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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4 - 7votes)

Poorman, Ark, Billionaire

Alt Names: alt 貧民、聖櫃、大富豪alt Hinmin, Seihitsu, Daifugou
Author: Takahashi Keitarou
Artist: Takahashi Keitarou
Genres: Action ActionFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Shiragaki Seiya, a high school student and the daughter of a mangaka, is anxious to become financially independent so as to relieve the burden on her single mother. One day while on the way to school, she has an encounter with "The Spirit of the Chest, Aurelia de Medici," and thereafter finds herself thrown headfirst into a no-holds-barred otherworldly battle revolving around money.
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Sweet, make more stuff author!

No this is totally like C Control, she even used the finances set aside for her future, which is a key part to C.

Fate/Stay Broke


How about Fate/the Money

Fate/Goldman Sachs

They should call this Fate/C or Fate/Control

How about Fate/the Money

Cool designs on the money, me likey! Waiting for more chapters to get a better grasp on the story Fate/Control indeed, hopefully it will get a tearjerker ending like both of them :))

Sure, it's similar to Fate/Stay Night with the spirits being famous figures from history but the mechanics of the fights (like bleeding money) is very much like C. In fact, when I first read the chapter I thought I was reading a sequel to C...the way that the MC finds out about the place is basically a rehashed version of episode 1 of the anime.

They should call this Fate/C or Fate/Control

>My mother is a manga artist so I'm used to this

Yeah... no, that's not how it works, at least think that you're dreaming until you get hurt or something.

Also that was a very abrupt ending

No, this is clearly a fate stay night wanabe, they just changed from the strongest heroes of old to richest people of old as servants,even the thing about the mc needig to also fight seems the same, the author just added more rules with the cards and the money


Sure, it's similar to Fate/Stay Night with the spirits being famous figures from history but the mechanics of the fights (like bleeding money) is very much like C. In fact, when I first read the chapter I thought I was reading a sequel to C...the way that the MC finds out about the place is basically a rehashed version of episode 1 of the anime.

Sooooo...it's this. Only with a female MC and semi-historical figures. Alright.

No, this is clearly a fate stay night wanabe, they just changed from the strongest heroes of old to richest people of old as servants,even the thing about the mc needig to also fight seems the same, the author just added more rules with the cards and the money

Sooooo...it's this. Only with a female MC and semi-historical figures. Alright.

I too felt a little confused, specifically with the fact she knew so much about gold coins from various ancient countries.  The story is rather interesting, but I think I'll shelve this one for now and come back in a few months to see how it has progressed.  This way I can read a few chapters in succession and get a better feel for it.

Okay. That was a thing alright. But it's confusing.

I knew it was Takahashi's art style the second I saw that girl in the back. Those eyes are identical to Nightingale's eyes.

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