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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4 - 7votes)

Plastic Girl (Furuya Usamaru)

Alt Names:
Author: Furuya Usamaru
Artist: Furuya Usamaru
Genres: Psychological PsychologicalSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: "My eyes were covered by Daddy so I wouldn't know the way. My mouth was gagged and my ears were plugged by Mommy so I would hear and speak no evil. Daddy forbade me from smiling so I wouldn't have dreams and hopes. Mommy spawned me...so I would bear all her sins."
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For some reason the art style reminded me of Shaun Tan's work (although his work is word-less)

Enjoyed the story. It reminds me of my childhood narratives and dreams but the artwork amplifies the effect. 9001/10

I actually accidentally came across this when searching for an initiation page for Plastic Memories (no releases made yet) so I could follow it.

Here's an excerpt from an interview with Furuya Usamaru where he tells some background about Plastic Girl:

You’re what — 32? Once you get around 40, you really get just… sick and tired of it. (laugh)


Asano: Physically, you mean?


Furuya: Physically too, but also you start to wonder why you’re still just doing the same old thing, drawing the same face again and again and all that. You enter this stage where it all just feels like a chore. I’m not sure exactly how I got over it, but basically the key is to start trying new things and finding ways to have fun with the work, because otherwise you’ll eventually just snap, mentally.


Asano: You do have to shake things up to some degree, to keep yourself from becoming bored.


Furuya: That’s it. For example, when I was about your age, I got a request to do a two-color-page thing for the magazine Studio Voice, and I decided I wanted to try some carpentry work, so I made manga out of stuff like stained glass and stone. Whereas normally you make panels by simply drawing lines on the paper, all of a sudden they became most of the work. I had to spend two or three days just on preparation: I would go to the craft store, browse through the different supplies they have, then maybe I’d decide to draw on tiles that day, so I’d go and harden them together with mortar.


Asano: It’s like starting with the physical creation of the paper to draw on. (laugh)


Furuya: I have to do things like that in order to keep myself interested. I made it so that I actually had to get up and move to make my manga.



All those "joys" you feel when growing up.......um........

Well.  That was either written/drawn by a tortured soul dreaming of suicide, or by a total poser trying to be all twisted and angsty and dark-artistic (possibly both).  I have no way of knowing which.

I'm thoroughly lost. 

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