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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.51 - 43votes)


Alt Names: alt サヤビトalt 兵器少女
Author: Isaki Uta
Artist: Isaki Uta
Genres: Action ActionFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: This is a post-war world where human-shaped weapons called scabbards exists.

Cuifer and Livia are traveling government agents looking after the declining scabbard population, checking on their living condition, potential abuses and the worthiness of their masters.
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This is pretty good. 

It was really a good translation, very grateful if you can keep translating the manga.

Well, I have to say, bambam11 (or is it Wilfredo Yau Chan? I'm terrible at cursive fonts) , you're not half as bad as you say you are. A few of the bubbles were difficult to parse out, and your english translation could be less formal, but I think you could stand to be a little more confident in your work.
Oh, and you lost your bet, for I am that one person who read your wall o' text XD

I read the wall too. Lol I must agree the translations were good. Keep it up mate.

Well, I have to say, bambam11 (or is it Wilfredo Yau Chan? I'm terrible at cursive fonts) , you're not half as bad as you say you are. A few of the bubbles were difficult to parse out, and your english translation could be less formal, but I think you could stand to be a little more confident in your work.


Oh, and you lost your bet, for I am that one person who read your wall o' text XD

*facepalm* I forgot to mention why the changes (or maybe it was because of the lack of space... DAT WALL *-*)


The author uses ALL 3 forms of furigana. Sometimes as reading aid, there are made-up words (Toruen, Ado) and character thoughts like how the random-cruel(?)-arrogant-heartless-guy belittle the scabbard.


And if you backtrack Mixini Studios 1rst episode credit page you can read how he stated that he hates furigana and the reason is because of this.


Ado, Toruen, Pretitore, etc are all made-up words using kanji as some sort of illustration to portray the meaning.

Just saying. You can read the released chap 3 but only for the first 3-5 pages unless you are a "M". WIlfredo-san said so.

Wow, an update! Thanks!

Not to get anyone high hopes because I'm not fluent in neither Japanese nor in English, but I'm currently doing it (at a really slow pace)

Not bad. After reading towards the end I could understand what you are saying. Maybe you can find someone who would proofread, but it's readable XD Thanks for your work!

The omakes are important too - they're fun to read^^

I thought that was a damn good translation to say it was just done by you :D Please up the good work, I'd love to read even more chapters :3

Your english translation was great. A few words seemed out of place but that's all. Keep it up.

this isn't going to go anywhere any time soon, is it...

Not to get anyone high hopes because I'm not fluent in neither Japanese nor in English, but I'm currently doing it (at a really slow pace)

this isn't going to go anywhere any time soon, is it...

I agree "it reaches out to the otaku soul" too! :D
For anyone apprehensive after reading the synopsis, don't think "human-shaped weapons", but instead "living weapons" (they do not turn into actual weapons like in soul eater, but can manifest a certain weapon and are exceptional fighters).
Quality of the manga aside, I really think Mixini is responsible for bringing out the potential of this manga, and I'm very sad that he/she has discontinued work on it.

That said, I don't think there are enough stars to express how highly I think of this series. Factoring in all the changes it's experienced before it came to my eyes, including scanning and translation, it has an inexplicable unity. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

I hope that this is a short story with a masterful plot. I'm afraid that if the artist drags the series out it will become like every other long running series.
Someone scantalate this manga now. Posted Image
Someone scantalate this manga now. Posted Image
The 5 star ratings given to this manga isn't for show, this is actually pretty good. there's a little surprise to the introductory plot at the end of chapter 2, which makes it sort of worth reading. + expecting exploration into human thoughts, misdeeds, actions and those kind of stuff.
oh sure, you are all saying human weapons has been done before..... not like this, sure as hell that not like this. it's more like saying that the scabbard-human-weapon thing is like a plus to the story, but certainly not the core.
i read that this looks like shounen: please, read this again, this is nowhere shounen.
just 2 chapters and there is already a lot of things clear about the story, a loootttt, you just have to read it, and if you understand it you will see this is nowhere shounen, but, hey!, like everything this is one point of view.

try to see this as a mix of pretty good things with a pretty good point of view.
ok, this is it for my rumbling
This is a nice series. It's comfortable and easy to read. The story telling is well done and the humor was good. Overall, it is a quality manga.
The plot is rather predictable and the theme of a human weapon has been done to death. However, these aren't issues for me when I read this manga. This manga evokes a feeling of familiarity to me when I read it. Its presentation is done in such a way, that it reaches out to the otaku soul. The characters, plot and everything else has been done before, but for some reason, I can't help but like it. It just has this special something.

The fact that it becomes episodic makes me like this manga more. Often a great non-weekly series is help back by it's release schedule. By the time you read the next release, the last one is no longer fresh in your head. Also, the episodic format might work well for this manga. Having a self-contained short story might work very well as it could flesh out the characters, while creating a definite beginning and end to each chapter. Too many series rely on extreme cliff hangers. This format will hopefully mean this series won't have that problem.

This series shows promise. Let us hope it does not go downhill. Hopefully, it will continue to be scanlated.
"This is a post-war world where human-shaped weapons called scabbards exists[sic]."

WHEN will manga artists move past the human-shaped weapons thing? I mean, it was interesting the first few times...

Not a commentary on the manga itself, as I haven't read it. Just not expecting much of it.
FYI: From Episode 3 till… much later, the story is fairly episodic. In other words, each “episode” is its own self-contained short story. (…which sort of explains why they’re ~66 pages each.)
Ayreos: "Shounen" and "Seinen" are target demographics. If it's aimed at college-aged males, then it's seinen.

Seeing as there was a bit of nudity as well, it's not surprising.
It’s serialized in good! Afternoon, which is a seinen magazine.
Is this really seinen? The setting is pretty much straightforward shounen, but indeed the plot seems more composed than usual. That said it's pretty interesting and it shouldn't turn out to be the usual harem.

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