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* * * * * (4.52 - 52votes)

Sensha Otoko - A True Tank Story

Alt Names: alt Sensha Otoko: A True Tank Storyalt Tank Man
Author: Haruno Tomoya & Type-Moon
Artist: Haruno Tomoya
Genres: Comedy ComedyDoujinshi Doujinshi
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A story about a 212cm military otaku with "Sensha Otoko" as his handle name. Despite his huge and imposing appearance, he is actually very shy, and thus had no girlfriends. One day, he saves a teenage girl from being harassed and promptly fell in love with the girl. However, because he has no experience in romance, he consults his otaku friends on the web-board Eirei Throne-Channel for advice. This is the beginning of a True Tank Story.

Sensha Otoko - A True Tank Story is a parody of Densha Otoko that was part of the moon.cinemas.jp 2009 April Fools' Day joke. The manga was published in the Type-Moon 10th anniversary book, it was written and drawn by Haruno Tomoya.
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...My guess would be that you'd have to have prior knowledge of Fate/Stay and all that jazz...which I don't...so it made next to no sense.


Better yet, on top of that you also need to know about Densha Otoko.


And on top of that it inherently doesn't make much sense (But is a decent bit funny, in that vaguely explicitly horrifying sort of way).

... -_- what did i just read? No honestly what the flying hell did i just read?! And why is there only one chapter?! 

...My guess would be that you'd have to have prior knowledge of Fate/Stay and all that jazz...which I don't...so it made next to no sense.


Given how much of an in-joke this entire thing seems to be, though, I'd recommend not reading it if you aren't already familiar w/ the characters (from wherever they come from).

... -_- what did i just read? No honestly what the flying hell did i just read?! And why is there only one chapter?! 

This went right over my head there for a moment.




Just! Gahahahahahaha!


I'm Dying... Haha-heh-hee-hi-hoho

...only one word can describe how epic this manga is...



Hehh, so the doujin in the end was drawn by the author of D-Frag. No wonder the art looks familiar (and the comedy is funny but a little odd).

just your typical Haruno Tomoya at work :v

The hell did I just read, and why is it not serialized?

What did i just read?

And why do I want to see it in new Carnival Phantasm, if it'll be ever created?

LOL WTF is this 

i don't think i'll be able to look at Fate/Zero the way i used to ever again.

This is fucking priceless 

The fact that Kirei was even dressed up as a maid already made this awesome.

Amazing? No. This is not amazing. This is beyond Amazing. This is on a level much higher than amazing. Much, much higher. Something magnificent, indescribable.

Rider's face.

Making me laugh my effing ass off irl x.x
As expected from Tomoya sensei!!!!
Oh man... That is just so great. :D I had to read it just from the image, I was not disappointed.
This got me laughing from the start. Nice.
Haruno Tomoya I love you.
Oh yeah, before I forget...
Best. Doujinshi. Ever.
ROFL! D-Frag author + Fate/zero? XD
I'm tempted to read this but...if I do, I'll know I'll somehow to this to myself
I am all kinds of awed.

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