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* * * * - (4.24 - 34votes)

Seikesshou Albatross

Alt Names: alt Albatrossalt ศึกศิลามหัศจรรย์ อัลบาทรอสalt アルバトロスalt 聖結晶アルバトロスalt 聖結晶傳說alt Holy Crystal Albatross
Author: Wakaki Tamiki
Artist: Wakaki Tamiki
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureFantasy FantasyShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: One day, junior high-schooler Yuuki helps a girl from another class, a weird girl known throughout the school as the "Trash Girl." Because of this selfless act, Yuuki's life undergoes a dramatic change!
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  • 3 Replies


Meh, this series was axed. I wonder if the scanlation group still working on it.

1...2...3... debate strong vs hard



thanks again!



Thanks Riceballicious!

*goes to read*

Meanwhile in the class under Keimas.....

it's kind of nice with a story where the fighters can't just regenerate their mana to keep going.
It's nice that the latest chapter addressed the whole "diamonds are carbon" issue. I guess there's now an element of mystery? (I can't help but think that the author just got a bunch of angry letters, realized his mistake, and tried to just roll with it in a later chapter though.)
@jojocommi My penis is hard. The large man that molests me at night is strong. No matter how hard my penis is, it can't overpower the strength of the man.

But in all seriousness, I'm sure you mean diamond's strong molecular bonding or the tensile strength? AFAIK, diamond's tensile strength is absurdly high up in the 100's gigapascals and its hardness is highest on the Moh scale, only to be surpassed by space rock (lonsdaleite for example) or artificially created substances.
diamond is indeed the hardest material but not the strongest 1...2...3... debate strong vs hard
If you learn chemistry back then, you should really known that diamond is the hardest material on planet. About the 10 (highest) scale of Mohs Scale.

Reasons too many to give.
- Probably very hard to make one. To make artificial diamond, you have to compress pure carbon with respective high temperature and pressure. Took a long time though naturally, but pricy win.
- Because the carbon are too stacked/compressed in diamond (tetrahedrally) unlike in graphite which is loosely energised carbon which is different to diamond that hardened by ages of temperature and pressure energy.
- I thought that the idea in this manga if the energy from diamond is more towards "times rate" rather than single carbon. Lets say that a there are millions of carbon in diamond. A single carbon of diamond carries overloaded energy than normal carbon.

Overpowered carbon * quantity of element in material (use your Avagadro Constant or whatever) = Destructive???

Conservation of Energy. Too much science. Just my two cents.
As always... Thanks for the update! :D
Also Diamonds? Aren't they just pure Cabon? Won't Graphite sufise?
I'd love to see how well a monobile goes up against a Qwaser (and by go up against, I mean how badly they get stomped).
>.> how is the princesses jewel soo hard to find when diamonds are just carbon and actually why is her jewel Diamonds... it should in all right be carbon if she uses diamonds... and that itself doesn't make sense since monobail(whatever their name is) powers seem to be linked to the periodic table. I expected her Jewel to be some extremely rare element...
Wait, didn't diamonds made of just Carbon? why is it so hard to find?
I was making a pun tho....but thanks for picking it up, Hahaha. Best of luck to you guys..
@deathshadow47 We lost contact with our original editor for the series. But we found a new one and they're currently working hard.
....is what I was going to say. But considering the time a chapter pops out.... hmmmm....

Anywho, thanks for the update, my noble friends...
Well, that escalated quickly....
No shit Sherlock.
same author from the world god only knows and first published work... :D finished and not yet completely translated
this manga is already completed
it's just not completely scanned yet
So... what if it's not blood that dirtied her?
is this ongoing or are they just translating it late
I bet almost all people read this only because it is TWGOK's autor.

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