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* * * - - (3.29 - 14votes)

Norn 9 - Norn + Nonet

Alt Names: alt Norn 9 Norun + Nonetalt Norn 9 Norun + Nonettoalt NORN9alt NORN9 ノルン+ノネット
Author: Akatsuki Kaori
Artist: Akatsuki Kaori
Genres: Adventure AdventureFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The story takes place a little in the future. Guided by one particular song, young elementary-schooler Suzuhara Sorata, from the Heisei Era, is warped through a time skip to an unfamiliar place that looks much like the towns from the Meiji or Taishou period from his textbooks. In this world, he meets three young ladies and nine young men and joins them on a journey aboard the mysterious Norn ship, a giant globe that floats in midair. (Source wiki)
adapted from the visual novel

From Café Scanlation:
Koharu, a lonely girl who went aboard a ship called Norn. She later becomes a pair with a boy called Kakeru. Based off of an Otome game with the help of Akatsuki Kaoru, this adventure filled with new meetings and secrets ultimately leads to--?
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That was incredibly stupid.



But at least it's finally finished :D


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Good news!! Norn9 TV Anime finally opens their website and official Twitter account, so that means the adaption should be coming soon! More info: here

The description has nothing to do with this story so far, and that's unfortunate because this is seriously boring. I wonder if Cafe is going to drop it?


Nope! We don't plan on dropping it at all :) There's two more chapters left until it's completed and I finally updated the description LOL. Enjoy~

The description has nothing to do with this story so far, and that's unfortunate because this is seriously boring. I wonder if Cafe is going to drop it?

I came here for a time travelling child, not for a girl going through puberty whining how she can use fucking flamethrower and how people will hate her for it.


Time Travelling kid > Complainy girl who uses flamethrower


We all know this is true.

Can't wait for the game (translated version) to be released ;w;

'm really confused. It's going at a fast pace, but the ideas aren't conveyed in detail. I thought it was going to center around Sorata (based on the description) but it doesn't seem like that at all? Sorata was only mentioned briefly. What is this? O.o

I think that's the summary for the game version but not necessarily this manga.

I'm really confused. It's going at a fast pace, but the ideas aren't conveyed in detail. I thought it was going to center around Sorata (based on the description) but it doesn't seem like that at all? Sorata was only mentioned briefly. What is this? O.o

Someone just give me a spoiler of the ending

I have no Idea what's going on in this manga. What does this ship their all riding in look like? What's the point of having Sorata in the story? I was hoping that chapter one would elaborate on the prologue introduce Sorata as a time traveller meeting the Koharu, and them meeting the other ability users. I know it's only the first chapter, and I'll keep reading to see if the story develops a bit better, but Sorata seems to be nothing more than a filler character at this point in the story.

wait... what?

gonna follow it till at least chapter 2 b4 i start reading it since it does sound a tiny bit interesting.

Isn't the description kind of off?

It is a prologue, so what it says in the description and what we read maybe different. Hopefully Chapter one will be closer to what's in the description.

Isn't the description kind of off?

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