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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.17 - 6votes)

Omamori no Kamisama

Alt Names: alt おまもりのかみさまalt Omamori no Kami-sama
Author: Kosugi Mayu
Artist: Kosugi Mayu
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceShoujo ShoujoSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Iwakura Matsuri is a shrine maiden at her family’s temple, the Iwakura Shrine, where day after day she creates Omamori after Omamori, each one reputed to be uncommonly potent when it comes to fulfilling their possessors’ wishes… A fact that she doesn’t buy into one bit. But imagine her surprise when one day a small boy suddenly emerges from her own omamori which her mother left her before she died! His name is Mimori, and he claims to be one of the gods who dwell inside each and every omamori…
Together, Matsuri and Mimori learn more about love, devotion, friendship, and each other as they encounter more Omamori in their everyday lives.
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Yeah, um, the ending was... Well, you can kinda see the bittersweet part coming from pretty early on. The type of foreshadowing where it's not so much subtle hints building up a vague sense of the inevitable, as it is multiple characters literally saying "this is what's going to happen, it is going to be quite sad". It's not to everyone's tastes, and I can see how some readers might not like it. On the other hand, the ending turned out to be genuinely rather bad for completely different reasons. It spends all its energy on a good (though slightly rushed) finale, and then runs out of pages before it can actually tie anything up.

And really, the last chapter kind of wastes a lot of time on a shockingly meaningless scene where characters hem and haw and hesitate for several pages, before finally deciding on vanilla instead of raspberry ripple. Like, the scene was all set up as if someone was going to swing in with mint choc chip or some kind of double-cone, but no, they just go with ordinary classic vanilla, and everyone's okay with it. There's no point to it at all. If the author had cut out even half of that pointless debate, it might have been different. If the epilogue had been given just one more page, maybe it would've made me go "Aw..." instead of "Eh? What?" Oh well.
The ending was a bit bittersweet, but the story was still satisfying.
This was pretty good except I didn't like the ending.

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