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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.69 - 42votes)

Sanjin Sadou

Alt Names: alt さんじんさどうalt 散人左道
Author: Mizukami Satoshi
Artist: Mizukami Satoshi
Genres: Comedy ComedySeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Fubuki, a man with silver hair and black eyebrows, is somewhat of an expert at taking care of people's monster problems, for a price of course. Yoru is a strange orphan girl who runs across one of his fights with a demon cat and insists on becoming his student. The two of them make an amazing team, whether they're fighting monsters or (as happens more often than Yoru would like) running from them!
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And that was pretty satisfying. Satoshi sure loves his blind curveball romances that are kinda predictable except you dont see it coming.

I love that Mizukami ending's are satisfying.

Still stands that EVERYTHING Mizukami-Sensei does is awesome :)

only dissapointment is that we never actually meet yoru's sister that we heard so much about... or even get a name for her

great epilogue, it actuallybrings closure.

My earlier comment still stands. Dang, but few writers and artists (and those who combine the duties) can make me laugh as much as Mizukami Satoshi. Not his best work but still damn good.

Woo! Thanks! Great series, really glad you took the effort to translate the ending notes, Duralumin!

Whoa! Thanks Duralumin! I've always wanted to read more of Mizukami Satoshi's work! :D

Good end, but I hoped he would contiue to be a badass with Kurogane.

oh my god! this made my morning

Wow, massive update.

Thanks a lot, good sir.

its over the end

Thanks a ton! Now reading this!

I wonder, is it complete now or still there are some chapters of the final vol 2 to the end?

its over the end

I wonder, is it complete now or still there are some chapters of the final vol 2 to the end?

Thanks a lot, Duralumin. You don't know how much a love your work... Just a bit less than Satoshi's work. 

Wow it updated! Thanks so much!


Edit: And it's uploaded until it's done as well! The ending was pretty cute- wish I could've seen more, but I guess not. Ah well, it's pretty good as long as it is right now.

The joy!

"Class is in session, you're fucked bro!"



It's alive! Thanks for the chapters Duralumin :D

Four more chapters?


So... very... happy.


EDIT: And now, having actually read the new chapters (and reread the first six because it's been forever), I can honestly say I haven't laughed that much in weeks now. Oh gods I love Mizukami Satoshi's work. He has such a great sense of humor.

People who has also read Sengoku Youko will probably notice that both Yoru and Jinka share a certain "condition", the fairy eye. Seems like the author likes to have common elements between his seemingly unrelated works.
wow, that last crime is really... petty.
I wonder where this is going.
I'd like more of this.

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