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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.77 - 31votes)

Mustard Chocolate

Alt Names: alt マスタード・チョコレート
Author: Fuyukawa Tomoko
Artist: Fuyukawa Tomoko
Genres: Award Winning Award WinningRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Tsugumi Rinko can’t wait to escape the tedium of high school for the challenges and rewards that accompany life at a fine arts college. She only has two problems: 1) She has few social skills and fewer friends. 2) With less than nine months remaining before her crucial admissions test, she has no practical art experience.

Winner of 2011 New Face Award at 2011 Japan Media Arts Festival Awards.

FYI: No demographic should be listed. Originally serialized in-app and NOT in a magazine of any type.
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This was ok on the friendship side. Not a fan of the romance as I feel both sides seemed forced.

They honestly seem better off as just friends, or maybe really really slowly develop feelings for one another. Because both of them are the type that opens up slowly to people, esp when it comes to love.

Why would sensei like her and vice versa? It just makes no sense why either side would magically sprout feelings for one another. Their personalities and interactions dont click at all.

Imo the reasons or lack of reason doesn't translate well from conception to manga.

The last fourth of the story feels rushed compared to the slow beginning.

It's scary realistic how the best of friends can turn on each other when romance comes into play.

That was satisfying.  Thanks One Snowshoe!

Thanks for the work scanlating this, I enjoyed it a lot.

Goes to show that good storytelling is good enough even for a manga. 

Heeey, ending on a cliffhanger is not fair.

Culmination is near, I can feel it!

Life ♪ nananana~
Life is life ♫ nanananana~
Simple, random no-events adding to each other... I really enjoy this series' atmosphere - far from the overdramatic clichés. The writing is so meticulous - yet feels very spontaneous, by little touches. Really, quite the amazing peculiarity.
Thanks for TL !
When we all get the power ♪
We all give the best ♫~~

Good stuff.

>One-man band

I mean, does that even count as a "band"?


We haven't seen him play but it makes me think of his performances are something like this

>One-man band

I mean, does that even count as a "band"?

well, maybe it's like a band formed and created by one person but during live performances using an additional players. example: Bon Iver, Beirut and Wild Nothing ( try listen to them, they're good :D )

>One-man band

I mean, does that even count as a "band"?

Your link . . . maybe I'm missing something about the ingredients there but nope, no cringe.


I'd hazard a guess that it's deliberately supposed to be a bit...unusual, like Rinko herself.

@Purple Library Guy




Regarding this series, the plot is insanely simple.  No plot twists.  Nothing zany.  Just a really simple, well-told story.  Probably not most people's cup of tea, I think.  Heh. 

I like both mustard and chocolate, but chocolate combined with mustard....hm... that's a unusual taste.

Agreed that I wouldn't much enjoy a mustard truffle, but I've actually scarfed down several different combinations of Mustard and Chocolate already. 


You can toss dark chocolate and mustard seed into a savory sauce for pot roast or some slow-braised lamb for a delicious meal.  (Try it this winter.) 


A local brewery, Big Ditch Brewery, has done chocolate porters with both mustard and jalapeno.  The jalapeno one also had a cream element to it.  Delicious. 


I've also had cakes, cupcakes, and other confections with chocolate-mustard, chocolate-habanero, chocolate-jalapeno, chocolate-chili, and other spice-infused chocolate sauces.  (Naturally, I'm not talking about a ganache but a dry bundt cake, say, or crumble where the sauce adds that missing element.) 


A little bit of hate goes really well with chocolate. 


Granted also that I'm talking about the high quality stuff, not, say, French's, which is so sugary, and sweet, and yucky.  >.<

I've had my share of chocolates with chili flavour, since it's all fashionable now, along with various other cochonneries.  I don't hold with it.  I can live with the chili flavoured ones although I really find myself feeling that it's not something being done because the flavour would be good, but rather novelty for its own sake that people work to try to convince themselves tastes good because it's cool.  Some of the other "innovative" spicy flavours are just rancid.  I have had a couple of chocolates flavoured with bacon that were surprisingly good, but generally when it comes to chocolates I'm a traditionalist:  Chocolate goes with booze, with many but not all fruits, with coffee, with mint, et cetera--the good old flavourings.  New pairings should be adopted hesitantly, carefully, with some respect.


But mustard . . . chocolate used as a savoury is a bit different; I can see in that pot roast or lamb, yeah, with a very dark chocolate.  Generally, though, it's high on my list of "spices that would be an especially bad match for chocolate"--although to be honest, I'm not a huge mustard fan to start with.  I don't even put mustard on my Montreal smoked beef bagel.

Meanwhile, there's a manga.  Not bad so far, I'm willing to stick around to see where it goes.

Your link . . . maybe I'm missing something about the ingredients there but nope, no cringe.

I think maybe you don't quite take seriously enough the bittersweet glory that is chocolate, and so you don't have the proper reaction when sacrilege is done unto it.  Mustard . . . shudder.


Agreed that I wouldn't much enjoy a mustard truffle, but I've actually scarfed down several different combinations of Mustard and Chocolate already. 


You can toss dark chocolate and mustard seed into a savory sauce for pot roast or some slow-braised lamb for a delicious meal.  (Try it this winter.) 


A local brewery, Big Ditch Brewery, has done chocolate porters with both mustard and jalapeno.  The jalapeno one also had a cream element to it.  Delicious. 


I've also had cakes, cupcakes, and other confections with chocolate-mustard, chocolate-habanero, chocolate-jalapeno, chocolate-chili, and other spice-infused chocolate sauces.  (Naturally, I'm not talking about a ganache but a dry bundt cake, say, or crumble where the sauce adds that missing element.) 


A little bit of hate goes really well with chocolate. 


Granted also that I'm talking about the high quality stuff, not, say, French's, which is so sugary, and sweet, and yucky.  >.<

Your link . . . maybe I'm missing something about the ingredients there but nope, no cringe.

I think maybe you don't quite take seriously enough the bittersweet glory that is chocolate, and so you don't have the proper reaction when sacrilege is done unto it.  Mustard . . . shudder.

Was I the only one who saw the title and went, "Eeeewwww!!!"

come on Purple Library Guy-san, this is japan. you wanna cringe more? :D click please http://rocketnews24.com/2014/02/06/411096/

well, personally it is been ages since I was amazed by the title of a manga. nothing can surprise me anymore.


edit: the link to the webpage had a honey mustard and chocolate sauce hamburger on it :P

Was I the only one who saw the title and went, "Eeeewwww!!!"

Hrm ... kinda boring so far. But I guess that’s Slice of Life for ya.

ooooh!!! I was soo waiting for this manga since I saw the raws on a certain blog :D thanks soo much :D

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