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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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* * * * - (4.38 - 29votes)

Pine in the Flower Garden

Alt Names: alt 꽃밭에솔alt Sol in the Field of Flowers
Author: 209
Artist: 209
Genres: Comedy ComedySchool Life School LifeWebtoon Webtoon[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: ====Batoto Staff Notice====
This comic has been requested to be taken down by Naver. Do not upload, for any language.
This record has been left here to serve as a notice.
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Well, with a 3-chapter blitz by Evil Flowers, we suddenly have a nicely wrapped-up arc, complete with fuzzy warmness.



The only thing I wonder is, why Evil Flowers never scanlated Aku no Hana.  I mean, it's so obviously theirs, right?


This is a super ultra late response (just a year late, not too bad 8D), but...

Actually, Evil Flowers scanlation isn't named after Aku no Hana by Oshimi Shuzo. EF was founded slightly before that manga was first published. =p

I can never remember which it is, but if I recall correctly, we're either named after this https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=6356and/or this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Fleurs_du_mal (which is what both the Japanese Flowers of Evil manga and the Korean Flowers of Evil manhwa are named for, actually =p). Though I think it may have been more just our founder read one or both of those and liked the name moreso than actually directly naming us after them. ^^" (It is a nice name, after all. XD)

Can't remember what was happening before, guess I'll just go back and re-read a couple of . . . 

Goddamn DMCA.

OCD upperclassmen takes all loose ends and TERMINATES them.


Even the plot itself is not safe.

Thanks evil scans!!!

This should be much popular than it is....

Well, with a 3-chapter blitz by Evil Flowers, we suddenly have a nicely wrapped-up arc, complete with fuzzy warmness.



The only thing I wonder is, why Evil Flowers never scanlated Aku no Hana.  I mean, it's so obviously theirs, right?

Late but if you're still wondering about this the girl is from another project we did called Crush on You. We have a lot of the credit pages that comes from that one manga (I guess the person making recruitment pages was obsessed with it hahaaha xD)


Ah thanks, I appreciate it. And don't worry, you were fashionably late.

Yahoo! updates! Thanks evil flowers!


On a side note, what was that manhwa(or manga) that had a girl with pointy teeth? she shows up in several credits, but one of her has rather sharp looking teeth in one expression. It bugs me so much, that I'm going to have to go on a quest to find that manhwa.

Late but if you're still wondering about this the girl is from another project we did called Crush on You. We have a lot of the credit pages that comes from that one manga (I guess the person making recruitment pages was obsessed with it hahaaha xD)

thanks for the update! i love this sooo much!!!!

Yahoo! updates! Thanks evil flowers!


On a side note, what was that manhwa(or manga) that had a girl with pointy teeth? she shows up in several credits, but one of her has rather sharp looking teeth in one expression. It bugs me so much, that I'm going to have to go on a quest to find that manhwa. And I'd rather not go on a quest in spring, what with being allergic to EVERY SINGLE TYPE OF GRASS. Except the funny/unqiue ones, like bamboo. I can handle bamboo.

gotta love the reactions on manhwas :D

stupid teacher.

There's so many vague hints of "maybe there's something between these two" between all of these characters that I can't help but speculate and it's driving me nuts. I really hope we learn something concrete soon.


yeah, there's a lot going on. but it looks like all the stories will come together in the end, and we'll end up with an understanding of what was really happening.
OK, I just read ch 23 and I am increasingly coming to the realization that I have no idea what is going on in this webcomic.
I mean, I know the MC is scared of flowers and may be gradually taking a step or two towards overcoming that. But that's like 1/4 of what's going on, and basically all the rest of it I'm like "What? Who? Wha? Why? Huh?"
Thank you EvilFlowers for the newest release!!! ^_^ I hope this new step Eunsol takes plantig those seeds helps him to overcome his trauma :)
yeah, 3 yrs of hs, since he lives in korea. but it seems he didn't consider the possibility of meeting flowers in other places too. what about college or work?
    • Jae likes this
3 yrs of HS?
Thanks, Glaring_Mistake. Clearly I need to go back and brush up on my Greek mythology--I should have known that.
sibkid--way ahead of you, old bean.
Does anyone else find it ironic that the Evil FLOWERS group is so nice as to provide us with a webcomic about a guy who is deathly afraid of flowers?
@Purple Library Guy
It is a reference to greek mythology.
King Midas was cursed by Apollo who gave him the ears of a donkey for favoring Pan in a music contest.
Of course Midas kept his donkey ears a secret.
But,he could not exactly conceal them from his barber.

The barber knew he could not speak a word of this to anyone but felt that he had to say it.
So he went out on a meadow,dug a hole and whispered into it.
Then he filled the hole and felt content.

But some reeds grew in that meadow,that would whisper "King Midas has a donkey's ears".

So Eun-Sol is the barber and the bamboo trees the reeds.

Having a bit of an interest in greek mythology I really enjoyed that reference.

And I also reacted to the fact that Evil Flowers are scanlating this.
Kings have donkey ears??
I love this so much.

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