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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (3.67 - 3votes)

Princess Hanaka

Alt Names: alt プリンセス花花alt プリンセス花*花alt Princess Flower*Floweralt Purinsesu Hana * Hana
Author: Kayono
Artist: Kayono
Genres: Fantasy FantasyRomance RomanceShoujo ShoujoSmut SmutSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Hanaka has never been able to stay at a specific place for long because of her grandma’s crystal ball. After hearing the news that they’ll be packing their bags again, she cried herself to sleep. That night, she heard a sweet harmony and dreamed of sleeping in a flower bed. The next day, when she was on her way to say goodbye to her friend, a trio appeared and identified her as “Princess Hanaka.” They demanded for the Laga Star which she hasn’t a clue about. At the same time, a guy with silver hair and aquamarine eyes appeared confessing his love for her.
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It's very difficult to take a romance seriously when the guys are prettier and more feminine-looking than the female lead.


The artist is good at faces, I'll give her that. Pity the all the bodies were stiff, awkwardly-positioned, and bizarrely-proportioned (even for manga).

Wow. This is.... There aren't even words. I'm partway through chapter one and it's so bad it feels like a parody. Seriously. Everything happens so fast and all the character's reactions are so over exaggerated... xD The art's strange too. Bad in how disproportionate it is, but other than that, (basically, the facial expressions) not exactly bad and not exactly good. Just... Strange.

It's so horrifically awful it's funny. So far, (as of chapter one, page twenty-nine) it's actually recommended if you want a laugh and some strangely drawn kinda bishie-ish things. xD




Just finished reading. Wow. That was so, so, so awful. xD It was just so bad... xD Just... Wow. xD

Great artwork but...
If you're reading for the hot guys rather than the plot, you'll probably be pretty happy~

Couldn't agree more, Ozamu was the best choice. As you say about katsura, though i do think sometimes it can take someone making a move on a person for you to realise how much you love them.

I liked Ozamu and the princess was cute, the art was pretty good I think. The issue is Katsura, he just rubs me in the wrong way, those type always rub me in the wrong way. He suddenly hears she has a boyfriend, he sort off believes it, the next day he's with a girl... and then he comes back full of iron will saying he loves her? He rubbed me in the wrong way.
Not bad. I love the artwork!

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