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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.39 - 18votes)

Nekojiru Udon

Alt Names: alt Cat Soup
Author: Nekojiru
Artist: Nekojiru
Genres: Comedy ComedySeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Short stories about two anthropomorphic white cats who have no respect and are just plain cruel. Dark humor warning.
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The diety that leads Nyako away is most likely Yama, the Lord of Death, since it looks so much like him. It would make sense, considering Nekojiru's affiliation with Hinduism and India. It would also explain the reincarnation into a flower idea. I believe, perhaps, she might be referencing her first attempt at suicide, but I am only speculating.


Thank you for the translations! It is very much appreciated.

thanks ↀωↀ

Kids can be so cruel. 

    • Cal likes this
A band I listen uses this for a music video. Here's the video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LAQDcnwwspQ

Yep, this is very fucked up, thanks Habanero scans for reliving this creepy stuff mmm...

Btw, with this kind of story no wonder the mangaka killed herself, there must be something loose in her head mmm...


Btw, is starting from the 10th chapter (or 11th?) this manga is already drawn by the husband of the original  mangaka after her death mmm...~?

Scanlations sometime soon.

Wacky manga XD

Well, that was kinda depressing.

So dark. And the authors suicide makes it even creepier.


Well, I for one am flabbergasted that the author killed herself.

Holy... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nekojiru

Well, I for one am flabbergasted that the author killed herself.

WTF!    <3    WTF!    <3      WTF!     <3    WTF!   < 3


....weird comment..... like this manga...


I'll get addicted to this!

this manga.............. too op

o_o Hmmmm......Interesting....

I like this already.

Don't really get it, but *follow* for future chapters @_@
C'mon, how can you resist a cat manga?

Ahaha, oh wow. Didn't know there was a manga version of this. Anyone interested should check out the anime movie. It's really, really random, though.

?_? what is going on... but followed

Haha, followed. R. Kelly's sheets.

I'm scared

Piss. Piss's Piss is Piss. XD


First song, best song.

Whoa what.

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