty horrifying and that makes it unreadable to me. Naive, flustered teen controls the school's 'prince' to the point were she can make him strip literally everywhere. How very amusing =_=. The MC is not very likable. Frankly, I find her antics and her behavior annoying.

It is REALLY weirdly paced. Like, the first chapter did feel like it was supposed to follow a oneshot or chapter 0 or something, but then the next two are just as chaotic, so who even knows. There's another series by this author about onmouygi and shikigami, so maybe this stuff is better established elsewhere, but honestly I wonder if this breakneck pace isn't just there so we don't dwell too long on the abject horror of the scenario? Like, someone else having complete control over your body through basic ambient thought? Not even that they can order you to do something, but you will just automatically act out whatever they imagine, even if they don't want you to? Hell, the idea of having my body act to the whims of my OWN thoughts, with no control mechanism separating good ideas from ruinous ideas, is horrifying. Think about that too much, and the zany shenanigans become way grimmer. Maybe it's better like this.

This is hilarious. Thanks!

The engrish sure adds a comical effect. I wouldn't mind more engrish if it's hard for 'paradise love' scans to find QCs and they might fall behind on release schedule because of this- it looks like an interesting series after all.

For now anyway.

Odd, no matter how you look at this, the rapid establishment of the premise reads more like the recap at the start of a second or third chapter rather than an introduction. Is it possible that a one shot was skipped over? Or did the author just want to skip to the "juicy" bits?

Was this QCed at all?

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