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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.5 - 22votes)

Pan de Peace!

Alt Names: alt パンでPeace!
Author: Emily
Artist: Emily
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyCooking CookingSchool Life School LifeSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Minami-chan is a high school student starting today. Her perfect day begins with eating her favorite bread for breakfast! ☆
With her "bread friend" classmates, every day is enjoyable.
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i want a bread-friend ~

Everything that's not Yakitate Japan doesn't deserve to have bread/pan in its title!!!




So you've joined the Titan den it seems. Have fun eating human flesh, I still prefer real bread.

By the way, the Japanese don't know real bread, so why make something about bread? The only bread you can buy outside from country-themed special stores is toast bread anyway.

Es verletzt meine deutsche Seele aufs tiefste zu sehen, wie das kulturelle Erbe meines Landes mit so einem Schund in den Schmutz gezogen wird!!!


It is kind of condescending to believe that Germany is the only country with good bread. Of course there is great bread in Germany and I am happy about it (since I live there), but other countries have their own bread culture that is just as valueable. In Europe, french and italien bread come to mind. But there is also great bread in Asia.

For example in Japan there is melon bread (only looks like melon), anpan (filled with red bean paste), curry bread or shokupan. In China, you have mantou and baozi. In India there is naan (and lots of other breads I don't even know the names of). 


So, all in all, just because something is not Schwarzbrot does not mean it is not good bread. 

A diet consisting mainly of grains, especially bread, often leads to an overall deterioration of health. The lack of variety and other essential nutrients, coupled with the immense proportion of sugars, becomes too much for the body to handle; in fact, such diets have been linked to numerous health conditions like cancer, obesity, diabetes, and increased risk of heart failure. And yet, as it is relatively cheap and easy to produce in enormous quantities, bread is one of the more exploited foods, eaten as a staple worldwide. Unfortunately, with the increasing amounts of added sugars for taste, as well as the increasing rate at which it is consumed, this wondrous form of sustenance that had once been a key factor to the development of humans as a species, is now slowly contributing to our inevitable decadence.


So, yeah. Bread is peace...

When their closed fist is smaller than their eyes. That's where I draw the line.



... Learned a lot of about bread.... Precious time with friends is it?

fun fact: emily is a hentai artist.
Wait...Didn't Emily make Creamy Pie?

Sudden bread update mmm...~!


Thanks Pan-Paca-Pan mmm...~!


Fuyumi and Noa are sisters? The last thing I checked (from ch1) they have different family names. Could it be that they are step-sisters or cousins? Or is it just Minami's misunderstanding?




Well...I kinda liked ch 2...let's give it a try, shall we? Followed. :)

A baguette?  That's not a weapon.  Dwarf bread, that's a weapon.

Don't forget dwarven muffins used as projectile weapons and croissants used as boomerangs.

A baguette?  That's not a weapon.  Dwarf bread, that's a weapon.

Everything that's not Yakitate Japan doesn't deserve to have bread/pan in its title!!!




So you've joined the Titan den it seems. Have fun eating human flesh, I still prefer real bread.

By the way, the Japanese don't know real bread, so why make something about bread? The only bread you can buy outside from country-themed special stores is toast bread anyway.

Es verletzt meine deutsche Seele aufs tiefste zu sehen, wie das kulturelle Erbe meines Landes mit so einem Schund in den Schmutz gezogen wird!!!

Easy son, most of us are manga fanatic not bread fanatic mmm...

Bread is the new path to the yuri paradise!

bread is love, bread is life 



watch out we got a badass overhere

Everything that's not Yakitate Japan doesn't deserve to have bread/pan in its title!!!




Bread with a bit of Yuri jam. Followed.


Also, there is an anime coming already:



So you've joined the Titan den it seems. Have fun eating human flesh, I still prefer real bread.

By the way, the Japanese don't know real bread, so why make something about bread? The only bread you can buy outside from country-themed special stores is toast bread anyway.

Es verletzt meine deutsche Seele aufs tiefste zu sehen, wie das kulturelle Erbe meines Landes mit so einem Schund in den Schmutz gezogen wird!!!

Bread, Cute Girls, Shoujo Ai, definitely the perfect recipe to satisfy a hungry soul mmm...

Hmm...I dunno...well, let's give it a few more chapters. I happen to be a bit of a "bread fiend" myself and all, but...well, we'll see. :)

Bread with a bit of Yuri jam. Followed.


Also, there is an anime coming already:




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