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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.64 - 55votes)

My First Planet

Alt Names: alt はじめての星栽alt Hajimete no Seisai
Author: Takahashi Hirona
Artist: Takahashi Hirona
Genres: Fantasy FantasyOneshot OneshotSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Oneshot from Harta 32 (March 2016).
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It had a measure of cleverness to it, and a good dose of stupidity in it's 10 pages too. Overall, very forgettable.

Ok, I am getting the feeling japanese think spring is their invention.

Like in saying that "there are four seasons in Japan" - or somethig - and for some reason they treat it literally.

So this is parallel universe where witches taking care of planets which effects other worlds?

As a kid, I used to take father's planet outside to play soccer with it. 

Now I get why he got so angry at me for doing that.

Well if this was her first planet I hope the other ones didn't get such punishments lol

Makes more sense to me than some being called "god".


"Why did this [insert random natural disaster] happen?"

"Because it was god's plan!"

"What? That doesn't make any sense!"


But know we know. It's all the fault of an overbearing young witch.


One could argue that, relatively speaking, the witch effectively IS an unknowable, ineffable and uncaring deity to the humans in the story. 

A Young Witch as God, best God ever even if she's a bit crazy doting about it. This is totally how God should be, a cute girl, and not a crazy long bearded old man.


PS: what the hell's a Fertilizer for Planets for anyways?

I get the Spring, Rain, but lumps of dirt/rock...


I think she got that from the wrong shop for Planet care... she got the newbie pack for not-yet developed Planets.


And yes, how is it still alive when it got hit by rocks the size of Japan?... studies show that should have made tidal waves so high, it should have covered at least 25% of the entire continents in water. (and all islands)

Well..that is interesting way to take care of your pet and its parasite! 

Very fun manga.

This reminds me somewhat of Discworld.

One of the best oneshots this year (~‾▿‾)~

And then earth was cured of humans.

That was awesome!

Well... I need moar!!!

i'm surprised humanity didn't become extinct from that barrage of nutritious asteroids

Oh my goddess, rain down your love. My body is ready.

It's the thought that counts... right?

Makes more sense to me than some being called "god".


"Why did this [insert random natural disaster] happen?"

"Because it was god's plan!"

"What? That doesn't make any sense!"


But know we know. It's all the fault of an overbearing young witch.

My friends did you got some enlightment from the one who called himself god??

She tried, at least she called the doctor

This manga in a nutshell:



Well, she tried.



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