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* * * * * (4.6 - 132votes)

Sakura Discord

Alt Names: alt さくらDISCORDalt SAKURA六人行
Author: Masuda Eiji
Artist: Masuda Eiji
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Sakura Kousuke is a boy who strives to throw away a past mired in regret. He transfers to a new school for his second year of high school, believing it will give him a chance to come clean.

Unbeknownst to him, however, the appearance of five other "Sakura"s in his class will bring the past to his present, forcing him to come to terms with himself, his old friends, and a girl who, though being Kousuke's complete opposite, also knows him better than anyone else.

A coming-of-age story, both light-hearted and dramatic, by the author who would later give us "Jitsu wa Watashi wa".
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Yes. They lived happily ever after and had many troll babies.

Maybe their kid is a principal in a certain high school now.

Mebuki and Oka were the coolest til the end.


Yes. They lived happily ever after and had many troll babies.

Can I point out the irony that after people complained about the grins, we have a chapters that's figuratively ONLY grins? :D


Great ending, though I was hoping for a lightly more elaborate prologue.

Exactly what jitsu wa was missing. Thank you for the hard work.

good stuff, many thanks for the translation.

Mebuki and Oka were the coolest til the end.


OK good wrap up.

How is this compared to Jitsu wa Watashi wa, comedy and romance-wise


It's… less crazy? The style of comedy is quite different (though Masuda already liked his troll characters), and the romance is more serious, overall. It does have a few elements that are reused in Jitsu wa, but not nearly at the same scale. It's much more grounded. Whether you prefer Jitsu wa's insanity or SD's more subdued style is up to your tastes I guess. Try it and see for yourself. =3


Just be warned, there's a SHITLOAD of inner monologues in this series. Also, lots of huge grins and of close-ups on the mouth. And lots of gorgeous double pages.

How is this compared to Jitsu wa Watashi wa, comedy and romance-wise

Lyendith, are you planning to pick up any other series after you finish this?


Not right now, no. I work on way too many series already.

Lyendith, are you planning to pick up any other series after you finish this?

Am I the only one who wants to punch out the eyeballs of every character in this manga who makes a huge smug grin every 5 pages?

And the way the guys stand with their hands in their pockets is also so weird. It's as if they have a hunched back

Yes, you are the only one.


Can't say I don't understand where you're coming from, but this manga is a breath of fresh air for me after all the despair ones I read as well :)

Poor Shima gets shot down even when he doesn't confess…

Could be worse *looks at the other Shima*

Poor Shima gets shot down even when he doesn't confess…

Am I the only one who wants to punch out the eyeballs of every character in this manga who makes a huge smug grin every 5 pages?

And the way the guys stand with their hands in their pockets is also so weird. It's as if they have a hunched back.

Although I don't hate this manga, it is highly irritating to see this every few pages

Sakura used Kiss on Sakura! It's super effective! Foe Sakura fainted!

Is it bad that I like more haruka than nomiya for the Mc?


No it's not. Haruka and Mebuki are awesome. Actually I'd LOVE to see a series with that kind of female MC. I'm sure Masuda could do it − he just does that type so well.

Is it bad that I like more haruka than nomiya for the Mc?

Just mentioning I just deleted the "Harem" tag, because there isn't any.

@Lonewolf: Yup. =]


I've started to translate the last volume, the releases should start again soon. I'm gonna finish this thing, no matter what!


You're a fucking saint man ilu

@Lonewolf: Yup. =]


I've started to translate the last volume, the releases should start again soon. I'm gonna finish this thing, no matter what!

Anyone else notice the cameo of toumei ningen no tsukurikata on chapter 25 last couple of pages?

…Yeah, this is Shima's confession chapter, just after Jitsu wa 128 was released. That wasn't on purpose. I think.


I gotta admit, confessing your love while encouraging the girl you like to acknowledge her feelings for someone else takes some courage. It's quite interesting how all the main characters "compensate" for each other's weaknesses and insecurities in this series. One is helped, then helps someone else, and so on. Like a big, mutual therapy.


@Mako: That's not the first SD cameo in Jitsu wa, actually. :þ There were at least three or four before that (chap 100 for example).

just started reading this but...

at least in this version Oka did it XD ... and why they turned Shima into ... that



and obviously without knowing the endings of both mangas, but


sumiyoshi best girl, then turned into an alien and in both are they gonna lose to the airhead??!! 

…Yeah, this is Shima's confession chapter, just after Jitsu wa 128 was released. That wasn't on purpose. I think.


I gotta admit, confessing your love while encouraging the girl you like to acknowledge her feelings for someone else takes some courage. It's quite interesting how all the main characters "compensate" for each other's weaknesses and insecurities in this series. One is helped, then helps someone else, and so on. Like a big, mutual therapy.


@Mako: That's not the first SD cameo in Jitsu wa, actually. :þ There were at least three or four before that (chap 100 for example).

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